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For the liquid calories, that is how I really jump-started my weight loss.  Over the past month, I got kinda bad with that and dessert.  

Dumping most desserts and sticking to water/black coffee since my race on Saturday, I lost seven pounds of water weight over the last three days.  

It is absolutely crazy how much water you retain when you have some worthless things coming into your body.  


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5 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

For the liquid calories, that is how I really jump-started my weight loss.  Over the past month, I got kinda bad with that and dessert.  

Dumping most desserts and sticking to water/black coffee since my race on Saturday, I lost seven pounds of water weight over the last three days.  

It is absolutely crazy how much water you retain when you have some worthless things coming into your body.  


If people can “only” do the following without measuring food (which I recommend):

1. Do not drink your calories. Stick to water and black coffee.

2. Do not eat desserts

3. Do not snack after 7:00 PM

I truly think many would be amazed at how doing those things can help.

From there, maybe make the next step and cut processed foods and do light workouts 3-4 times a week.

Kind of a way to “ease yourself in” as opposed to me who is a bit more of an “all in” person…that’s just how I’m wired…all or nothing often times. 

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43 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

If people can “only” do the following without measuring food (which I recommend):

1. Do not drink your calories. Stick to water and black coffee.

2. Do not eat desserts

3. Do not snack after 7:00 PM

I truly think many would be amazed at how doing those things can help.

From there, maybe make the next step and cut processed foods and do light workouts 3-4 times a week.

Kind of a way to “ease yourself in” as opposed to me who is a bit more of an “all in” person…that’s just how I’m wired…all or nothing often times. 

Add in walking a couple miles a day, and there is a huge calorie deficit for the average person.  

But when you’ve got a loaded Starbucks drink for breakfast, a sweet tea with lunch and a scoop of ice cream for dinner………that adds up quickly and you don’t even know it.

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On 5/8/2023 at 1:52 PM, vike daddy said:

I thought it might be a good idea to have an open discussion on this topic, as I see posts here and there of guys who are either struggling to lose weight or justifiably congratulating themselves for recently having done so.

What works for you guys? Share your success stories!


As someone who has bounced up and down in weight since teenage years, what has worked for me, is getting enough protein, water, water, and more water, move more.  Moving is where I struggle the most, as I have a desk job, and it's stressful, so I sit all day, and once I'm home, I'm tired.  Partially it's an excuse, but partially it's true.  I do go to a dance class once or twice a week, but even just talking a mile walk around the block helps tremendously.   

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On 5/23/2023 at 2:27 PM, flyers0909 said:

I don't eat breakfast so my day was greek yogurt, a sandwich with low calorie bread (usually something like turkey and some sort of mustard), a small bag of chips, and then maybe a tiny dessert for lunch.  My "cheat" meals would just be a bowl from chipotle that I kept as low calorie as I could  Dinner was a lot of baked chicken with various rubs/spices and then a veggie like asparagus, green beans, or brussel sprouts.  

The lunches are fine, I can eat that most any day.  Like I mentioned my biggest issue is just grocery shopping and having a stock of base foods to make fun and different dinners.  When I was doing this, grocery shopping was so easy, just buy a ton of chicken and veggies and make that every night.  Now I'll shop and make a fun meal like once a week but when that runs out a day or two later I'm back to eating like crap.

This is interesting to me because you clearly have the knowledge and the habits to eat healthy, but have this weekly pattern. I have the same thing, I've talked about here how I need a cheat meal a lot, and it really comes down to wanting to give myself a proactive reward for managing work/stress.

Obviously no need to answer here, but how are you doing non-food wise? Everything alright on the health, social, family and work fronts? Is there anything about the timing of this weekly fun meal that makes sense - like is it right after the worst part of your week?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I disagree with the whole do not snack after this time principle.

Thats just going to cause overeating before then. Doesn’t really matter if you’re snacking on healthy snacks at midnight or at 6 AM.

Step one: Drink a gallon of water a day. Until you get to that point, work on getting to that point and ignore the rest. This will boost your metabolism, get you hydrated, help you stop confusing thirst with hunger, keep you feeling full longer and it will keep you from drinking other liquids that are absolutely pointless. This works literally every single time someone takes me up on my offer to help them. They just don’t keep up with it and then they give up completely. It’s literally the easiest step in any plan to change your health. Anyone and everyone considering a weight loss journey needs to start here and forget all the stupid fad diets you aren’t going to stay on that don’t do a single thing for you long term.

