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Grand Theft Auto V Mafia - The Third Way


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11 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Why do I get the feeling that matts is Cult, tried to convert Forge, failed, and determined that means Forge is the other Cult leader?

I just really appreciate that everyone views me as a leader of men

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9 hours ago, Raves said:

Mwils meme response to being accused of being the cult leader.

The same gif from Breaking Bad that I posted towards Jason last game. That's a gif...not a meme. I did post a push button meme to Squire yesterday though that I'm rather proud of.

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7 minutes ago, squire12 said:

what is interesting?   

you kill Daniel?

It's interesting to me that the ratio is posted/updated, as well as specifically Whicker being given 6 bullets whereas Gopher has 0...and I am having a hard time believing that is a town power, but I'm not accusing Whicker of being the one that stole them (I'm not sure).

So, I don't know that's an indictment on Whicker (possibly) as much as a "good" look for Gopher.

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The hunting cult fascination here is truly remarkable. Perhaps some of that is predicated upon recency bias in light of Swoosh last game, but I can't help but feel as though some of this is scum doing their part to look Town, especially given the ratio we're staring down here.

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Our choice is basically try to get Mafia and play to win as a part of the Cults we permit to get further into the game, or we go for the people who seem most likely to be Cult now, and try to win as Town.

if I’m wrong on the matts/Forge dynamic, then the choice is meaningless.

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17 hours ago, Whicker said:

For some reason I don’t buy Chop being in the game. I especially don’t buy that he can only bark lol 


17 hours ago, carl_sjunior said:

shoutout to whoever decided to make jason a little dog and therefore somehow way more annoying haha


17 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

As for his alignment (regardless of character or limitations of said character) I think there is a 1% chance he is mafia.  To go such drastically from brash hostile posting to a gimmic is something no sane member of mafia would sign off on or encourage.  

Pickle seems to buy the claim right away and is extremely confident, and Carl also seemed to buy it. Whicker was skeptical. I think that Pickle seems to be intent to hunt cult and buy Jason's claim right away because he seems to be speaking from a position of inside knowledge.

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