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Is Brock Purdy Actually Good?


Is Brock Purdy Actually Good?  

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  1. 1. Is Brock Purdy Actually Good?

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The discourse on Purdy is crazy right now. 

Maybe the ravens broke him as some suggest, but it's such a small sample with weather that there's simply not enough there to really go full on into concern mode

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1 minute ago, Forge said:

The discourse on Purdy is crazy right now. 

Maybe the ravens broke him as some suggest, but it's such a small sample with weather that there's simply not enough there to really go full on into concern mode

Complete 180, it’s insane! 

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19 minutes ago, StevenK said:

Complete 180, it’s insane! 

Timeline of events:

  • Bad and unlucky Ravens game
  • Get-right game against Commanders
  • Rest against the Rams
  • Wildcard Bye
  • Rain game

NFL media/fans are a "what have you done for me lately" group that is crippled by recency bias. 

Purdy is going to be back to his normal self this week and slinging dimes. Media will still hate it, but so what?

Edited by NinerNation21
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16 minutes ago, NinerNation21 said:

Timeline of events:

  • Bad and unlucky Ravens game
  • Get-right game against Commanders
  • Rest against the Rams
  • Wildcard Bye
  • Rain game

NFL media/fans are a "what have you done for me lately" group that is crippled by recency bias. 

Purdy is going to be back to his normal self this week and slinging dimes. Media will still hate it, but so what?

Agreed on the concept - what have you done for me lately, but don’t you think it’s odd that Josh Allen and Buffalo lose, but everyone is still concerned about discussing Purdy and his lack of production or concerns even with a win? Majority of people said he needs to complete a comeback, which he did in one of the biggest moments in the playoffs, but then it’s - the point deficit wasn’t enough lol. 

I also feel as if everyone wants the Lions to win and become the Cinderella team. Discussion in itself, but don’t want to go down that rabbit hole. 

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1 minute ago, StevenK said:

Agreed on the concept - what have you done for me lately, but don’t you think it’s odd that Josh Allen and Buffalo lose, but everyone is still concerned about discussing Purdy and his lack of production or concerns even with a win? Majority of people said he needs to complete a comeback, which he did in one of the biggest moments in the playoffs, but then it’s - the point deficit wasn’t enough lol. 

I also feel as if everyone wants the Lions to win and become the Cinderella team. Discussion in itself, but don’t want to go down that rabbit hole. 

Yeah, I agree with all of that. The Lions are definitely viewed as the Cinderella team, which by default makes the 49ers the villains. One of the most likable teams is now the villain and it's very strange to see and feel that.  

The Purdy stuff is out of hand. The guy is a high-level QB in his first full season as a starter and he just turned 24. He does everything people say he can't do but asking someone to admit they're wrong on the internet or TV is damn near impossible. 

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Granted, I do want to spin ALL the hate into a positive and the best way is to put it in terms like Katt Williams said (I’ll keep it PG lol) - 

“What do you think a haters job is? To hate! So, let them do their job! Ladies if you got 14 haters, you need to think about how you are going to get 16 by summer. Fellas, if you have 20 haters, you need 40 of them!”

The fact that Aiyuk, Kittle and Deebo have all been there to support Purdy, I love it! But keep hating and let that fuel Purdy to cook! 

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3 hours ago, Forge said:

The discourse on Purdy is crazy right now. 

Maybe the ravens broke him as some suggest, but it's such a small sample with weather that there's simply not enough there to really go full on into concern mode

I totally believe in Brock and his abilities.

That being said, players can get into a 'funk' or downturn in their play where they aren't playing up to their capabilities, not seeing the field well/reading the defenses for whatever reason.

It's concerning that it's happening NOW imo but it isn't concerning overall.

I firmly believe he'll be a consensus Top 5 QB after 2024 moving forward.

He's only going to improve and get better to the point that it won't be much he hasn't seen by his 3rd-4th year.

And if we invest in the O-Line the way we should moving forward, the sky's the limit.



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3 hours ago, Forge said:

The discourse on Purdy is crazy right now. 

Maybe the ravens broke him as some suggest, but it's such a small sample with weather that there's simply not enough there to really go full on into concern mode

I assume you are talking about twitter/X or whatever, the last Haberman and Middlekauf wasn't a pile of daisies either. Middlekauf kept going on and on about how Brock sucked, Haberman tried to walk him away from it saying since it wasn't going to rain that Brock playing poorly wasn't top on his list of concerns.  Then Middlekauf started calling niner fans soft and pretty much just gave up lol.  

At the end Middlekauf just started talking about how he was shocked that we didn't blow out the packers and maybe thats the difference is some peoples opinions. I expected a tough game with maybe us in control for more of it. 

