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State of Titans convo: Non-game specific


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1 hour ago, KingTitan said:


i would agree with this if i still saw a team that was playing scrappy, smart, and physical despite the talent deficit, and if i could point to literally any talent being developed by the staff and improving. but both counts are a zero right now, and that's extremely concerning.

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My main thing with the current state of the Titans is, we for more years than I can remember, are too rigid and refuse to be flexible. I've said several time that Vrab's ain't it for me, while also acknowledging that I don't know who will definitively be better and we could end up worse...like we did with Whiz. We need an offensive minded coach to develop the current QB and if Levis turns out to be a dud whatever QB we get in the future. 

If we have a good to above average O-line, elite RB, Decent QB, good TE's and 1 top WR along with several nice WR's...I know Vrabel can get us to an AFC Championship. I also think 1/3 of the current coaches could as well and many current OC's could but that is unknown I will admit. 

The issue as I see it is the fact that we are still running the same basic philosophy offense as when we had a good to above average O-line, elite RB, Decent QB, and 1 top WR along with several nice WR's and good TE group. We try to pound the ball and hit chunk plays in the passing game. But we don't have the O-Line for that. We are constantly behind the chains and to me...I don't have access to all 22 or the time to break it down...we are constantly having all guys run downfield(15+ yard)routes. My question is where are the shallow crossers, quick hitting slants and plays designed to get 5-10 yards...because that is what the O-Line is capable of protecting for. We are so predictable...my wife is calling out the run plays on 2nd and 10. Defenses just run blitz on most plays and either destroy DH in the backfield or slice through and hit Levis while everyone's backs are turned to him. 


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On 11/12/2023 at 10:23 PM, KingTitan said:

Doesn't help out best LT is playing OG. 

Y’all don’t want to hear it from me but hear it is, in todays game G play is just as important as T play, for a simple fact you can kill a edge rusher with max protection, chipping, or simply running a quick passing game. Prime example of why NE always let their T leave on the open market & they ended up a bust FA signing, that offense with Brady quick release made their T’s look good. That said when a QB is getting pressure off the edges, if he’s mobile he can move & climb the pocket escape pressure, but when pressure is coming from the inside that pocket collapse now the QB got nowhere to go. Pressure up the middle is harder to stop & get away from. 
someone mentioned bout Skoronski struggling as of late, I wouldn’t be too worried bout that. He lost hella weight & strength coming off that Appendix surgery 

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5 hours ago, Daniel said:

Lol no.

Tackle play is more important and tackles are harder to find.

The rise in players like Big Jeff and interior guys make the OG and C important.  I'm not going to say more important but it is important and yeah OT's are harder to find. 

Although it seems other teams can find guys to do decent jobs at least while we would be better off putting Stonehouse at OT. 

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15 minutes ago, KingTitan said:

The rise in players like Big Jeff and interior guys make the OG and C important.  I'm not going to say more important but it is important and yeah OT's are harder to find. 

Although it seems other teams can find guys to do decent jobs at least while we would be better off putting Stonehouse at OT. 

I didn't say it was unimportant.  No one thinks that any position isn't important.  But tackles are straight up more important than interior players, even without getting into player scarcity.  Then when you add scarcity into it, it makes tackles even more valuable.

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This isn't an anti Levis post...but how much of it is holding the ball waiting for the deeper routes to come open. That may be the designed progression, and it may be something that comes with experience. Seems like watching the video of all of his drop backs he had a guy in the flat which I understand is the "relief valve" so if everything else is covered that is the check down...but seems like he should be aware the line isn't going to hold up for 3 seconds to allow those long developing plays to happen so be more ready for the check down. 

Again not his fault, he should be given plays that develop quicker and coaching to hit the check down sooner. There is so much more the staff could do to help him out but seem reluctant to do so. I am Sure it is some badge of honor that Vrabel hands out for standing there like a statue and taking the hit while trying to deliver the ball downfield since that's what they tried to have Mariota and Tanny do even though they could both move and play out of the pocket. 

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