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Raiders hire Antonio Pierce as Head Coach

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39 minutes ago, NYRaider said:

I have questions about how the team will do if they lose PG and actually have to play against legitimate NFL QB's for 17 games

I have those same questions regardless of whether PG is here or not. 

2022 wasn't pretty, and try as people might, him looking good coincided very abruptly and directly with not playing legitimate NFL QBs for nearly half of the year in 2023. 

I swear, I've never seen people detach a coach from the results the way people do with Graham. 

Was he good or not in 2022? 

Was he or was he not the DC when we played mostly bad QBs in 2023? 

Did we play mostly bad QBs or not in 2023? 

We'll sit here like losing him is some.epic blow, yet in the same breath talk about how we won't have the same easy circumstances next year.....as if PG didn't benefit from those very same circumstances. 

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1 hour ago, RaidersAreOne said:


I mean, that’s hardly surprising. If you know Mark has already decided who he wants as his HC, and then you say you want to hire Ben Johnson or whatever instead, chances are you aren’t getting that GM job.

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4 minutes ago, Nightmare said:

I mean, that’s hardly surprising. If you know Mark has already decided who he wants as his HC, and then you say you want to hire Ben Johnson or whatever instead, chances are you aren’t getting that GM job.

Hey Mark I think you made the wrong decision and I’d want my own guy but please hire me still. 

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I guess now we get to see a direct head to head comparison between the guy chosen Pierce and the guy a number of us wanted, Harbaugh. Going to be interesting, hope to be proven wrong on Harbaugh of course!

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1 hour ago, Darbsk said:

I guess now we get to see a direct head to head comparison between the guy chosen Pierce and the guy a number of us wanted, Harbaugh. Going to be interesting, hope to be proven wrong on Harbaugh of course!

Yep, fingers crossed that even Harbaugh can’t overcome the curse of the Chargers.

Gonna be interesting to see the internal psychological battle with a guy who wins everywhere he goes, and a franchise that is seemingly hard-wired to choke and lose.

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19 minutes ago, raidr4life said:

I'm sorry but people complaining about not getting Harbaugh don't even know if he wanted to be here then looking at other hirings around the league they have been underwhelming at best so far.

I don’t think Jim wanted to be here. I think he wanted to come here in 2021 really, really bad (there was so much smoke) and Mark for some ungodly reason, that none of us will ever be able to explain, other than Mark is an idiot, wanted Josh McDaniels. I think it rubbed Jim the wrong way. I think him going to LAC or ATL was pretty obvious from the start. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
37 minutes ago, Jeremy408 said:

     He may not be a complete Xs-and-Os guy (though as a starting MLB and team captain, he would have to be somewhat), but he definitely has a vision of what he wants the team to look like. He still has a lot to prove, though. Can he keep the momentum going on defense? Can he put the right people in place (coaches and players alike) to fix the offense? It all remains to be seen. We're here for the ride, though. #RaiderNation

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