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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

I don’t know for certain, but this coincides with his behavior in other games.  He will act like a character in the theme, sometimes his own character.

Well, once articulate Frankenstein appeared, he should have been the one we got to keep.

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9 minutes ago, Daniel said:

He's faking a speech requirement.

Freewill....I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished reading and learning, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart.



1 minute ago, Daniel said:

In a game where the bad guys are monsters and he's Frankenstein?

I knew not that all monsters were bad, since I was pure at heart, and want nothing more than to save the village. And as I stood at the end of the village peering toward the forest, on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from an old and beautiful oak which stood about twenty yards from our house; and so soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared, and nothing remained but a blasted stump. When I visited it the next morning, we found the tree shattered in a singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely reduced to thin ribbons of wood. I never beheld anything so utterly destroyed. Then I realized that mirrored my revelation. I swiftly found that the denziens were not considered monsters at all, but called humans. And there were monsters who wanted to destroy the village. I was created to save....to love....


I must now sleep....will I learn to dream?

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23 minutes ago, Daniel said:

He's faking a speech requirement.


20 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I don’t know that he’s faking a requirement though.  Malfatron just LARPs a lot.

He's not. We just thought it would be funny for him to act this way.

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Malfatron stood outside of his master's study, staring listlessly out of the window at the night sky. He observed the stars and thought they were beautiful. He wondered what stars were and made a note to ask his master in the morning. He was so preoccupied with the nature of stars that he at first didn't hear the almost silent footsteps ascending the staircase. As soon as he did his entire demeanor changed. He was instantly alert.

"Who is there? Master busy!"

There was no response. Malf moved closer to the staircase and called out again, "Master busy! You come tomorrow, meet him!"

Malf turned around the wall and peered down the staircase. Nothing. Just as he was about to turn around, someone dropped on him from the ceiling. Despite Malf's large and grotesque frame, the two went tumbling down the long staircase. As they finally reached the bottom, Malf realized that the stitches on his right arm had loosened. He tried to swing it but it didn't move so he ripped it off and threw it aside, ready to face his assailant. The man before him was not someone he'd seen before. Malf's mind wandered as he wondered why he was here.

The man lunged at Malf with two super cool and not at all lame spinning blades. As he flew through the air he hurled the weapons in Malf's direction. One sliced into his side and the other grazed his face. As the blades connected he piled out two revolvers and began blasting at him. The bullets ripped through Malf's body with ease. Finally, as the man reached Malf, he threw a flurry of punches at him, knocking him again off balance.

"Die foul beast!"

Malfatron looked down at his body. He felt no pain but...he felt something. What was it? Sadness? Malfatron knew he was no match for this adversary.

"Please sir! I not beast! I have soul! Just like human! I...alive...I am no monster! I will not fight"

The man scoffed at the suggestion and picked up the blades off the ground.

"I'll give you one thing...you're rather clever for a monster" 

And with that he reached down and severed Malf's head from his body. The electrical currents flowing through his brain and giving him life ceased to flow. In his final moments, Malf felt happy to be have had life and knew that he truly was alive.

The man stood up and instinctively went to wipe his blades down before realizing there was no blood on them. 

"Ha! Alive..." he scoffed.

He left the castle and headed back for the village.

@Malfatron is dead. He was Frankenstein's Monster, Village-Aligned


Matts began to descend the stairs after hearing all of the ruckus.

"What's going on Jr.? What's all this commotion? You didn't throw a village girl in the lake again, did you?"

He reached the landing and saw the carnage in front of him. His creation's body lie still in the middle of the floor, his head unattached and similarly motionless. He ran over and grabbed the head. He pulled a sewing kit from his pockets and began frantically trying to sew the head back on.

"No no no no no! This can't be happening! My creation, my breakthrough...my son!" 

He finished sewing the head back on but still nothing happened. He slapped the again lifeless head of his monster but it was no use. He was truly gone. Matts wept on the ground for a few minutes. When he was done he kissed Frankenstein's Monster on the forehead and headed back upstairs. Except he passed the floor of his chambers and continued climbing higher and higher until he finally reached the tallest tower. He walked to the edge and looked to the sky. The stars looked beautiful tonight. With that final thought he hurled himself from the tower.

@Matts4313 is dead. He was Dr. Frankenstein, Village-Aligned


Daniel headed back towards the town. At one point he thought he heard screaming coming from the castle behind him but continued on. That tumble down the stairs had done a number on him and he was secretly glad that the monster had gone down without a fight. He was walking alongside the forest and wasn't sure he could handle a fight from whatever lie within.

He walked for a ways and was close to the village when his silent trek was broken by the sound of snapping branches coming from the forest. He instantly pulled out his guns and pointed them at the trees. From within, he saw a pair of bright yellow eyes staring at him.


