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Week 15 - Bears @ Browns GDT


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I don't know if Mooney is pressing or what but with this level of play he cannot be brought back **as our #2**.

That being said, the playoffs were always a longshot for us, I'll take close losses at this point. At least it wasn't a blowout, but as many of you have said, that's thanks to our defense. Getsy and the offense didn't get it done today at all.


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Just now, JibjeResearch said:

The whole coaching staffs need to go. 

The team reflects the coaching mentality!  This coaching staff's mentality is weak without the Art of War!

The Bears will not win anything big with Flus and his staffs!  Flus is just a weak leader!

I wonder if Poles is allowing Flus to even make the change. He might very well be saying that Flubby picked him, so he needs to make it work  

Not a Flubby guy but he still has the locker room and the defense has balled out. Even I don't think he's a "weak leader" at this point. A great coach, no. But definitely could be would worse.

I'm still aiming higher though.

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Heartbreaking end... Mooney has been (and will get) anything but the money at the rate he's playing. 

That said, same old bears... Defense carries, offense barely exists. I keep waiting for "that game" that will sell me on *Fields being* the guy, and keep being let down. The final play wasn't Fields' fault by any stretch, but the rest of the game was pretty anemic. Still riding hard on "wipe the slate clean" train... Getsy, fields, and then Flus all gone. 

Edited by Epyon
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19 minutes ago, Sugashane said:

My son mentioned that Garrett is huge, I said he's my height and 2 pounds heavier. I was going to mention how he's freakishly strong and athletic, which is what really makes him so dominant. Then my son says,  "Oh, he's not that big then."

**** this kid. 😒

If it makes you feel better I think our tackles actually did a pretty good job of slowing him down at least 😂

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Offense absolutely stunk today.  I am a Fields supporter, but not only did he not play well, he had absolutely no help from anyone else. I can't even begin to count how many missed blocks there were that allowed plays to be cut short for a loss or force fields to make a play before his receivers were even in a position to start looking for a catch.  The number of missed blocks or **** attempts at blocks was outrageous today.

Coaching was AGAIN a problem.  6 points off of field goals could have been made that the coaches decided to go for a 4th and 1 and a hail mary instead.... resulting in ZERO points.

The offense literally did NOTHING all game.  Like someone MAKE a f'n play.  The defense literally gifted the offense 14 points, one being a pick 6.

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Clearly a tough gutter of a loss to take...

That said six weeks ago we wouldn't even have been in that game...the defence played incredibly well and did as much as anyone could legit expect them too...offensive play calling in the 2nd half was a joke and some of the drops were killers...can't have that against the best defence in the entire league and expect to win even with our defence matching them stride for stride...

As much as I still believe Fields can be a success and that changing offensive coordinators again in his career wouldn't be helpful for his progression I am just not sure how we could continue with Getsy sporadic play calling...I still have very little idea what he wants our identity on offence to be and yes he 100% needs more talent but some of his situational play calling is just Emery/Trestman levels of trying to outsmart everyone and only succeeding to beat yourself.

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31 minutes ago, JibjeResearch said:

The whole coaching staffs need to go. 

The team reflects the coaching mentality!  This coaching staff's mentality is weak without the Art of War!

The Bears will not win anything big with Flus and his staffs!  Flus is just a weak leader!

Flus is a leader, but the EXECUTION on offense is just sub-NFL level. Getsy is responsible AND Flus is responsible for Getsy 

 I think Flus sealed his fate today with another collapse, and his buddy Puke made sure of it 

 Not kicking the FG to end 1st half on Flus too, D played great all game but gave up huge plays in crunch time...  Flus is done ✔️  

I HATE Gill, get us a dam punter Poles !!  Hometown Tonyan has been just as bad !

Getsy needs to go TODAY right now 😤

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