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The Matrix Resurrections (2021) - Trailer debuts


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Jessica Henwick and Jonathan Groff knocked their roles out of the park.  Really loved Bugs and feel she has some heavy lifting she can handle in future sequels, and Groff…….I was apprehensive about how they would handle Smith, but man, he did great channeling Hugo while making it his own character.  His motivations, especially since it seems he was aware of everything the whole time and the “he reads like an agent, but not” thing will be interesting to explore.  

Neil Patrick Harris also knocked the role of The Analyst out of the park as well.  His motivations are clear, and having an enemy besides agents we can look at was refreshing.

The concept of Io looked amazing, and I like that programs as well as people were given the option to leave the Matrix, and they are working together.  

The whole war with machines against machines is great for the future, but they missed an opportunity to dive deeper into it.  

Having two people with the power of “The One” is going to be interesting for sequels.  I like that Trinity ended up getting the power as well.  

Thought the Merovingian was fun.  Not having Monica Bellucci on his arm really pissed him off it seems.  


Not a fan of some of the robots on the ship.  They are clearly there to sell toys, they weren’t really needed.  

They really overused flashbacks, to the point where it detracted from the movie.  I liked some of the flashbacks in small doses to help explain the changes between Morpheus and Smith, as well as who Sati is, but they kept using them to the point of exhaustion.  

While I liked the beginning of the movie making fun of itself and trying to prove it was not going to be a cookie-cutter sequel like The Force Awakens, they went a bit over the top.  I did chuckle at the Smith bust in the office, especially as it seems that Smith himself is aware of the past events.  

Morpheus being a created program by Neo and part-agent started off as interesting, but fell really flat.  It just seemed that they wanted to do something different with this character for the sake of doing something different.

I really liked it.  Definitely think it is better than the two sequels, but not as good as the first.  Definitely excited to see where they go from here.  




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Honestly who wants to watch John Wick 20 or whatever this would be (side note they are apparently making a John Wick 4 and freaking 5!).  Seriously can Keanu at least not cut his hair for this freaking movie????


Looks kind of dumb honestly and just a money grab for the original story creators who are out of ideas and have nothing else to give.  Seriously though at least cut your freaking hair for the film!



As if these two guys do not look way to alike, seriously just freaknig cut your hair for the "new" Matrix movie but no.





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On 12/9/2021 at 11:21 AM, Outpost31 said:

I would be very interested in this if it wasn’t for the two Matrix sequels. The story AND style of the sequels ruined it for me.

The Matrix is an all-time great movie. Top 100. Its grittiness mixed with those visuals and that story and action sequences, GROUNDED action sequences for the world, was and is amazing.

Then they went all anime characters, stylization, and got absurd in their scale and scope and story.








Agreed it was way too over the top in those sequels, they had points that were interesting though like "The Frenchman" scenes were pretty cool I thought along with the train scene.  




But this little scene and many others were pretty ridiculous and stupid.  I agree the scale and ridiculous volume of action in those later movies kind of ruined it.  I still say at least he should have cut his ******* hair in this "new" one.  


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17 hours ago, Bullet Club said:

Pretty meh. Not a fan of how they handled Morpheus at all. Think you can clearly rank the series 1>2>3>4.

What they just got another "black" dude and shaved his head to play Morpheus?  What Laurence Fishburne said no or they are trying to introduce new Matrix characters like that blue hair chick as the new main character?  



Edited by Ozzy
My mistake on Gloria Foster
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6 minutes ago, Ozzy said:

What they just got another "black" dude and shaved his head to play Morpheus?  What Laurence Fishburne said no or they are trying to introduce new Matrix characters like that blue hair chick as the new main character?  Is odd but changing those characters is really weird, just like when they changed the Oracle, 2nd one sucked compared to the first.  



Actress died in between filming so they couldn’t use her………

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7 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Actress died in between filming so they couldn’t use her………

Oh ok, I thought she just asked for more money or something, stinks she passed away she rocked in that first one.  Obviously with Morpheus that is not the case with Laurence, what is the story there?

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3 hours ago, Ozzy said:

Honestly who wants to watch John Wick 20 or whatever this would be (side note they are apparently making a John Wick 4 and freaking 5!).  Seriously can Keanu at least not cut his hair for this freaking movie????


Looks kind of dumb honestly and just a money grab for the original story creators who are out of ideas and have nothing else to give.  Seriously though at least cut your freaking hair for the film!



As if these two guys do not look way to alike, seriously just freaknig cut your hair for the "new" Matrix movie but no.





All three John Wick movies are better than 3/4 Matrix movies so yeah...that's probably why 4 and 5 are coming. It's one the best action franchises ever.

