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Dumb and fairly off topic question. Is MAF likely to make the HoF? What if the VGK win the cup this year?

I don't know the standards to make the Hockey Hall of Fame like I do the other sports so this may be completely ridiculous. Probably is if they have the standards of football or baseball but not if it is more like basketball.

3 Stanley cups (I don't know how much to argue these last 2. Didn't really play in the playoffs in 2016 b/c injury and 2017 was the backup and didn't play in the finals but was huge for them in the first two rounds with Murray out). 
3 all star teams
Will be top 10 in wins pretty early into next season and has a really good chance to end his career even in the top 3 (I personally maintain my feeling here as other sports that wins are team stats not player stats but voters still look at it)
His career sv% and GAA seem pretty solidly average though for this generation of goalies
Olympic Gold medal but never played a second so I don't think you can count it but it will be on the resume

I also think from a narrative point of view it may be there. Certainly if the Golden Knights win this cup giving him 4 (and I know that is a HUGE if) and being the leader of an expansion team winning in their inaugural season would be big there. But I also think looking back to this Penguins dynasty and what brought them back the focus will be on those successive draft picks of Fleury, Malkin, Crosby. Now I don't mean to say he is near as good as them, though positionally importance may be closer, but being part of that narrative itself would help.

Is this completely bonkers?

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I personally do not consider MAF a hall of famer at this point.  A hypothetical Vegas cup can change things a little as he would be a key piece of history that is an expansion team winning in their first year of existence.  For most of his career, he has not generally been considered as one of the best goalies in the league and he had a reputation in Pittsburgh of being unreliable/streaky in the playoffs.  And while he played some part in the cup last year filling in while Murray recovered from injury, he was the backup for the last two Cups, so I am not going to give as much credit for that as for the first one where he was the starter the whole way.


That goal was coming for Washington, although the way in which it happened was very unfortunate for Columbus.  This has been a great series.

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1 hour ago, roysmyboy31 said:

he was the backup for the last two Cups

I know he was the backup in 2016 but wasn't that more injury related and therefore him being I guess cold. He was the starter and having a really good season until the concussion. I know that means he didn't play the playoffs really but he did play over 50 games as the #1 in the regular season. Seems a bit unfair to discount. I guess I just think 1 should be considered. If playoffs matter than 2017, if regular season 2016.

And I think my question was more about what the hall considers. I know he hasn't been considered among the best but didn't know how liberal the hall was in their selection process and whether a resume like that would be enough even if he never really was at that level.

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23 minutes ago, bkobow05 said:

Considering we don't advance, I really hope Vegas raises the Cup. Would be a crazy awesome story.

That's my back up given that I live here and it's been cool to see the teams birth and all that. They could never be my 1a, 1b or 1c...those are all devils lol. But I'll let them be my 2q or something

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:

That's my back up given that I live here and it's been cool to see the teams birth and all that. They could never be my 1a, 1b or 1c...those are all devils lol. But I'll let them be my 2q or something

Ha yeah, same boat. I root for them, though, considering they are in the West and we're in the East. I plan on living in Vegas some day too, so that helps.

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