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The Office Mafia: Dunder Mifflin execs (mafia) win!


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On 11/29/2022 at 9:19 PM, Malfatron said:

Ksj - 8(swoosh, nacho, scoundrel, bcb, sanchez, forge, pickle, orca

Sanchez - 3 (mwil,  whicker, dome


On 11/30/2022 at 9:01 PM, Malfatron said:

Looks to be 801 now

@Shady Slim fired

shady - 4 (scoundrel, mwil, forge, dome

Deadpulse - 3 (whicker, pickle, orca

Slappy - 2 ( daboyle, touch

Nacho - 1 (swoosh

Josh - 1 (sanchez

Scoundrel - 1 (bcb

Orca - 1 (deadpulse

Dome - 1 (slappy


Didnt vote yet





Shady Slim


15 hours ago, swoosh said:

I would never slap @Pickle Rick

we're tight, some would say tighter than pickle is with his own brother

and that's why he's going to help me take out orca. isn't that right? @The Orca 


14 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Bcb - 6 (orca, pickle, touch, scoundrel,  rack, dome

Mwil - 5( forge, whicker, josh, daboyle, swoosh

Rack  -1 (sanchez

Scoundrel - 1 (bcb

Daboyle - 1 (mwil



14 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Bcb - 7 (orca, pickle, touch, scoundrel,  rack, dome, forge

Mwil - 4( whicker, josh, daboyle, swoosh

Rack  -1 (sanchez

Scoundrel - 1 (bcb

Daboyle - 1 (mwil


14 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Bcb - 8 (orca, pickle, touch, scoundrel,  rack, dome, forge, sanchez

Mwil - 4( whicker, josh, daboyle, swoosh

Scoundrel - 1 (bcb

Daboyle - 1 (mwil


13 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Bcb - 9 (orca, pickle, touch, scoundrel,  rack, dome, forge, sanchez, mwil

Mwil - 3( whicker, josh, daboyle,

Daboyle - 1 (swoosh


activity compliant no vote




13 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Bcb - 8 (orca, pickle, touch, scoundrel,  rack, dome, sanchez, mwil

Mwil - 4( whicker, josh, daboyle, forge

Daboyle - 1 (swoosh


activity compliant no vote



13 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Bcb - 8 (orca, pickle, touch, scoundrel,  rack, dome, sanchez, mwil

Mwil - 5( whicker, josh, daboyle, forge, swoosh


activity compliant no vote



13 hours ago, swoosh said:

mwil confirmed scum when bcb flips town


13 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Bcb - 9 (orca, pickle, touch, scoundrel,  rack, dome, sanchez, mwil, whicker

Mwil - 4( josh, daboyle, forge, swoosh


activity compliant no vote



13 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Bcb - 8 (orca, pickle, touch, scoundrel,  rack, dome, mwil, whicker

Mwil - 5( josh, daboyle, forge, swoosh, sanchez


activity compliant no vote



13 hours ago, Scoundrel said:


You better be right friends


13 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Bcb - 7 (orca, pickle, touch,  rack, dome, mwil, whicker

Mwil - 7( josh, daboyle, forge, swoosh, sanchez, scoundrel, bcb



13 hours ago, Scoundrel said:


Gotta see this one out


13 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Bcb - 8 (orca, pickle, touch,  rack, dome, mwil, whicker, scoundrel

Mwil - 6( josh, daboyle, forge, swoosh, sanchez,  bcb


13 hours ago, Dome said:

Everyone remember this 


swoosh pushed Michael Scott claim to the brink because it was so sloppy

now giving Bcb a pass for the exact same reason


bcb and swoosh  


13 hours ago, Malfatron said:

Bcb - 8 (orca, pickle, touch,  rack, dome,  whicker, scoundrel, sanchez

Mwil - 6( josh, daboyle, forge, swoosh, bcb, mwil

VCs from the first couple days and then the vote moves from last night with a couple interesting posts in there. 

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