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13 minutes ago, MacReady said:

I disagree with the whole do not snack after this time principle.

Thats just going to cause overeating before then. Doesn’t really matter if you’re snacking on healthy snacks at midnight or at 6 AM.

Step one: Drink a gallon of water a day. Until you get to that point, work on getting to that point and ignore the rest. This will boost your metabolism, get you hydrated, help you stop confusing thirst with hunger, keep you feeling full longer and it will keep you from drinking other liquids that are absolutely pointless. This works literally every single time someone takes me up on my offer to help them. They just don’t keep up with it and then they give up completely. It’s literally the easiest step in any plan to change your health. Anyone and everyone considering a weight loss journey needs to start here and forget all the stupid fad diets you aren’t going to stay on that don’t do a single thing for you long term.

I actually like to get some veggies in late at night. For some reason I don't seem to get burnt out on broccoli, but I also add seasonings to make it palatable. I like to steam a bag in the microwave then put it in a bowl with seasonings, mix and then just throw it in for another 30 seconds. Broccoli is pretty good in fiber, so it helps regulate blood sugar (I firmly believe high blood sugar spikes cause cravings even if I've heard otherwise) and it helps with satiety. Comes out to like 50 calories and I think the fiber actually offsets some of that I believe. Regardless I go to bed feeling comfortable and never hungry. And if 50 kcals throws your diet out of whack then you screwed up somewhere in the other 23 hours.

I find I can drink water more easily from the 16oz water bottles you get in packs. I can slam that way easier than in a glass or a bottle with a bigger lid like a Gatorade bottle or the motivational jug my wife has. I fill 8 bottles and will just slam one throughout the day whenever I need. If I drink a Coke Zero I have to drink a water bottle next. Before I eat I put one down, etc.

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30 minutes ago, MacReady said:

I disagree with the whole do not snack after this time principle.

Thats just going to cause overeating before then. Doesn’t really matter if you’re snacking on healthy snacks at midnight or at 6 AM.

Step one: Drink a gallon of water a day. Until you get to that point, work on getting to that point and ignore the rest. This will boost your metabolism, get you hydrated, help you stop confusing thirst with hunger, keep you feeling full longer and it will keep you from drinking other liquids that are absolutely pointless. This works literally every single time someone takes me up on my offer to help them. They just don’t keep up with it and then they give up completely. It’s literally the easiest step in any plan to change your health. Anyone and everyone considering a weight loss journey needs to start here and forget all the stupid fad diets you aren’t going to stay on that don’t do a single thing for you long term.

That is more for the people who are trying to do some sort of fasting.  But as long as it’s a healthy snack in moderation, and fits what you are doing, it’s absolutely fine.  

Definitely agree on water.  Most people who do any sort of physical activity probably need more than a gallon too.  

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5 hours ago, Sugashane said:

I actually like to get some veggies in late at night. For some reason I don't seem to get burnt out on broccoli, but I also add seasonings to make it palatable. I like to steam a bag in the microwave then put it in a bowl with seasonings, mix and then just throw it in for another 30 seconds. Broccoli is pretty good in fiber, so it helps regulate blood sugar (I firmly believe high blood sugar spikes cause cravings even if I've heard otherwise) and it helps with satiety. Comes out to like 50 calories and I think the fiber actually offsets some of that I believe. Regardless I go to bed feeling comfortable and never hungry. And if 50 kcals throws your diet out of whack then you screwed up somewhere in the other 23 hours.

I find I can drink water more easily from the 16oz water bottles you get in packs. I can slam that way easier than in a glass or a bottle with a bigger lid like a Gatorade bottle or the motivational jug my wife has. I fill 8 bottles and will just slam one throughout the day whenever I need. If I drink a Coke Zero I have to drink a water bottle next. Before I eat I put one down, etc.

I’m a cemented believer in no sugar no grains (and grains including anything high glycemic). So I stay away from potatoes, beans, apples… For years and years of adapting, modifying, changing, being open to new ideas… I have solidified my lifestyle as eliminating all sugar and all grains (cheat days about twice a month obviously still okay). So yeah… I do a lot of late night snacking. Veggies, sunflower seeds, nuts, etc. Late night snacking has absolutely zero impact and if I didn’t snack at night I’m probably not getting enough calories.

