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Mascot Mafia Sign Up and Thread


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1 hour ago, MathMan said:

with 4 votes against me, and low activity, im going to claim.

im your detective. i can detect whether a player is NHL aligned.

i used my move on tk3 yesterday. tk3 is not nhl-aligned.

i was trying to act a little suspicious so mafia wouldnt hit me.

too suspicious though 

wish i could have gotten more invests in.

i had my move in for bucs, but switched it to tk3


4 was only half the required amount. I really wish you would have waited for me people to come in and comment. I know there's been relative inactivity today, but it's a weekend.

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30 minutes ago, MathMan said:

yeah touch usually helps more when he is civ.

he is just skating by

I have actually never seen Touch's civ game since he's been mafia or third party in all the ones we've played. He's acting very different in this game which makes me think civ.

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Just now, domepatrol91 said:

Why didn’t you say anything earlier?

I didn't want to expose my role and draw a night hit, but with the detective exposed I feel safer in claiming as they can't hit both of us. I tried to crumb it a little but I likely did a poor job

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