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STAR WARS Prequel Trilogy Mafia (Galactic Republic and Jango Fett wins!)


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2 hours ago, Forge said:

I'm Mas Amedda. Vote me out. I really don't even want to participate any more. 


2 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

Forge LOCK

This is a HARD Counter Claim. 

Well okay I was just here to talk about Star Wars and you all get all serious

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44 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Can anyone tell me whether or not historically Nacho uses any type of a GF mechanic? If I recall correctly, it's either him or @Whicker that hates it more than anything else...which of the two is it?

I don't hate it. 

Roles I hate:

non-cult 3rd party
Friendly Other 

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2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

IMO it's hard to say in D1 early due to some people not checking in, some people not taking D1 seriously, and the fact that there is less than about 20 pages of content thus far. Thus far, you seem fairly serious and intent on having motivations, so I'd lean town on you if I had to pick one way or the other.

Thus far Whicker has seemed fairly engaged, and slappy has continued his gif posting theme that he did last game as town, but it would also be easy to carry over as scum so that he could always say/hint ambiguously "Nuh uh I did that as town" and hide in plain sight for a while.

I would like to see about 10-15 people post more, and thus far, I haven't seen many (if any) connecting points this early. Slappy is giving me weird vibes.

Sanchez will never claim and is pretty inactive, and a few people haven't posted or have like 1-3 posts.

I like your reads but so far im reading town on slappy and im alittle sus that malf has been silent so much 

2 hours ago, Forge said:

I'm Mas Amedda. Vote me out. I really don't even want to participate any more. 

Claim on day one? Why what dis i miss

2 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

Forge LOCK

This is a HARD Counter Claim. 


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Hmmmmmm okay I believe you.

Pickle Rick

(Forge I really don't know who to believe but you have more votes so pushing you both is best for all of us)

Thats just a little sus

1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:

It's not a gimmick, I'm Mas Amedda.  Forge is caught.  

Easy enough vote out one or the other tocsee who is lying

38 minutes ago, Forge said:

You can vote me. It's okay. I really don't have any interest in playing. I held off for like 20 minutes and couldn't do it any more after reading stupid crap. 


It doesnt sound like you have any fun playing these games and im sorry for that

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Just now, wolfeyestrk said:

I like your reads but so far im reading town on slappy and im alittle sus that malf has been silent so much 

Claim on day one? Why what dis i miss


Thats just a little sus

Easy enough vote out one or the other tocsee who is lying

It doesnt sound like you have any fun playing these games and im sorry for that

Depends on how annoyed I am by the twins

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

I'm going to do my best bcb impression and call you a liar!!!! 

(you played in Danger's OW Mafia back when we first moved to the site)

I played in a mafia game here?? The alcohol acts like the Mr Clean Magic Eraser sometimes.

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14 minutes ago, Whicker said:

There is absolutely nothing that will move me from putting Menace on the bottom. I don't watch a ton of movies, but it is arguably the worst movie I've ever seen.


Who is the protagonist of The Phantom Menace? I think most would say Anakin, but we don't meet him until 45 minutes into the movie, and he has no real agency or stock or even comprehension of what's going on. He's just a kid who's a long for the ride. Obi-Wan is stuck on a ship complaining during an entire planet's events. Qui-Gon has no actual story arc.

Speaking of Qui-Gon, what is even his role in the movie? If Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn were fused together into one character known as Obi-Wan Kenobi, what would have actually changed? What was the purpose of Qui-Gon's death? To convince Obi-Wan to train Anakin? They already had the shoe-horned in midichlorian story to explain why Anakin needed to be trained. Which, by the way, I'm fairly certain Menace is the ONLY Star Wars media of any kind that mentions midichlorians. 

Since there is no actual protagonist of this story, they had to go full circle and not include any actual antagonist. Who is the antagonist? The Trade Federation? Viceroy Gunray? 

