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Splash Shields: Pandemic Helmet Guards


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The rate of infection doing outdoor activities like biking or running is almost zero. So long as this stops guys from having spit and sweat hit each other in the face, this should be adequate, right up until somebody takes their helmet off and touches their face with the gloves that were just on the sweaty bicep of the man they were blocking.

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4 hours ago, RamblinMan99 said:

Yeah because there are so many of those kinds of plays that happen in a game


wtf kind of argument even is this lmao

facemask plays are dangerous and a bad thing. getting rid of them is good. clown.

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On 6/7/2020 at 7:07 PM, SpacemanSpiff said:

I would imagine there is some sort of fog proof tech in this but I could be wrong 

I wish there was something we regular folks could apply to our glasses.  I can't wear mine while wearing a mask.  :/

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On 6/9/2020 at 5:46 PM, TXsteeler said:



This is essentially the type of mask that the majority of American's have been wearing. Cloth material that will not filter out viruses but will stop water droplets from transferring person to person.

If the NFL wants to go with some sort of splash guard tech, they certainly can, but some form of masks will also be required.

I dont fancy wearing that in Sep while running my *** around the stadium

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6 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

How does wearing a cloth face mask increase the rate of transfer of water droplets from a person's mouth to the area around them?

It absolutely doesn't. the arguments against wearing a mask are frankly ridiculous. People should live by one rule: don't be an a** hole, and that is exactly what wearing a mask represents. Is it a perfect prevention system? No, but it shows that you at least took 3 seconds to think about your fellow man. It honestly baffles me that this is even an issue - they don't affect your breathing significantly (surgeons wear masks for hours on end and you don't see them passing out due to oxygen deprivation), and not wearing one is just broadcasting to the world that you are selfish. While everyone has the right to do what they want when it comes to their own personal health, not wearing a mask is taking that freedom away from other people. This whole not wearing a mask frenzy is just yet another example of how american exceptionalism is a ridiculous pipe dream

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1 minute ago, Deadpulse said:

You quoted me about the WRONG material. Cloths masks absolutely help. The coldgear from underarmour that is designed to be breathable is NOT correct. 

they still prevent SOME droplets from going out into the air, that makes a difference even if it's not as significant as a cloth mask. It also comes down to optics - at least wearing something shows that you took a second to think about someone other than yourself

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6 minutes ago, ScoDucks823 said:

they still prevent SOME droplets from going out into the air, that makes a difference even if it's not as significant as a cloth mask. It also comes down to optics - at least wearing something shows that you took a second to think about someone other than yourself

optics aside, those face coverings that players used to use push moisture OUT. It is literally designed to do the opposite of what a cloth mask is supposed to do. 

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4 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

optics aside, those face coverings that players used to use push moisture OUT. It is literally designed to do the opposite of what a cloth mask is supposed to do. 

I didn't realize that those types of balaclavas were special material, makes  sense though. Regardless, all the material is doing is wicking moisture from the inside to the outside, from there, it gets  evaporated. This still stops water droplets from traveling out of one persons mouth and into another person's 3 feet away.

They would certainly be hard to wear in the summer months, although they could be adjusted to just cover the mouth and nose, but it ultimately doesn't matter, no way they do a season this year.

Although thinking about this makes me curious if small oxygen packs could be designed to fit into a players pads, maybe something that can fit in the chest pad area so that players aren't at risk of breathing in the virus at all. I don't know enough about oxygen tanks or how much an nfl player would need, and I'm sure if it could be done it would probably be extremely expensive to the point of not being worth doing, but i am curious what it would look like.

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