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DTR vs Joe Flaco


DTR of Flaco  

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  1. 1. DTR of Flaco

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I was here for Quinn vs Anderson which was always entertaining.


Now for the Browns QB debate I would never have imagined in a million years!!


Who gives us the best chance to win in a playoff game?


it’s a little early to answer this we need to see more of DTR, but I do suspect this will become a question at some point.

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Honest answer?  Right now DTR as I’m going to assume the check downs were the game plan.  We had exactly one drive we needed him to throw longer passes and use the whole field and he went 4-4 and got us in FG range.

I think the upside his legs gives us on the ground, both for him running as well as the pressure stuff like read options, boots, etc, gives us a big edge in the ground game.

That said, if the dink and dunk stuff was not just the game plan and all DTR is comfortable with it’s gonna be hard to trot him out there week after week.

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Ok, now I have to speak up and go against the grain here….

I’ve seen a LOT of unnecessary hate for our young 5th round pick at QB, who I personally like. So I am going to argue the Affirmative in this young mans defense. First lets look at what actually happened during the game, this kid is making his 2nd start in the NFL, vs one of the top defensive teams in the league, and he and he was asked to throw the ball 43 times…not to mention vs a Defensive HC, who made his name as a DB coach, and has a 26-5 (well now 26-6) record vs rookie QB’s. He completed 24 of those passes, and had Njoku drop 4, Moore -1, Cooper -1 and Ford 2 that’s 8 dropped passes…and on the INT tipped pass, I haven’t been able to see a replay to determine if the ball hit the receive in the hands, making it a potential 9th drop and erasure of the INT….his numbers without the drops would have been 32 of 43 and probably another 55-65 yards on his passing total….that would be a FANTASTIC day for a QB.  Our only Penalty of the day, the Hold on Hudson III, also cost him an 18 yard completion to Harrison Bryant over the middle….

As far as the eye test, the kid has a very live arm, he can flick it and its gets moving. He has some ability to make plays with his legs also, and looks like he has solid decision making when to take off and when to hand in the pocket. He made some nice throw away’s, which young QB’s sometime take time to learn. ALL OF THIS not to mention he’s playing without both starting tackles and starting RB. The kid has all the tools….including the calmness and ability to manage the game in tight situations…he handled that last 2 minute drill like a 10 year vet.

If we let Bill Parcells tell us how to draft QB’s, DTR actually hits more of those benchmarks then the other QB’s that came out in the Draft. Now I get Young and Stroud……and Richardson because of the “Upside”, but DTR was a 5 year starter who ran a pro style offense for a GREAT offensive minded coach, who was all the rage in NFL for a minute (Chip Kelly) and improved every year he was there. It was a reason why this kid looked so good in Preseason, he has the tools and talent….

I’m personally excited to see what this kid can do…and if he falters or gets injured, we turn to Old Joe “The Plummer” Flaco…because we KNOW for a FACT that if P.J. Walker is the answer, I would DAMN’SHOLE like to know what the Question IS!?!?! LOL

And he's from Columbia South Carolina.....Just like ME!!! LOL

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If we had Baker Mayfield + 2 draft picks we’d be the favorites for the Super Bowl right now. Tough look. I still think this team can win a playoff game with its talent but winning 4 playoff games ain’t happening.

Average QB play instead of terrible QB play is the difference between a 1 seed and a wildcard. 

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6 hours ago, roger murdock said:

If we had Baker Mayfield + 2 draft picks we’d be the favorites for the Super Bowl right now.

On paper yes.


However, we all remember grumblings involving Baker and the lockeroom. So if there was a divide, who was it between? If say Baker and Myles didn’t get along, we’re not Super Bowl contenders. The there’s the Cold War between Stef and Baker.


However, if you ignore all of that- Then yes. Swap DTR with Baker and we’re Super Bowl contenders.

Edited by candyman93
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