As far as water, I have a glass bottle. I have cut out all plastics completely as far as drinking out of that. I won’t drink out of plastic. 

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13 hours ago, MWil23 said:

My kids’ snacks are killing my cut right now…but my strength gains are killing it right now so I might just ride the wave at 175 and see where it takes me for the next few weeks. Animal crackers guys…

Sometimes the simplest things are what hit the hardest.  

Mine are tortilla chips.  Had lunch brought into work Wednesday……tacos and chips.  Went out for my stepfather’s late Father’s Day yesterday, and he wanted the same.  So here we are.  At least I’m carbed up for my 5k tomorrow. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/29/2023 at 6:56 AM, MacReady said:

I disagree with the whole do not snack after this time principle.

Thats just going to cause overeating before then. Doesn’t really matter if you’re snacking on healthy snacks at midnight or at 6 AM.

Step one: Drink a gallon of water a day. Until you get to that point, work on getting to that point and ignore the rest. This will boost your metabolism, get you hydrated, help you stop confusing thirst with hunger, keep you feeling full longer and it will keep you from drinking other liquids that are absolutely pointless. This works literally every single time someone takes me up on my offer to help them. They just don’t keep up with it and then they give up completely. It’s literally the easiest step in any plan to change your health. Anyone and everyone considering a weight loss journey needs to start here and forget all the stupid fad diets you aren’t going to stay on that don’t do a single thing for you long term.


I think this is kind of hokum, for me at least.

It's not bad advice at all.  In general, it's always weird to me how little water a lot of people drink in a day.  A gallon of a water per day is stupid easy to achieve.  I'm usually at a quarter gallon before i've even really got up and going at all in the morning.  I usually end up putting away at least half a gallon just while reading and watching tv or whatever and trying to fall asleep.  Three quarters of the way there while just in bed.  lol.  But it's easy to go through like 4+ 24oz bottles of water during the course of a day for me.  Or more.  I've always got a bottle or cup of water by my side.  It's rare that i'm not drinking something.

Better when it's water, but even when it's lot of other things...i still pretty easily hit a gallon+ of actualy water a day comfortably.  Doesn't really do anything to curb any other appetites for me.  Doesn't make me want a margarita less.  Doesn't make me want a smaller steak or less pasta for dinner.


It's good to hydrate, but i don't personally believe that it seems to have any real effect on anything else in my diet.  If anything, when i'm not drinking other things that have A Flavor, i tend to be more inclined to feel like i need more to eat than i do.  Water doesn't really satisfy that whatsoever.


On 6/29/2023 at 7:25 AM, Sugashane said:

I actually like to get some veggies in late at night. For some reason I don't seem to get burnt out on broccoli, but I also add seasonings to make it palatable. I like to steam a bag in the microwave then put it in a bowl with seasonings, mix and then just throw it in for another 30 seconds. Broccoli is pretty good in fiber, so it helps regulate blood sugar (I firmly believe high blood sugar spikes cause cravings even if I've heard otherwise) and it helps with satiety. Comes out to like 50 calories and I think the fiber actually offsets some of that I believe. Regardless I go to bed feeling comfortable and never hungry. And if 50 kcals throws your diet out of whack then you screwed up somewhere in the other 23 hours.

I find I can drink water more easily from the 16oz water bottles you get in packs. I can slam that way easier than in a glass or a bottle with a bigger lid like a Gatorade bottle or the motivational jug my wife has. I fill 8 bottles and will just slam one throughout the day whenever I need. If I drink a Coke Zero I have to drink a water bottle next. Before I eat I put one down, etc.


People always talk about how Broccoli is this amazing gateway to health and it's so good for you and you can make it delicious and everything.  And they might be right, but i discovered that i'm actually slightly allergic to Broccoli.  lmao.  I always thought i just didn't like it because i was picky.  Same thing with mustard where i was always violently repulsed by it.  But i eventually discovered...i'm actually mildly allergic to that whole cruciferous vegetable family.  lmao.

More acutely trigger by Mustard and Canola, but the whole thing is bad for me.  Even wasabi doesn't get me with heat, it gets me with "my face ******* itches now".  Not like it'd kill me to eat these things, but enough of it'll make my face start itching like crazy, stomach gets umcomfy, etc.


