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The Binding of Isaac: Remafia (Delirium wins!)


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The feeling of optimism due to the defeat of Mom quickly returned to horror for those remaining in the Caves.

Again static light beamed from above, this time focusing its attention on @Malfatron. Eden, who was aligned with Isaac, just stared into the light from above before quietly accepting her fate, fading into the static. Another victim was found moments thereafter - beloved Player B met his demise, as his face was impaled by a bastard sword. This mystery man was Esau, Isaac-aligned.

Not wanting to lose anything more of themselves, they searched frantically for another way downward. They eventually found an abandoned mine-cart. As the horrific noises of their pursuers were getting louder, they had no choice but to jump onto the cart. It swirled through for what seemed like miles worth of track before it eventually stopped at its destination: the abandoned Mines.



@Malfatron was:


"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." - Genesis 1:1

You are aligned with Isaac: Eliminate all threats to Isaac.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • 4xwcazB.pngEden's Blessing
    • Once per night, target another player. You receive a copy of a random non-faction ability they have.
    • If that ability is a night or day action, your copy will be a 1-shot. If that ability is passive, the copy will be removed at the end of the following night.
    • You cannot copy the same ability twice in one game (attempting to use this ability on a player whom you have already received all eligible abilities for will cause the move to fail).
    • You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.

Player B was:


"That no one is sexually immoral or unholy like Esau, who sold his birthright for a single meal." - Hebrews 12:16

You are aligned with Isaac: Eliminate all threats to Isaac.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • sLx3qgF.pngDamocles
    • Once per night, target a player. If that player isn't Isaac-aligned or is tainted, you die.

Day 4 is now open and ends Friday, 9/10 at 9:00 PM ET!

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