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6 hours ago, Bullet Club said:

All three John Wick movies are better than 3/4 Matrix movies so yeah...that's probably why 4 and 5 are coming. It's one the best action franchises ever.

True the other John Wicks are better than the sequels of The Matrix arguably in total but John Wick Chapter 3 was grabbing at straws and not sure that is better than say the 2nd Matrix, with all the stupid rules for that stupid Continental that is getting a little old.  Then Wick dies but he is not dead than Laurence Fishburne's guy teams up with him for the 4th one apparently based on the end of the 3rd...it is just getting stupid I feel.  All the Assassins all want to kill Wick because he is "excommunicado" then it all happens all over again since Wick is not dead, just seems kind of played at this point.  But yeah if all you want to see if different ways a guy fights other guys and kills them, wonderful.  

In terms of story it is absolutely absurd.  

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14 hours ago, Ozzy said:

Honestly who wants to watch John Wick 20 or whatever this would be (side note they are apparently making a John Wick 4 and freaking 5!).  Seriously can Keanu at least not cut his hair for this freaking movie????


Looks kind of dumb honestly and just a money grab for the original story creators who are out of ideas and have nothing else to give.  Seriously though at least cut your freaking hair for the film!



As if these two guys do not look way to alike, seriously just freaknig cut your hair for the "new" Matrix movie but no.


How to tell people you haven't watched the new Matrix without saying you haven't watched the new Matrix.

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8 hours ago, RuskieTitan said:

How to tell people you haven't watched the new Matrix without saying you haven't watched the new Matrix.

Why would I pretend that I have watched the new Matrix as if that is some kind of accomplishment?  


I have not watched it because I think it could totally suck, yeah I will wait a year or so to see it and have no problems doing so.  The trailer provides nothing that makes me think this is better than the last one they made, if anything possibly worse.  John Wick hair and all seems a little stupid, what they are trying to introduce a new cast of characters while bringing in the old cast to bring in the fans than transition them to the new like freaking Star Wars just finished doing.  Oh as the old die off, who knows if Neo and Trinity die but clearly what their love is more powerful than the Matrix and will be an entire storyline of the film I am sure.  Bring back the Matrix Green Code, a few jumping around fights, shots of the "Fetus fields" for harvesting etc.

It has been played, sure it is more interesting than most stuff coming out of Hollywood but that is just because most new films are trash because once again almost everyone is totally out of original new ideas.  

I am more interested in watching Dune because that has a chance of maybe being some what original and different than seeing yet another Matrix movie and or John Wick movie.  Then again that could suck as well but I hold out a little hope, Timothée Chalamet is in it who is solid and was outstanding in The King which was a great film overall.

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On 12/24/2021 at 8:54 AM, Ozzy said:

Obviously with Morpheus that is not the case with Laurence, what is the story there?

Watch the movie and find out.


They do a pretty good job of explaining the change, and they left the door wide open for a Laurence Fishburn-led movie...


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6 hours ago, Ozzy said:
14 hours ago, RuskieTitan said:

How to tell people you haven't watched the new Matrix without saying you haven't watched the new Matrix.

Why would I pretend that I have watched the new Matrix as if that is some kind of accomplishment?

Well then... stop asking questions about the new movie. Seems sort of futile to ask questions on a movie you won't watch. There is a Dune thread, bother people in that thread if you must.

There's a monologue from a known character from the originals where they complain how people need "clickyclickyclicky" on phones to get their information, and need to absorb things through the safety of a small little device as opposed to actually making an informed opinion based on actually experiencing the situation in the medium it was meant to be absorbed in. This character continued on about how this new method is a demonstration... on how stupid we've become. I actually think (actually... I KNOW) he was talking about you indirectly. I really shouldn't be surprised - I traditionally have you on mute for a reason - but you're really demonstrating what many of us have already known about you with your baseless vitriol on a movie you're not going to like before you even watch it.

Quit being stupid. Watch the movie. Form an opinion based on experience, not on assumptions. If you don't like it, fine - but don't make these long winded posts rooted in your own brand of stupid... and nothing else.

tks. 😀

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On 9/9/2021 at 9:46 AM, ET80 said:

I cannot wait. I cannot wait. Nothing else matters, I cannot wait.

The pot calling the kettle black.


Only difference is you loved the movie before you ever saw it, I am the opposite.  Maybe I am proven wrong but I seriously doubt it, it will greatly disappoint I am pretty sure.  Then again I have low expectations for the film so maybe it will achieve more because the bar is set so low already and based on Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions it should be set pretty low if those two are the standard.  


But go enjoy your John Wick haired Neo.

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