It's weird how it feels like my body somehow adapted to let me know i'm not supposed to eat that ****, because Broccoli, Mustard, Wasabi, Horseradish...it all just tastes absolutely vile to me.

Anyway.  All i've got is like...i could snack on some celery.  But why bother?


On 6/29/2023 at 12:37 PM, MacReady said:

I’m a cemented believer in no sugar no grains (and grains including anything high glycemic). So I stay away from potatoes, beans, apples… For years and years of adapting, modifying, changing, being open to new ideas… I have solidified my lifestyle as eliminating all sugar and all grains (cheat days about twice a month obviously still okay). So yeah… I do a lot of late night snacking. Veggies, sunflower seeds, nuts, etc. Late night snacking has absolutely zero impact and if I didn’t snack at night I’m probably not getting enough calories.

As far as water, I have a glass bottle. I have cut out all plastics completely as far as drinking out of that. I won’t drink out of plastic. 


Found the Nathan MacKinnon burner account on a random hidden nook football site.


On 6/29/2023 at 5:26 PM, MWil23 said:

My kids’ snacks are killing my cut right now…but my strength gains are killing it right now so I might just ride the wave at 175 and see where it takes me for the next few weeks. Animal crackers guys…


Jeeez...aren't animal crackers kind of gross and sweet though?  I don't think those are a good thing to eat.


I sometimes wonder if i overdosed my sweet tooth as a kid with like Dunkaroos and stuff.  But these sorts of things are so deeply unappealing to me now.


On 6/30/2023 at 6:43 AM, naptownskinsfan said:

Sometimes the simplest things are what hit the hardest.  

Mine are tortilla chips.  Had lunch brought into work Wednesday……tacos and chips.  Went out for my stepfather’s late Father’s Day yesterday, and he wanted the same.  So here we are.  At least I’m carbed up for my 5k tomorrow. 


This is true though.  We've all got our weaknesses.  Mine's particularly detrimental because it's draaaaaanks.  Empty carbs+motivation killer all at once.

But i still lol'd at "carb loading" for a 5k.  That's like my, "ughhhh i'm more hungover than i thought imma cut this short" loop sort of run.  But i really shouldn't laugh.  Two and bit years ago at my worst when i decided to turn things around, it took a lot of work to even just build up to 5k.  My shins were useless, my stamina didn't exist, my heart decided it needed to do double-time to keep up.  Runnin' ain't easy.

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3 hours ago, Tugboat said:

Jeeez...aren't animal crackers kind of gross and sweet though?  I don't think those are a good thing to eat.


I sometimes wonder if i overdosed my sweet tooth as a kid with like Dunkaroos and stuff.  But these sorts of things are so deeply unappealing to me now.

I don’t eat the ones with icing that is gross. I’m not sure how to explain them.

That said, I’ve now moved on from them and am doing a lot better on my cut, but I’ve now hit the “I want hot wings!!!!” craving part of my exercise and diet program.

Ironically, I can now see my bottom ribs and top abs, I just need to cut my love handle sides and back a bit more.

If nothing else I need to cut processed foods and drink more water, but summer is tough when everyone is serving lemonade and iced tea at every get together.

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33 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I don’t eat the ones with icing that is gross. I’m not sure how to explain them.

That said, I’ve now moved on from them and am doing a lot better on my cut, but I’ve now hit the “I want hot wings!!!!” craving part of my exercise and diet program.

Ironically, I can now see my bottom ribs and top abs, I just need to cut my love handle sides and back a bit more.

If nothing else I need to cut processed foods and drink more water, but summer is tough when everyone is serving lemonade and iced tea at every get together.

I don't think you really have to explain cravings.  They are what they are.  But still...Animal Crackers...gross.


I have also suddenly re-entered that hot wing craving stage.  That's weird.  I wonder why.


But really, good for you.  It also sounds like you've got that real good aesthetic body shape where you can cut down and start to see ribs and stuff.  I get the benefit of no love handles...but all of everything just goes to my belly.  Which isn't great.  All of the fat in my body goes to my belly.  I don't love it.


But i've been seriously slacking the last month.  I was getting back into it and then i fell off again and ehhh...fitness is a rocky journey.  I'm jealous you get abs out of it.

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