What even is the plot of The Phantom Menace? A trade blockade is keeping Naboo from getting any trade. So what? Are they unable to grow food on Naboo? Does it not have water? Two Jedi Knights (they're knights in the scrolling screen backstory even though Obi-Wan isn't promoted to Knight until the end of Menace) are sent to negotiate with the Trade Federation? Why? Is that what Jedis do now? And because Coruscant sent Jedi they decide to kill them? Why? Why not just send them home and escalate Palpatine's plan? And in order to kill them they pump in visible gas? And the Jedi then hold their breath but don't use their sabers to cut out of the room which is something they demonstrate later that they can do, but instead they are saved because some guy thought "they should be dead by now, destroy what's left of them" (what does that even mean??????????) and opens the door. 

Then they decide to go down with the army that's invading Naboo in order to warn Naboo about that same army (how does this work exactly???). And that army apparently lands on the opposite side of the planet, so what was the Jedi plan? Run all the way there faster than the army? Did they expect to find a Gungan that would lead them to his city and then they could use their Jedi powers to manipulate him into giving them a ship to go through the planet core? Which, outside of pushing useless battle droids, our first introduction to the "good" that is the Force is Qui-Gon using it to manipulate innocents to get what he wants. Also, why do the Gungan and the Naboo have a symbiotic relationship when they are on the literal opposite sides of the planet from one another? Also also, how do the Jedi even know about the droid invasion and how it will affect the Gungans? All they know at this point is that they were sent to negotiate with the trade federation about the trade blockade.

Okay so the Jedi rescue the Naboo (which is apparently just a bunch of military guys, despite being a allegedly peaceful people with no army we never once see a civilian Naboo) and get on a ship to leave. They have to fly through the blockade though which is like... supposed to keep ships from flying through. But don't worry they have a shield generator that R2-D2 fixes and as soon as that's fixed all the tension is relieved like "oh of course we can make it through a naval blockade as long as we have a shield. Glad other trade ships don't realize that." This scene also brought us the famous "sitting ducks" line which means it is the only Star Wars movie to introduce two things (midichlorians and ducks) that are never seen or mentioned again. 

So then R2-D2 does his job while other droids are also destroyed doing the same thing but nothing emotional for them. But no R2-D2 gets to literally be brought up to the Queen and personally thanked. And then the actual Queen is ordered to go clean him. What? What is the point of thanking droids? Did they thank the ship too? 

So then they go to Tatooine and despite wanting to avoid any and all suspicion, Qui-Gon decides to take the blubbering idiot, the slow-moving droid, and an attractive young girl with him instead of his able-bodied partner into the desert. He then tries to manipulate Wattoo into selling him a part for useless money (our second glimpse of the "good" nature of the Force) and then uses it again to manipulate a perfectly fair bet into his favor (The Force looking really good here). I guess the idea here is that we're supposed to percevie Wattoo as a "bad guy" because he owns slaves I guess? Even though the movie does nothing to demonize slavery or even make it clear they're slaves. There's no chains/beatings. Anakin and his mom live comfortably in their own house and apparently can have their own hobbies and lives, they just can't leave the planet or else their head will explode.  

The fact that Anakin built C-3PO is absolutely ridiculous. He says he built him to help his mom around the house, but C-3PO himself admits in later movies that he can't do much besides translate. Does his mom need a translator in the house? Also, why in the entire world does he say "Human Cyborg Relations" when he was built as a house servant? Why did Anakin decide to build his own droid but it end up being the same as a droid that's clearly mass produced in the Star Wars universe? 

So then we get back to Naboo. The blockade is down to a single ship now which is super convenient? We've now decided that Viceroy Gunray is the true antgaonist so we decide to hunt him down and capture him and then it'll be over? I guess as long as Anakin accidentally destroys the blockade ship? The Jedi certainly have to be victorious in the battle against Darth Maul as well. Wait? Who is that again and what purpose does he serve? Don't forget about the Gungans too and their battle against the Droids. There are somehow four different stories going on at one time at the ending, and the only one that carries any actual interest is the one that is least related to the actual story. 


I also just want you to know that we have a new hire who is looking for work while he waits for a different department to finish a task and I just tasked him with reading this entire thing.

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