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6 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

speaking of, this is a must watch


I’m not ever going to watch one of those, Malf.  Nothing about your guys, but the idea of a 20 minute review of a movie when I could just watch the movie makes zero sense to me.

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6 hours ago, animaltested said:

Trying to figure out what you mean. The twist/reveal is about 60% in the 2nd ACT. The ending is NOT a twist and not really related to the reveal. 

Well then I’m not quite sure what twist there was then.  I was told by someone to stick with it to the end for the twist.  I assumed the twist was that Mr. Kim wound up being the one trapped in the basement instead of the last housekeeper’s husband.  And that Kevin’s plan to free his father turned out to be all in his head.  Neither were twists imo as you could see it coming from a mile away.  The fantasy of freeing his dad was well done but wasn’t a twist either.  I kept waiting for something supernatural to be the twist tbh but I’m glad they kept it grounded in reality (and satire).  

What else was there that could be considered a twist?  Finding out that Geun Se was living in the basement when his wife returned for him?  When I think of twists I think of Verbal Kint so little things like what I saw in Parasite don’t really live up to the expectation of a good twist.

Edited by thrILL!
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1 minute ago, Outpost31 said:

I’m not ever going to watch one of those, Malf.  Nothing about your guys, but the idea of a 20 minute review of a movie when I could just watch the movie makes zero sense to me.

its a 7 minute thing that focuses on the romance part

its great

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15 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

Also, Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones are both considerably better if you write off bad acting as just how Anakin was.  

Such a rollercoaster of how I feel about both of those films.  Loved them both when they came out, came to hate them, and now I’m coming back around to loving them again.

Attack of the Clones has some legit awesome storylines.  Obi-Wan investigating and Anakin falling for Padme... The latter wasn’t done well just because Lucas wasn’t the greatest at actually writing the romance and it was basically a love at first sight thing, but still.

You can also chalk up some pretty terrible writing of the dialogue for the prequels to go along with plenty of bad acting (Portman is a great actress, but not in these). Plot wise, I agree the prequels had a lot of good threads ruined by the writing.

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