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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

lol, and lose a vote out target?

you would have come to your senses.


Oh no, we drew a hard line in the sand. We were in blood feud mode and winning was secondary lol we wanted to burn it down

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5 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

@rackcs Hold up. How did they win? I hit Forge. That should have left myself and Josh. Did they have two hits?

edit: or even daybole, myself, and josh if forge had the hit.

We roleblocked you because we knew that's exactly what you were going to do. Josh never did anything except roleblock the entire game...outside of converting Forge the Night after I died. :)

2 minutes ago, Forge said:

Blue started up one night forever creating a step by step plan.... Only to have it blow up when swag got nuked by Naz, which was easily the most frustrating event of this game

I'm tempted to post the chat logs from immediately after we saw Swag died and flipped Indy. It was...not what we wanted.

1 minute ago, Daniel said:

Just for the record, me getting my WC was never going to happen either way.

This is true, we were hellbent on murdering you even if it meant cementing a loss.

That said, you actively went against your wincon outing me and especially outing Mwil.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Just for the record, me getting my WC was never going to happen either way.

I'm not so sure. You literally caught two monsters, all you had to do was kill them. And if you'd kept your results to yourself and killed them you wouldn't have had a target on your back and probably could've survived long enough to do so.

2 minutes ago, Forge said:

Oh, wow

I actually almost ended the game after the counselor lynch. I'd almost finished the writeup and everything before I remembered that part of daboyle's role.

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

Wow. Town trying to organize moves.  

Sorry man. I couldn't resist saying I was going to kill you and then kill you. I realized earlier in the day you and counselor controlled us if targetingm so you had to be the death

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3 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

lol, and lose a vote out target?

you would have come to your senses.

As soon as Mwil was outed D3 we said **** it to winning and decided we were just going to burn the game to the ground on our way out. You were 100% dead even if it cost us a chance at winning.

Though we were kind of hoping you and Matts had swapped your roleclaims and killing you would turn him into a Frankenstein's Monster serial killer.

2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Thanks for comparing my mental health and issues to kicking a puppy. I’m sure y’all really egged Forge on in all that.

Aw, that's not what we meant. You knew he was lying, we knew you knew. He felt bad about it, and we actually told him in chat he should let it go.

1 minute ago, squire12 said:

Wow. Town trying to organize moves.  

It was awful (for us), and that was good enough for the blood feud crowd.

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1 minute ago, Blue said:

This is true, we were hellbent on murdering you even if it meant cementing a loss.

That said, you actively went against your wincon outing me and especially outing Mwil.

I mean, for my WC, town also had to win.

And I thought leading a lynch covered me when I started pushing you.

Just now, rackcs said:

I'm not so sure. You literally caught two monsters, all you had to do was kill them. And if you'd kept your results to yourself and killed them you wouldn't have had a target on your back and probably could've survived long enough to do so.

The only way there wouldn't have been a target on my back was for me to be less active in hunting for scum, and if I'd done that, I wouldn't have hit on both investigations in the first place.

And even if I had done the whole investigate-kill thing, I still didn't stay alive long enough to complete it anyway.  And that's assuming Forge still doesn't catch my alignment and I get lynched.  Which absolutely would have happened if I hadn't publicly outed the scum, and had kept it secret and let Blue kill Night 2 again.

I reasoned that, if I'm out as the investigator, I probably get protects, watches, etc. and stay safe from scum.  Investigators live while the scum can't target them safely.  And I could fall back on playing pro-town if my alignment was found out.

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I used some cheap tactics and I apologize. I apologize to you @Dome and I apologize for impulsively making a swear that I told Squire I wouldn’t do anymore. That is why I edited it out right away. It was painfully obvious after Joshs post to Daboyle and I and I didn’t want to point it out but I felt like I was drowning with little to no one helping me try and solve. It was even more obvious when Josh posted about his dog that blue liked it immediately and forge and Mwil commented on it that it had probably been talked about in discord already. Also the presence of Forge and Josh in Swags E Thugz discord last night. Which is why I left it. I don’t want to play the game based on these things. 

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3 minutes ago, Forge said:

Sorry man. I couldn't resist saying I was going to kill you and then kill you. I realized earlier in the day you and counselor controlled us if targetingm so you had to be the death

I get it.   I went into the game with a goal of trying to live to see D4.  Once I got my role, I went with the be scummy enough to be a vote candidate for days.  

@Malfatron and a few others have used that tactic 

I messed up and did not see the other kill as being in play.   I was fine with going out if the moves would point to the remaining wolf/wolves.   Did not figure KSJ would have a kill and take out bcb.   

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3 minutes ago, Malfatron said:
5 minutes ago, Daniel said:

I reasoned that, if I'm out as the investigator, I probably get protects, watches, etc. and stay safe from scum. 

thats cute.

its FF mafia :)


yeah....not so much.  

Some get hit early and often and have yet to be protected or watched in the process!!!!!!!!!!!1

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