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Just now, Malfatron said:

Not quick enough imo

It's kind of a double-edged sword...I'm ready for the kids to go back, ready for cooler temps to be coming....but I'm not ready to start driving kids around again and actually having to "work work"....though the money will be nice.

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I finally started on my ADHD med today...and man...what a MAJOR difference. 

I really hate that I didn't receive a diagnosis until 34...but, I guess, better late than never.

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Wife and I are in a surprising middle ground- she’s going almost keto to cut out carbs, and since I am training for a marathon, that would literally kill me.  So we’ve been successfully eating together for the past 10 days, she will make the entree and we’ll steam vegetables (spoiler alert- grab steamer bags from Amazon, they are totally worth it!) and I’ll have carbs in the form of some pasta/rice/potato as well as some carbs from oats for breakfast.  

Turns out she is losing weight already, and I am dropping some as well.  Win/win. 

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17 hours ago, D82 said:

I finally started on my ADHD med today...and man...what a MAJOR difference. 

I really hate that I didn't receive a diagnosis until 34...but, I guess, better late than never.

Well, be thankful you weren't of the generation of boys who were diagnosed in the 90s. I was one of those kids, and the medication had a big-time impact on my personality. I wouldn't talk much, and I had no appetite. It got to the point that I couldn't wait for my final class of the day because by that point the meds wore off enough for me to actually to be sociable with my classmates. It definitely helped with my grades, though. 

My (ex) wife was diagnosed a year or two ago. She told her doctor about my experience, and the doctor said many boys had too high of a dose back then. It's had a lasting impact on me even approaching the idea of going back on medication. My case is quite minor, but I'm sure it would help. 

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Working on an ICU can be a weirdly therapeutic experience at times. We lost a patient yesterday who had been on our unit for a while. The family was outside the room tore up. DNR, so no compressions needed. We made her comfortable as she passed. 

I watched this lady day-in-and-day-out be pretty much trapped in her room. She was in a contact room, which means she had some type of contagious infection. Because of this, people had to gown up to go in and out, and she wasn't brought out of her room much. She had been trapped in that room for months with only a few walks around the unit before she passed.

It really made me reflect on my current struggles in life and reminded me that I at least have life. I'm healthy, I'm financially solid, I have a good foundation of friends and family, etc...I'm GRATEFUL to be in this position because there are people out there struggling way worse than me. 

Anyways, I'm not a religious man, but I hope that woman has found peace somewhere in the universe. And just know, if you're going through a tough time- you're not alone, and the tough times typically pass. 

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20 hours ago, WizeGuy said:

Well, be thankful you weren't of the generation of boys who were diagnosed in the 90s. I was one of those kids, and the medication had a big-time impact on my personality. I wouldn't talk much, and I had no appetite. It got to the point that I couldn't wait for my final class of the day because by that point the meds wore off enough for me to actually to be sociable with my classmates. It definitely helped with my grades, though. 

My (ex) wife was diagnosed a year or two ago. She told her doctor about my experience, and the doctor said many boys had too high of a dose back then. It's had a lasting impact on me even approaching the idea of going back on medication. My case is quite minor, but I'm sure it would help. 

I was diagnosed in the 90’s or 00’s but my mom refused, saying kids need attention not medication. I was also told by everyone I’m smart enough to get by without trying so I never tried either. I do wonder what it would’ve looked like if I could’ve focused and if I would’ve put in the most effort I could’ve. Even in sports I knew I was one of the best athletes on the field so I’d put in just enough effort to get by lol. I didn’t find motivation in life til my late 20’s. 

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We had a tropical storm of our own, the remnants of Debby.  Of our two community piers, one is essentially gone.  The entire front part of the ‘T’ is missing the boards except the far left, which was replaced in the last big storm in 2022.  A person just moved into their house along the Chesapeake Bay in our community and their house was flooded.  From what my SIL said, it is possible that their flood insurance isn’t active yet since it was such a new sale, as she works in that industry.  Surprisingly, no damage was done to the second pier, which sits higher than the other one, and that also includes the swim platform.  My grandmother’s pier, which is around the bay/river from us, lost a few boards but nothing major, but a lot of private homes lost sections, if not all, of their pier.  

Thankfully we avoided much of the rain as the storm went left.  The mountain resort we go to in WVA closed for the first time in over 50 years due to getting over 8 inches of rain, and the spring/creek swelling due to all of it.  If we had received the amount of rain they predicted- we got barely an inch as opposed to 4-6- our community would have been cut off unless you had a large truck/SUV capable of going through serious water.  

A lot of the community pulled together and aside from some mulch spread around the area from the flooding and the pier being destroyed, you’d have not idea that anything happened. 

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4 hours ago, vike daddy said:

huh, whut? what's going on?

When Beryl hit, half of our roof came off the house. It then proceeded to rain before they could get a tarp on. Even with a tarp, we ended up with 10 days straight of rain...so basically that entire portion of the house got drenched. 

There's some water damage underneath the floors and some of the walls in some other areas of the house...so in essence they're having to gut a lot of crap and do repairs. 

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A surprise house hit the market, and we’re looking today.  Probably able to come in with 44% down payment, and able to leverage home equity to make it not contingent on us selling our current house, which I have no concern over because it’s a water front, highly sought-after community.  

But…….we are getting tired of some of the neighbors in and around the community.  We live in between two hoarders- one serious, and one that might just be a junk collector.  Across the street, the neighbors are about ready to sell, and I see a monstrosity being built in their old beach home.  We still really like our house despite those things, but this is an opportunity we can’t pass up. 

This doesn’t change the calculus for time heading to work, is closer to our church and puts us in a better public school system for our future kids.  It’s also slightly more square feet, 2.3 acres instead of .6, a pool, and is well off the road and private.  I know the person selling the house too- she’s 80, and she and her husband built the house in 1978 but she’s finally downsizing.  Monthly payment goes up $800-ish, but we are planning to use some of the equity to wipe out our car payments and my wife’s student loans which more than covers that in minimum payments.  

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