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Starfield [Xbox|Bethesda]


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It's sitting at 88 on opencritic which is good for the 20th ranked game of the year. That's a very good score just not up there with the future GOTY contenders in Zelda and Baulders Gate.  It seems like another great game with some serious longevity especially when the modding scene gets going a la Skyrim.


Looks great and I'm very excited.

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1 hour ago, nagahide13 said:

I feel like review embargoes are always a bad sign.

Embargo's are pretty common to either try and stifle spoilers, or ensure the people reviewing it have enough time to play. In this case, I think they said the reviewers would likely need 50-100+ hours to properly review, so they sent copies back in early August and gave them the whole month to play. This way they don't feel rushed to play for 10-15 hours and push a review out as fast as possible to compete with everyone else.

As far as the game goes, it's pretty much exactly what everyone assumed: Fallout in space. If you like Fallout games, you'll like Starfield. Seems like a pretty solid game overall, but yeah, not competing with Baldur's Gate nor Zelda.

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4 hours ago, nagahide13 said:

I have no idea if it's possible to know yet, but I wonder if the modding scene will be more Skyrim or Fallout esque.

The general hope of the fanbase is it'll be more Skyrim than Fallout.


One of the main issues involving FO4's modding was the scripting and voice acting of the MC. Skyrim didn't have those issues and as a result had a number of large scale mods. Especially quest mods.


The dream idea is having full on questlines involving some of the more empty planets. 

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9 hours ago, nagahide13 said:

I have no idea if it's possible to know yet, but I wonder if the modding scene will be more Skyrim or Fallout esque.

I’d imagine a bit of both.

The expansive campaign like missions of Skyrim mods on barren or totally new planets, and the weapon/outfut modding scene of Fallout. 

Think it’s unique modding scene will obviously be pop culture ships. 

Rght now the biggest mods I want

  • Sliding, I’d love for some cyberpunk like movement abilities. Sprinting into a slide when you hold crouch would really add to an already enjoyable combat experience.
  • Land vehicles / uncapped boost back.
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9 hours ago, RuskieTitan said:

Feels like this'll wind up being similar to my Skyrim experience - Hundreds of hours, with hundreds of mods from the community. In other words, probably won't play it until a few years down the line, when I've upgraded to a new rig and can have that full experience.

People have explained it as literally fallout in space. If thats what you are looking for youll love it.

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10 hours ago, RuskieTitan said:

Feels like this'll wind up being similar to my Skyrim experience - Hundreds of hours, with hundreds of mods from the community. In other words, probably won't play it until a few years down the line, when I've upgraded to a new rig and can have that full experience.

They definitely followed through on that. They talked about the unexpected way people really stuck with Skyrim over a decade, and this totally has that core to it.

There are so many systems that you can deep dive into and can be added to over time. Either with expansions or Mods. Which I think the journey towards unlocking stuff is a little more central and enjoyable. Like I love the ship building stuff and it feels like I’m always finding new spaceports / manufacturers. or I’m unlocking new perks that allow for even more options.

Still early days, but I know that’s for sure going to get supported.


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1 hour ago, MKnight82 said:


They make you choose if your character is a he or she or they. It’s disgusting that they inject politics into games. When I play a role playing game, the last thing I ever want is for the game to give me a choice in the role I’m playing! Just disgusting from Bethesda who have never made a political game before. I prefer games to be completely apolitical, like Fallout or Skyrim.


/s (in case it’s not obvious, there are chuds suffering from brain worms or smoothbrainitis and they’re legitimately mad at this)

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