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Random Thoughts - 2022 Jan - to the Draft


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9 hours ago, JAF-N72EX said:

I don't know you on a personal level but you come off as a smart, grounded person and i'm confident that you'll figure this **** out and land alright in end.

Thanks.  I have built a good reputation in local professional and overall community last 15 years or so.  That is helping me a lot   

I was upset at first when I got laid off because I was doing so well and making a lot of money for firm, but it had nothing to do with me.  

I also had a little PTSD from last time I got laid off from a big company 16 years ago because wife was pregnant and my primary experience at time was working for govt and I had no law firm experience.  It was hard finding a job in that environment and it took awhile.  

This time around I got an offer right away and I have many skills I didn’t have then.

Ironically the same company that laid me off 16 years ago had representatives in my office last week bringing me nice gifts and promises for my business.  

It helps me to go through these things as I can get arrogant in my abilities.  It keeps me humble and sympathetic for someone else who may be going through it.  

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12 hours ago, dll2000 said:

Thanks.  I have built a good reputation in local professional and overall community last 15 years or so.  That is helping me a lot   

I was upset at first when I got laid off because I was doing so well and making a lot of money for firm, but it had nothing to do with me.  

I also had a little PTSD from last time I got laid off from a big company 16 years ago because wife was pregnant and my primary experience at time was working for govt and I had no law firm experience.  It was hard finding a job in that environment and it took awhile.  

This time around I got an offer right away and I have many skills I didn’t have then.

Ironically the same company that laid me off 16 years ago had representatives in my office last week bringing me nice gifts and promises for my business.  

It helps me to go through these things as I can get arrogant in my abilities.  It keeps me humble and sympathetic for someone else who may be going through it.  

My advice, never forget where you come from and never become complacent. I know it's cliche to say this but it's true.

Think about where you were at when you first started in your profession and how much more you have learned since then. That's progression. What I mean is, you should forget what happened in the past with your former employer and getting laid off, but NEVER forget what got you there in the first place. Don't let 'what happened' dictate you future course of action, but rather remember why you were there.  Obviously you had skills to get the job or they wouldn't have hired you and maybe they were holding you back from reaching your full potential.

They always say one door has to close before another one opens and I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. That door closed on you 16 years ago for a reason because you were destined to be something bigger, and look at you now. You've grown, right? Your better at your job now, right? It's same with this **** that your going through now and for the same reason. You'll be alright.

Anyhow, that's my life advice, based on personal experience, even though you didn't ask for it and may not even care lol. Good luck brotha.

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My neighbor’s spouse just died rather suddenly. Aggressive cancer.  I just spoke to her walking their dog a few months ago and she was fine.  

We weren’t close, but I am so sad for him.  I never saw any other people around them much, they mostly kept to themselves as far as I could tell.  I would talk to him every time he walked dog by me and I was outside.

Life comes at you fast sometimes. 

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