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Black Sails Mafia (S1): Day 5


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Day 4:

Alright, so, what do?

Randomly vote.

*Everyone randomly votes so hard that they eventually get it down to two people*

Well, how bout Josh?

I'm ThE ViLlAgE iDiOt, I hEaRd U bAnG DuDeS

Well, first of all, sir, I want to reiterate that SwAg is a mechanical genius.  Okay?  And I am confident that he incorporated some elements that will take us by surprise that would seem to have quite the propensity to produce swings of momentum in the late-game stages.  Second, lol the VI cannot claim VI you liar.  Josh

Yeah!  VI cannot claim VI!  Josh

Okay Josh

***** ***** yolo, I don't give a fizzuck Josh hammer time mofo @SwAg

This ******* guy.

WoW, rLy U aLl JuSt DiD tHat?

The crowd closed in upon Josh, who continued to stare blankly at them while doing the Spongebob meme in their direction.  They tired of his endless taunting and resorted to blows.  With a series of sickening crunches, Josh is reduced to a bloody, nearly unrecognizable mess.

Josh is dead.  He was Randall, Village Idiot.

Send your PMs tonight and we might actually have Night tonight.

Edited by SwAg
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