He began firing into the dark, secure in the fact that his aim would be true no matter how much pain he was in. Once he was out of bullets he lowered his weapons. The creature crept out of the darkness. He'd been hit several times but seemed fine. Usually it didn't take more than one silver bullet to take them down. That's when he realized his mistake. He hadn't wanted to waste his silver bullets on the beast from before and had put regular bullets into his guns.

"Double ****"

The creature leapt at Daniel and it didn't take long for the fight to be over.

@Daniel is dead. He was Van Helsing, Slayer-Aligned


The village awoke to find @squire12's body beaten and bloody. He will be unable to post or vote today.


It is now Day 4! With 10 alive and 9 voting, it's 5 to kill! The deadline will be tomorrow, 8/28 at 10:00 PM EST.

Edited by rackcs
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11 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Malfatron stood outside of his master's study, staring listlessly out of the window at the night sky. He observed the stars and thought they were beautiful. He wondered what stars were and made a note to ask his master in the morning. He was so preoccupied with the nature of stars that he at first didn't hear the almost silent footsteps ascending the staircase. As soon as he did his entire demeanor changed. He was instantly alert.

"Who is there? Master busy!"

There was no response. Malf moved closer to the staircase and called out again, "Master busy! You come tomorrow, meet him!"

Malf turned around the wall and peered down the staircase. Nothing. Just as he was about to turn around, someone dropped on him from the ceiling. Despite Malf's large and grotesque frame, the two went tumbling down the long staircase. As they finally reached the bottom, Malf realized that the stitches on his right arm had loosened. He tried to swing it but it didn't move so he ripped it off and threw it aside, ready to face his assailant. The man before him was not someone he'd seen before. Malf's mind wandered as he wondered why he was here.

The man lunged at Malf with two super cool and not at all lame spinning blades. As he flew through the air he hurled the weapons in Malf's direction. One sliced into his side and the other grazed his face. As the blades connected he piled out two revolvers and began blasting at him. The bullets ripped through Malf's body with ease. Finally, as the man reached Malf, he threw a flurry of punches at him, knocking him again off balance.

"Die foul beast!"

Malfatron looked down at his body. He felt no pain but...he felt something. What was it? Sadness? Malfatron knew he was no match for this adversary.

"Please sir! I not beast! I have soul! Just like human! I...alive...I am no monster! I will not fight"

The man scoffed at the suggestion and picked up the blades off the ground.

"I'll give you one thing...you're rather clever for a monster" 

And with that he reached down and severed Malf's head from his body. The electrical currents flowing through his brain and giving him life ceased to flow. In his final moments, Malf felt happy to be have had life and knew that he truly was alive.

The man stood up and instinctively went to wipe his blades down before realizing there was no blood on them. 

"Ha! Alive..." he scoffed.

He left the castle and headed back for the village.

@Malfatron is dead. He was Frankenstein's Monster, Villager-Aligned


Matts began to descend the stairs after hearing all of the ruckus.

"What's going on Jr.? What's all this commotion? You didn't throw a village girl in the lake again, did you?"

He reached the landing and saw the carnage in front of him. His creation's body lie still in the middle of the floor, his head unattached and similarly motionless. He ran over and grabbed the head. He pulled a sewing kit from his pockets and began frantically trying to sew the head back on.

"No no no no no! This can't be happening! My creation, my breakthrough...my son!" 

He finished sewing the head back on but still nothing happened. He slapped the again lifeless head of his monster but it was no use. He was truly gone. Matts wept on the ground for a few minutes. When he was done he kissed Frankenstein's Monster on the forehead and headed back upstairs. Except he passed the floor of his chambers and continued climbing higher and higher until he finally reached the tallest tower. He walked to the edge and looked to the sky. The stars looked beautiful tonight. With that final thought he hurled himself from the tower.

@Matts4313 is dead. He was Dr. Frankenstein, Villager-Aligned


Daniel headed back towards the town. At one point he thought he heard screaming coming from the castle behind him but continued on. That tumble down the stairs had done a number on him and he was secretly glad that the monster had gone down without a fight. He was walking alongside the forest and wasn't sure he could handle a fight from whatever lie within.

He walked for a ways and was close to the village when his silent trek was broken by the sound of snapping branches coming from the forest. He instantly pulled out his guns and pointed them at the trees. From within, he saw a pair of bright yellow eyes staring at him.


He began firing into the dark, secure in the fact that his aim would be true no matter how much pain he was in. Once he was out of bullets he lowered his weapons. The creature crept out of the darkness. He'd been hit several times but seemed fine. Usually it didn't take more than one silver bullet to take them down. That's when he realized his mistake. He hadn't wanted to waste his silver bullets on the beast from before and had put regular bullets into his guns.

"Double ****"

The creature leapt at Daniel and it didn't take long for the fight to be over.

@Daniel is dead. He was Van Helsing, Slayer-Aligned


The village awoke to find @squire12's body beaten and bloody. He will be unable to post or vote today.


It is now Day 4! With 10 alive and 9 voting, it's 5 to kill! The deadline will be tomorrow, 8/28 at 10:00 PM EST.


Edited by Matts4313
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