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Mortal Kombat Mafia: TOWN WINS. KSJ/Counselor lose. Malf is still crying.

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20 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

Afternoon all.  I have read up on nothing so far, did I miss anything good?

You miss a lot 

Whicker claimed you are a insane tracker, no idea how he thinks that 

Mwil proved I was right about mission and that he visited me n1, not like the liar dome was spouting off

I claimed to be a back up and got bcb role

Dome cc me but and said he killed naz that has no writeup and came before the lynch 

Blue admitted he wrote the writeup and blew up my gambit of claiming backup (vig) and trying to draw a hit 

I'm being lynched bc of no reason 

Oh and a mod called me out again bc apparently "full of ****" (meaning full of lies is a big rule breaker now and warrants an intervention and public shaming)

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2 minutes ago, HoboRocket said:

Being the back-up/even-night vig? He CC'd Rick with that, right?

No, he explicitly did NOT claim to be backup. He said he got bcb's ability on D2 and used it on N2. I don't think he's even said whether he gets to keep the ability for the rest of the game.

1 minute ago, Whicker said:

So I’d like to know what you think. Because if you think this then a CC means nothing 

Not sure what you mean, I just don't believe that a bastard tracker role makes any sense.

Just now, Ragnarok said:

I'm the odd night tracker.  Mission just claimed to be a tracker so I didn't believe him.  If he had said even night tracker, I might have believed that.

But a regular tracker and odd night tracker?  

This changes things, though.

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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

Blue admitted he wrote the writeup and blew up my gambit of claiming backup (vig) and trying to draw a hit 

I'm being lynched bc of no reason

You're being lynched because you got caught in three different lies and have refused to give us any real information about your role.

You were never going to draw a hit. You were going to be lynched.

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Well it’s pretty simple to explain 

Mission flipped town tracker

Rags was confirmed town by the dead town cop and CCd Tracker

Mission has verified results 

Two normal trackers in the game seems weird. 

So Rags seems likely to be insane tracker 

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

Dome cc me but and said he killed naz that has no writeup and came before the lynch 

It seems like you have an issue with the host, not me.

maybe this is where you’re getting your wires crossed 


Answer this one: why would I claim to have hit naz, knowing there was no write up and knowing the really killer could CC me?

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8 minutes ago, HoboRocket said:


See, guys? I'm contributing. I'm getting better at mafia. I even made a correct observation about Pickle's metagame.

That said, I don't have much to offer elsewhere in threadplay. I DO have night moves, but I'm


Why say “gambit” there specifically and then requote yourself when I merely said in passing you weren’t contributing? That seems forced.

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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

What deal?  

Lie detector deal... I was gonna let you use a 1-shot lie detector (guaranteed by me leaving for 3 months if I lied about the result) but matts wasn’t a fan so I deleted it


now you can do the same thing but only a lifetime of ridicule (if I lie) is on the line instead 


so it’s not so much a deal any more as much as it is me openly calling you out to prove I lied and prove you know what I lied about 

now is your chance 

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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

Getting bcb role ending naz 


I probably should have mentioned that Matts asked if I wanted to include the previous Day's lynch info in my altered writeup and I said yes.

So your assumption that Nazgul was modkilled is literally based on nothing.

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