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Yellowstone Mafia - Town wins!


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11 minutes ago, The Orca said:

You mean when I moved off TL near the end when you all were certain to lynch Hokie following the LVP

I'm talking about the current day phase

You know.. the current vote which really matters

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1 hour ago, Raves said:

Exactly.  The only confirmed town is me, and that's cuz scum tried to night kill me and failed.

This is silly. If you honestly think, after everything that has happened, Pickle is town and Tk3, Scoundrel and I are wrong: so be it.

ET and Pickle jumped at the chance to sink Scoundrel early in D6, just to have Scoundrel make a statement that locks him in as town. (Dispute the legality of making such a claim, sure, but the claim was made.) I am 100% certain that Scoundrel is town... and I have ridden Scoundrel as scum for most of this game.

See, Scoundrel was boldly scummy in some of his posts and decisions, which is why I was all over him. Pickle, on the other hand, was much more subtle. swoosh did a great job of catching this early: he didn't try to save Josh as much as he tried to push the conversation away from him. He has done this frequently: when the conversation is moving towards scum, he'll drop in, say "so, what are your thoughts on ____?" before disappearing, allowing the resulting madness to take on a life of its own.

Pickle claimed Governor Perry early, and that makes perfect sense: not only is he likely Governor Perry, but Perry goes scum in season 3. Pickle has constantly referenced Perry's "positive" alignment, but withheld the fact that Perry goes scum. It's the perfect claim to make.

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

Id be down for that 

Why won't you go Scoundrel?

because I suspect there are 3 scum left.. and Scoundrel is like 5th or 6th on my scum list

everything is a risk at this point, and if I'm being totally honest, if I lose because I vote for 2nd or 3rd on my scum list and I'm wrong - I can live with that. But if I get talked into voting #5 or 6 on my scum list, and I'm wrong and I lose, that would be much more upsetting

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Votes from D2-D6:

Day 2:

Nacho - 5 - jason,  TL2, Pickle, Dome,  Orca
Matts - 6 - Nacho, squire, Scoundrel, Raves, swoosh, tk3
Scoundrel - 1 - ET
jason - 1 - Hokie

Day 3:

Pickle - 5 - Nacho, Tk3, swoosh, Scoundrel, squire12
Nacho - 4 - TL, Hokie, Pickle, Orca
Orca- 1 - ET
squire12 - 1 - Dome

Day 4:

Nacho - 1- pickl
Squire - 5- tl, et, Dome, hokie,  orca 
Tl--1- raves
Hokie--4-Scoundrel, tk3, nacho, squire 

Day 5:

Hokie- - 6-tk3, tl, nacho, et, Scoundrel   pickle 
Tl--1 Rave
No lynch - Dome 
Dome - - 1-hokie 

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1 minute ago, Tk3 said:

because I suspect there are 3 scum left.. and Scoundrel is like 5th or 6th on my scum list

everything is a risk at this point, and if I'm being totally honest, if I lose because I vote for 2nd or 3rd on my scum list and I'm wrong - I can live with that. But if I get talked into voting #5 or 6 on my scum list, and I'm wrong and I lose, that would be much more upsetting

If I lose because Scoundrel was actually scum (he isn't), was blatantly scum, and was so scummy that it was assumed that he couldn't actually be scum... fine. I'd much rather lose that way than have Pickle and ET pulling strings from the shadows and get to credit themselves with dominating the game.

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1 minute ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

Pickle claimed Governor Perry early, and that makes perfect sense: not only is he likely Governor Perry, but Perry goes scum in season 3. Pickle has constantly referenced Perry's "positive" alignment, but withheld the fact that Perry goes scum. It's the perfect claim to make.

Governor Perey also went to John to tell him what was happening and that she'd prefer him to keep the land or whatever over Rourke

You really are trying to stretch Perry being dirty but it absolutely never happened in the show.  

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47 minutes ago, The Orca said:


15 hours ago, Scoundrel said:

If I am not Yellowstone aligned, and/or if I am not Colby I’ll trade you any pick or player on my team for your S23 10th. Including Trevor Lawrence, Justin Jefferson, Nick Bosa, AJ Brown etc. You have my word. 

Call it cheap, call it against the rules, call it whatever you want, NSFL is far more important than one game of Mafia. That man would not say that if it wasn't true.

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1 hour ago, Tk3 said:

so just thinking about this logically.. it's been a 3-3 vote for over 12 hours

meaning, that if there are two scum NOT on either voting line, they could have hammered, and if there is a group of 3 town voting for town, then people could have come off their current line to hammer the other

(that expected behavior is assuming LYLO)

so my hunch is that ONE line is probably 3 town voting scum, the other line is probably 2 scum + 1 town voting town

but ultimately, @Raves is going to have to decide on either the Scoundrel or ET voting lines, or he has to convince the ET/Orca/Pickle trio to leave the Scoundrel line and vote TL with him. Just doing nothing isn't a positive outcome

@Dome also needs to make a choice, or convince a group to move

Otherwise, we're in a stalemate for 8 hours until something caves at the deadline

That's sort of my thinking and why I didn't like the lines the past few days either.  They were all too easy so I figured scum jumped on them somewhat early.  I wouldn't be surprised scum let town put 3 votes on one town and then joined in with another town to put 3 votes on another town while the real scum aren't getting much attention at all.  Easy way to try to setup a lose-lose.

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22 minutes ago, TL-TwoWinsAway said:

You know what @Pickle Rick: you've spent this entire game stepping in, asking others about their scum leans, then disappearing. So, tell me: who do you think the scum are in this game?

I haven't asked a single person about their scum leans the entire game.  Not 1 person.  You wanna stop lying for 1 damn minute.   

Scoundrel and you look very bad right now.  You can't drop lying in protection of scoundrel and scroundrel went crazy frantic when pushed.  Pretty obvious something is up there.  

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