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4 hours ago, Forge said:

The discourse on Purdy is crazy right now. 

Maybe the ravens broke him as some suggest, but it's such a small sample with weather that there's simply not enough there to really go full on into concern mode

Eh. I'm a broken record on Brock at this point. He sold me as a completely different caliber of player than he was last year in the Steelers game. I was open to evidence that contradicted my eyes at the beginning, but over time that evidence just came to agree with what I thought that I was visually seeing. He was struggling to throw the ball against Green Bay, which drove lower completion percentage even though he still made some really impressive plays that nationally seem to be ignored. Like, on the run dots 30 yards down the field are just what he does, but they should not be taken for granted. The turnover rate is still the main concern for him - but in an offense that uses the middle of the field as often as we do, being on the upper end of the top guys in turnover rate is an expected consequence of relying on timing and manipulation and reading rather than getting risk free throws down the sideline where all you have to do is not miss a cloud corner.

My one worry (and it's a small one) - is that without the full cast (in this case, minus Deebo) he might just have a Jimmy G life as a 8.5 ypa kinda guy while with the full cast he's the 9.5 ypa guy we know and love. In that case, the main driver of success might just be that CMC and the full cast has made even a Jimmy G level QB one of the most efficient QBs in NFL history. This could be the case. But like, Jimmy G never was at the top of the league charts in CPOE or big time throws (because he didn't make any) or any of the many many things that Brock has done this year. Plus, this is the worst offensive line we've had since 2019 by most outside metrics. Usually, you'd feel that acutely in results (just see the Rams under McVay), but between CMC playing like a lunatic and Brock being Brock no one but offensive line obsessives and math nerds really groks it.

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Longer version of Purdy's regular season highlights. I think the game against Pittsburgh is my favorite of his this year, even if he fumbled in that game, and it wasn't his best statline (which was still a good one anyway).


Edited by TecmoSuperJoe
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1 hour ago, JIllg said:

Eh. I'm a broken record on Brock at this point. He sold me as a completely different caliber of player than he was last year in the Steelers game. I was open to evidence that contradicted my eyes at the beginning, but over time that evidence just came to agree with what I thought that I was visually seeing. He was struggling to throw the ball against Green Bay, which drove lower completion percentage even though he still made some really impressive plays that nationally seem to be ignored. Like, on the run dots 30 yards down the field are just what he does, but they should not be taken for granted. The turnover rate is still the main concern for him - but in an offense that uses the middle of the field as often as we do, being on the upper end of the top guys in turnover rate is an expected consequence of relying on timing and manipulation and reading rather than getting risk free throws down the sideline where all you have to do is not miss a cloud corner.

My one worry (and it's a small one) - is that without the full cast (in this case, minus Deebo) he might just have a Jimmy G life as a 8.5 ypa kinda guy while with the full cast he's the 9.5 ypa guy we know and love. In that case, the main driver of success might just be that CMC and the full cast has made even a Jimmy G level QB one of the most efficient QBs in NFL history. This could be the case. But like, Jimmy G never was at the top of the league charts in CPOE or big time throws (because he didn't make any) or any of the many many things that Brock has done this year. Plus, this is the worst offensive line we've had since 2019 by most outside metrics. Usually, you'd feel that acutely in results (just see the Rams under McVay), but between CMC playing like a lunatic and Brock being Brock no one but offensive line obsessives and math nerds really groks it.

I was thinking about the kind of WRs we've grown accustomed to under Shanny and how that might change a little with Brock.

Being that Brock is a capable deep ball thrower and that fact is supported by the metrics, us targeting more speed and downfield ability would seem inevitable. Not that we totally get away from those YAC monsters that tend do their most damage between the hashes, all together. But if we could put more Ayuiks on the field with deep speed, I think would really elevate Shanny's ability to make defenses pay for trying to take away the middle of the field.

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3 hours ago, Ftn49 said:

I assume you are talking about twitter/X or whatever, the last Haberman and Middlekauf wasn't a pile of daisies either. Middlekauf kept going on and on about how Brock sucked, Haberman tried to walk him away from it saying since it wasn't going to rain that Brock playing poorly wasn't top on his list of concerns.  Then Middlekauf started calling niner fans soft and pretty much just gave up lol.  

At the end Middlekauf just started talking about how he was shocked that we didn't blow out the packers and maybe thats the difference is some peoples opinions. I expected a tough game with maybe us in control for more of it. 

It was a game in a downpour. You really have to take any QB performance in those conditions with a grain of salt. Didn't hear Middlekauf's commentary directly, but if he's not taking the conditions into account, and the couple of passes where Brock's targets either slipped, or he was hit in the pocket resulting in errant throws then he's not being fair regarding his criticism on Glock. 

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