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Mortal Kombat Mafia: TOWN WINS. KSJ/Counselor lose. Malf is still crying.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Either matts handled Naz and the thread entirely differently than Hobo, who he somehow missed despite him being situated between several other people who all received roles, or Hobo lied.


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14 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I get that. However, it’s tough in a game that revolves around manipulating, lying, and using others to that end while trying to sort through it all and work together to have that philosophy.

I don’t fault that at all, but that’s not everyone’s/can’t be, so applying your metric to everyone else is unreasonable. 

You're right. It's hard to be honest ik this sort of game, but I've done fairly well so far (this is my third game, and my only false statement so far has been when I claimed my fake claim instantly, and I was told to do that :| ). Luckily, I haven't been scum yet, so being honest is easier than it COULD be in a game about lying, cheating, and manipulating your way to victory. 

I don't expect ANYONE else to be honest. Especially @The Orca. (Also a joke, I accidentally lynched him and basically lost us the game by doing so during Houston COVID mafia).

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Just now, HoboRocket said:

You're right. It's hard to be honest ik this sort of game, but I've done fairly well so far (this is my third game, and my only false statement so far has been when I claimed my fake claim instantly, and I was told to do that :| ). Luckily, I haven't been scum yet, so being honest is easier than it COULD be in a game about lying, cheating, and manipulating your way to victory. 

I don't expect ANYONE else to be honest. Especially @The Orca. (Also a joke, I accidentally lynched him and basically lost us the game by doing so during Houston COVID mafia).

I played straight up/honest for a while...and after getting lynched D1 a handful of times, I severely autocorrected. I’m making a legitimate attempt to play things more straight up, while keeping things a little closer to the vest until it suits me to reveal them. That’s just me though. :)

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3 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Seems like a weird thing to decide to lie about though. It’s not like you could keep it up for any length of time and it takes an exact idiot like me to even consider it an lolclear so idk

I remember Touch lied about receiving/not receiving a role one game...I think it was WH Mafia.

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