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Week 6 GDT


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7 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Define "good pressure" because I saw Flowers getting close on a couple occasions, but barring an actual blitz being sent, no one else was getting remotely close to home.  It was like watching Melvin "King of the Almost-Sack" Ingram last season.  Even Pats bloggers were lamenting the Patriots' pass-rush well into the 3rd quarter, while having to simultaneously calm down knee-jerk fans that were calling for Patricia to be canned.

Unless they blitzed, McCown had all day to throw.

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11 minutes ago, TheRealMcCoy said:

Refer to what I said about the final drive and lack of pressure without blitzing.

Stats without context are meaningless.

What? Stats without context are meaningless, yes. But how about, we got key sacks which stalled a potential game tieing drive. That's the context, so the stat is meaningful, right?

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3 minutes ago, tonyto36 said:

You have a great penchant for avoiding and deflecting all the points I've made and repeatedly squirreling out of it by making personal attacks.

I believe that is against the rules.

There's no point in actually trying to debate you, your posts are homer garbage.

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6 minutes ago, tonyto36 said:

It's not just about counting final scores of games and averaging it out.  Belichick himself has stated several times he views the first four weeks of the season as an extension of the preseason.   Just look at the Patriots W/L splits from month to month over the past... SEVENTEEN years.    I'd think you'd be surprised how mediocre/average they've been in September.   

We're not evaluating the Patriots for the season (where your argument would apply).  We're talking about THIS game.  THIS ONE SINGULAR GAME, evaluating their ONE GAME performance.  NOT a full season performance.  You're making an argument for a final resolution point that does not apply at all.  The Patriots vs the Jets were good, and their performance against the Chiefs etc. has absolutely zero relevance.  

If you try to spin it as this game being a fluke, that still doesn't matter because you're inherently conceding the Patriots D played well.  

You realize that just because you say the words "absolutely no relevance" doesn't actually make that true, right?

Yes, the Patriots defense played well - still far from outstanding - against an average-at-best offense today.  That makes them a good defense today.  You're resorting to splitting hairs and arguing semantics while tossing out hyperbole like Halloween candy and labeling just about anyone that disagrees with your position "a hater."

By the same logic you've presented, what they did this ONE GAME means exactly squat moving forward.  Because that was this game.  Next week is next week.  And if/when they get lit up by the Falcons, this game will have "absolutely zero relevance" to anything.

What's rich is that you want cite history while simultaneously dismissing (not just trying to discount but outright saying, "it doesn't matter/it has no relevance whatsoever") a larger portion of the past 6 games worth of history.

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10 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Define "good pressure" because I saw Flowers getting close on a couple occasions, but barring an actual blitz being sent, no one else was getting remotely close to home.  It was like watching Melvin "King of the Almost-Sack" Ingram last season.  Even Pats bloggers were lamenting the Patriots' pass-rush well into the 3rd quarter, while having to simultaneously calm down knee-jerk fans that were calling for Patricia to be canned.

Wise, as well. Hightower on a few bull rushes when used at the end. I'm not arguing that we have a good pass rush, because we don't. At all. But today probably saw a best game in terms of pressure. As pathetic as that may seem.

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