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The Last Fan on Earth - DABOYLE WINS


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3 minutes ago, Dome said:

I need to have 3 active matches happening by tonight at 11pm EST. 

If there aren't 3 active matches by the deadline I will assign challengers.


  1. @Malfatron
  2. @Whicker
  3. @Daboyle
  4. @bcb1213
  5. @Tk3
  6.  SwAg - Purgatory
  7. @The Orca
  8. @Pickle Rick
  9. @gopherwrestler
  10. Joshtradamus - Purgatory
  11. @Nazgul
  12. @Matts4313

Can I do anything else yet?

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The Immune System Evaluation Results

Sorry for the delay on this, had some issues purchasing a house and got very busy.

Swag, Josh and Naz decided to sit this evaluation out.

@The Orca was the last player to submit his list for infections, so he will be injected first and we will begin. He has no chance to avoid symptoms, other players below will have a small chance to avoid symptoms.

@The Orca infects #2 @gopherwrestler (fails 8% chance).
Gopher infects #1 @Malfatron(fails 4% chance).
Malf infects #4 @Pickle Rick(fails 16% chance).
Pickle infects #5 @Daboyle(fails 20% chance).
Daboyle infects #1 @Matts4313 (fails 4% chance).
Matts infects #5 @bcb1213 (fails 20% chance).
Bcb infects #8 @Tk3 (passes 32% chance).
Tk3 infects #8 @Whicker (fails 32% chance).


Whicker gets yet another player added to his Discord and a Purgatory Token.

Tk3 is awarded a competition token for fighting off the illness with no symptoms.


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