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STAR WARS Mafia (Galactic Empire, Lando Calrissian wins!)

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51 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Well, Blue's tricorder still stands. Tugboat was killed and flipped Town, , and therefore one of Pickle and KSJ (who replaced Matts) is a rebel scum.

Also, Rack used his droid for an alignment compare, meaning that one of SwAg, BBB, or Glen are also rebel scum. So it's likely SwAg is a Scoundrel (therefore not a threat to the Empire unless he was converted, which we have no proof of) as Tugboat said as much and flipped Town, and Glen was hiding last night and therefore probably an invest wouldn't work.

IMO, after thinking about it, it's gotta be Glen or BBB today from a vote standpoint. If Glen flips rebel, that would potentially mean that Rack's invest went through regardless of Glen's night action.

You misunderstand my chantreuse droid. It is not an alignment compare. I choose someone and find out their alignment. But the droid is damaged and so it might target the person above or below my target on the player list instead. I got the result that my droid's target was Jedi Order aligned. And I narrowed it down to buff because swag is either town or scoundrel most likely based on tugboat. Glen apparently couldn't be targeted last night, confirmed by multiple people now. That leaves buff as the jedi.

8 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

Well Glenn appears to be on two diff lists so that seems the most logical choice 

Glen is not on a second list because there is no second list. Mwil was mistaken.

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1 minute ago, bigbadbuff said:

Which is comical, actually.

You have Glen on both lists, yet you think it's me. Piss poor play by you blue I expect better.

Here's the reality:

You were one of 3 people on Rack's droid invest, and we know that SwAg is a scoundrel, which gives us a 50/50 chance. Given that Glen is confirmed by multiple people to have been gone last night/unable to be seen, that puts a lot on you to prove that you're not a rebel/Jedi.

It could be Glen as both, or it could be both of you.

Regardless, you're likely not getting out of today, and certainly not tonight, alive without claiming.

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