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WWF Attitude Era Mafia: WWF, Dudley Boyz, Brothers of Destruction WIN


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25 minutes ago, wolfeyestrk said:

Ok card on the table moment and info for everybody now that its been confirmed by host the reason for all the different faction colors in the write up is there were at least three tag teams at the start of the match i am a part of one

If their write up is similar to mine they were town (as am i) only we all had the extra goal of eliminating the other teams those teams were team xtreme and edge and Christian. Until i was told they were out if the game by host revealing my character would have put a target on my back from the other tag teams I am bubba my last goal is elimination of all threats to the wwf i believe that all three options for todays vote  are town I dont know if doom can investigate me tonight to prove it or what but there it is 

I'll assume this checks out. For some reason I think Matts killed Gopher, so defeating the tag teams track imo. Which would make you mostly town 

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4 hours ago, MWil23 said:

The Ministry of Darkness has settled their family feud and possibly expanded, some may even say evolving.



Wrestling faction Evolution never existed, says Creationist group

This faction has almost nothing to do with the Ministry IRL and they were the transition from the attitude era into the ruthless aggression era of the early 2000s. Not 100% what else that could reference... 

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18 minutes ago, The Orca said:

You are the lovable hostile type. The one that does it in jest. Mwil is 


Fun hosting duo 

If you have something to sort out with me, feel free to send me a PM, otherwise, let’s get back to the game. I’m frankly not sure what your problem is with me.

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17 minutes ago, The Orca said:
44 minutes ago, wolfeyestrk said:

Ok card on the table moment and info for everybody now that its been confirmed by host the reason for all the different faction colors in the write up is there were at least three tag teams at the start of the match i am a part of one

If their write up is similar to mine they were town (as am i) only we all had the extra goal of eliminating the other teams those teams were team xtreme and edge and Christian. Until i was told they were out if the game by host revealing my character would have put a target on my back from the other tag teams I am bubba my last goal is elimination of all threats to the wwf i believe that all three options for todays vote  are town I dont know if doom can investigate me tonight to prove it or what but there it is 

I'll assume this checks out. For some reason I think Matts killed Gopher, so defeating the tag teams track imo. Which would make you mostly town 


so we have the following players left

Daboyle, nacho, forge, KSJ, squire, Doom, Malf, wolf, orca, deadpulse

Town/non threats
Orca, squire, daboyle, wolf + partner


That leaves the following (less the wolf partner) as the PoE

Nacho, forge, KSJ, Doom, malf, deadpulse


No lynch

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13 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

If you have something to sort out with me, feel free to send me a PM, otherwise, let’s get back to the game. I’m frankly not sure what your problem is with me.


15 hours ago, The Orca said:

More games than not are killed with extremely long nights. Just a matter of the times. Attention spans don't last long (mine included)


15 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I don’t care 

That you as a host interject yourself in the thread where it isn't warranted. 

I made a comment, could have been constructive criticism, could have been strategic game wise, could have been just a dig at the host, could have been just wanted to discuss long nights with the other players why we wait...but you needed to respond directly to the post in a hostile manner


frank its always sunny GIF



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18 minutes ago, squire12 said:


so we have the following players left

Daboyle, nacho, forge, KSJ, squire, Doom, Malf, wolf, orca, deadpulse

Town/non threats
Orca, squire, daboyle, wolf + partner


That leaves the following (less the wolf partner) as the PoE

Nacho, forge, KSJ, Doom, malf, deadpulse


No lynch

So KSJ is a person of interest, but you don't want to vote him?

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15 minutes ago, squire12 said:

if I am interpreting what wolf is saying, then KSJ would be the most likely partner for him.  maybe I am off on that.  


8 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Do expand on this 

I dont believe i have the right to expose my tag team partner one way or the other if and when they feel its right thats up to them

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