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Week 16: VIKINGS (11-3) at Packers (7-7)


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2 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Lots of purple out and about last night. 

Atmosphere is really weird. I know it’s been a long time since the Packers missed the playoffs, but they all seemed.... nice.

normally it is a little hostile, not fighting hostile, but nothing like this.


will be interesting to see what tailgating and the game brings.

Are you in GB?  I'm guessing fans know the season is over and our chances of winning are low so they'll be pretty low key plus it is almost x-mas.  The only guy who will be lustily booed tonight will be Barr. 

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5 minutes ago, Pugger said:

Are you in GB?  I'm guessing fans know the season is over and our chances of winning are low so they'll be pretty low key plus it is almost x-mas.  The only guy who will be lustily booed tonight will be Barr. 

Yeah, big group of us come every year since college and sit in the corner end zone.

It was weird to not even get booed and yelled at wearing Vikings clothing.


I figured Barr would, drunk guys we were talking to praised the whole Vikings team but kept telling us Barr sucked over and over. 

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5 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Yeah, big group of us come every year since college and sit in the corner end zone.

It was weird to not even get booed and yelled at wearing Vikings clothing.


I figured Barr would, drunk guys we were talking to praised the whole Vikings team but kept telling us Barr sucked over and over. 

Most fans blame Barr for injuring Rodgers and effectively ruining our season.  AR has camouflaged a lot of our warts so maybe now changes will be made on the defensive side of the ball before Rodgers turns 40.

Have fun at Lambeau.  I'm originally from GB but I'm  retired in FL.  Its been 12 years since we've gone to a game up there.  Keep warm!

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5 hours ago, Pugger said:

Most fans blame Barr for injuring Rodgers and effectively ruining our season.  AR has camouflaged a lot of our warts so maybe now changes will be made on the defensive side of the ball before Rodgers turns 40.

Have fun at Lambeau.  I'm originally from GB but I'm  retired in FL.  Its been 12 years since we've gone to a game up there.  Keep warm!

That's rough. I get it, though. If a Packer ended Keenum's season I'd be pretty steamed too.

Just out of random curiosity ... let's say that in the future there was an NFCCG between the Vikings and Bears. Who do you think Packer fans would root for? :S

Because personally, I dislike the Bears so much that when they played the Packers in the 2010-11 NFCCG, I did in fact root for Green Bay.

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1 hour ago, y*so*blu said:

That's rough. I get it, though. If a Packer ended Keenum's season I'd be pretty steamed too.

Just out of random curiosity ... let's say that in the future there was an NFCCG between the Vikings and Bears. Who do you think Packer fans would root for? :S

Because personally, I dislike the Bears so much that when they played the Packers in the 2010-11 NFCCG, I did in fact root for Green Bay.

I hate trashing or talking bad about other fan bases buuuuuut....

The rivalry with Packers fans is usually fun and good natured. When the Bears are in town, it wouldn't be uncommon to see 2-3 fights in the stands at the Dome or some drunk Bears fans being jerks.

I always say that I can at least respect the Packers while I just hate the Bears.


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4 hours ago, y*so*blu said:

That's rough. I get it, though. If a Packer ended Keenum's season I'd be pretty steamed too.

Just out of random curiosity ... let's say that in the future there was an NFCCG between the Vikings and Bears. Who do you think Packer fans would root for? :S

Because personally, I dislike the Bears so much that when they played the Packers in the 2010-11 NFCCG, I did in fact root for Green Bay.

The Bears still suck.  :)

My sister married a guy from Chicago so when the Bears were good back in the 80s it was really bad for me.  lol

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