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The case for not moving on from Tomlin....this year.


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2 hours ago, Dcash4 said:

Someone like.....Mike Tomlin?

Are you suggesting here that Mike Tomlin does not have the players respect or that he doesn't have the ability/wellness to reach them?

Because leadership is supposed to be his strong suit. You said so yourself. If leadership ultimately isn't on the menu with him, the rest of the meal isn't all that appetizing. 

The Steelers don't have a leadership figure in the entire organization. Let's go here.... Michelle Shazier walking into the season with Ryan in a picture split apart like the Steelers. Let's just go there. And drop the microphone.

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this team is weak,  thats not all tomlins fault or is it? I don't know who gets all the players and decides the snap count for everyone.   

Leaders are better when they are good and by consistent examples of stellar play.   Trash talking then getting owned is counter-leadership.  Saying the 'right things' at the podium for the press then not being worth a roster spot yet starting is counter-leadership.  Complaining about refs and other excuses (right or wrong) is counter-leadership. Allowing all these to happen is counter-leadership.

Players allowing their other position teammates to practice going through the motions/putting in time, are also counter-leaders.  They should pull the guy off to the side and let him know how it is. Such an in game example from the past would be when a defender is  helping an opponent up off the ground afte the play.  LB tells the teammate "no, we don't do that here"  ;). Done , and move on.  That applies across the roster , vets need to enforce the right way, but seems like this team doesn't care .

Safe to say this team has the above still waiting to happen in some form or another  (again) ,it's just  about            when?   


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3 minutes ago, August4th said:

Mike would make a killing going to TV too. Do that for a few years with way less stress and then go back into coaching. I can see that happening. I wonder if he's had those talks with Arians and Sean Payton

I could see him doing something like W&M head coach or something like that.  I've heard rumor that what's going on in the locker room and the way it's torn is wearing on him.  Basically there's a majority of players that still buy in, but there's 5-6 young guys that are really poisoning the locker room.

I'll name names here: Pickens, Johnson, Okorafor, Trubisky, Leal, Austin.  Those are the guys that aren't putting in the work, feel like that plays should just happen, sort of sleep walk through practice.  Mostly offensive players.  I've also heard rumor that some on offense find Warrens "helmet stays on" mantra as disrespectful to coaches, because he keeps it on all practice.  

Jeff Saturday right now on ESPN is saying "Head coaches do not set culture.  I hate that Tomlin is getting thrown under the bus for this.  Leaders, QBs, are the ones that set the culture in the locker room."  I would suggest to try to find this it's interesting.  They are talking about the fact that there's a leadership void on offense.  Brings me back to the quote from my buddies text of you can't trace the lineage of leadership in the offense.

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If coaches don't help to set the culture of the team than I truly fail to see what the point of Tomlin is as a coach. 

It's not scheme. It's not development. It's not culture.... then what is it and how do you measure that impact above the other things?

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2 hours ago, Dcash4 said:

If coaches don't help to set the culture of the team than I truly fail to see what the point of Tomlin is as a coach. 

It's not scheme. It's not development. It's not culture.... then what is it and how do you measure that impact above the other things?

Maybe it’s talent/character evaluation thing? Maybe the culture is pretty good, but we had a couple bad character eval drafts in a row and we’ve got a group of gold brickers(pardon my old timey phrase) that are unfortunately in vital spots(WR, QB, OT, DL). If those names @warfelgthrew out there are legit, that could be the case. Do we throw the entire culture out because 5 young jerks don’t buy in? That’s what I took from TJ’s can’t lead a horse to water comment. 

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54 minutes ago, jebrick said:

It is on the players.  Individual players WANT to do better and WANT the team to do better.  If Pickens just wants his stats to be better but no willing to put in the work then ship him out for a high draft pick.

maybe GP just wants a QB that can throw within his radius .  I saw Mason throw him a nice pass, he seemed interested there anyways.   Just maybe thats what the problem was  mostly hopefully. 

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2 minutes ago, 3rivers said:

maybe GP just wants a QB that can throw within his radius .  I saw Mason throw him a nice pass, he seemed interested there anyways.   Just maybe thats what the problem was  mostly hopefully. 

If you do not practice how you wan to play, you will be a lost cause.  I do not know what is going on in Picken's head but nothing pisses off your teammates other than someone not giving their all.  If you are not willing to block for your teammate what else are you not willing to do?

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5 minutes ago, jebrick said:

If you do not practice how you wan to play, you will be a lost cause.  I do not know what is going on in Picken's head but nothing pisses off your teammates other than someone not giving their all.  If you are not willing to block for your teammate what else are you not willing to do?

I used to think this as well.  There have been players that never cared for practice but showed up on gameday, not ideal but they have existed if you can believe it (Derrick Thomas )

the blocking part is the problem especially since we KNOW he can block really good.  wtf is going on with GP. 

GP  could always use fines as an excuse after what happened to kazee and others this year I suppose 9_9

even if GP has a good game, the drama needs to end.  He will most likely be gone next year if this continues.  This team better not be drama club it was a few years back, just sickening

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