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@Malfatron, @FinneasGage, @Pickle Rick, @skywindO2...

Bad Movie Descriptions/Observations
You can submit your final answers at any time, but your choices are final. You will have 10 descriptions. 
1. Most correct.
2. Whoever submits the fastest.

@adamq, @bcb1213, @theuntouchable, @Daboyle@TOUCAN, @Scoundrel

Mad Gab Emoji
You can submit your final answers at any time, but your choices are final. You will have 6 Mad Gab Emoji clues to decipher. If you don't know what Mad Gabs are, now is the time to look. 
1. Most correct.
2. Whoever submits the fastest.

@ET80, @TedLavie,

Paper Rock Scissors
This is essentially the tiebreaker for the whole immunity challenge. 
Go ahead and give me like 10-15 Paper Rock Scissors at a time. We go until someone wins best of 5. You can submit these at any time. I will show the winner once I reveal the results of the Immunity Challenge. 

I will try to post the Movies and Emojis at exactly 6 PM CST tonight. 

The deadline for everything will be Thursday at 6 PM CST. 

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Only the players who selected each challenge can help on those challenges.

Also, there’s no rule against communicating with anyone privately anymore.


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Bernie and Ted have submitted their paper rock scissors. I will save that one for last (if necessary).

I will post the challenge at some point between 5:30 PM and 6 PM.

Former Whickers Bickers,

Does it feel good knowing that at least one of you will finally be safe from Tribal Council?

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35 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Bernie and Ted have submitted their paper rock scissors. I will save that one for last (if necessary).

I will post the challenge at some point between 5:30 PM and 6 PM.

Former Whickers Bickers,

Does it feel good knowing that at least one of you will finally be safe from Tribal Council?

It would feel even better if Malf would keep his word and throw the comp 

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@Malfatron, @FinneasGage, @Pickle Rick, @skywindO2:

1. Blue people go after red people because of a joke that becomes reality and everybody except one of them dies. 
2. Romantic comedy with chases, dancing and a harrier than most ending. 
3. Good thing he only had to hold the animal and not everything where the problem was.
4. Those who live in paranormal parks shouldn’t throw stones.
5. A musical instrument, a state capital, almost a bird and trust issues 
6. The one who said nobody had to worry about the shaking was the one who did the shaking. 
7. Why she was in a bra I don’t know. They weren’t giant or anything. She had some steel in her hands, too. 
8. A Snake gets sent to jail for 7 years because of his brother and the scrawny guy acknowledges his scrawniness. 
9. Before he was funny, the lead turned a genre silver.
10. Famous Brit actor’s tongue-in-cheek reference to someone not being in the source material should have also had a complete fourth wall breakage where he looked at the camera and said, “Nothing except an animal from Africa and another animal was in the source material.”

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Posted (edited)

1. 🌶️ 🇨🇳
2. 😺 🐴 🏆
3. 🏄 👁️ 4️⃣
4. 🐵 🖐️ ⬆️ (curly hair emoji)
5. 🏏 🌲
6. 🕙 (Headache Emoji) 🐮  9️⃣ (laugh emoji) 🐢

I could not get three emojis to display. I used their description instead of providing the emoji.

@adamq, @bcb1213, @theuntouchable, @Daboyle@TOUCAN, @Scoundrel

Edited by MacReady
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I’ve got to say, this challenge is very exciting for Jeff.

Considering the clues are the same for both tribes, and counting on my ability to not **** up paper, rock scissors, I think we’re in for our first controversy free challenge of the game.

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Emoji and Paper Rock Scissors challenges are complete and final.

Paper Rock Scissors is done.

Technically, there could be a winning tribe already, but those two were not the fun ones and I would rather it come down to the movie challenge, so I am not going to check the results of Paper/Rock/Scissors until the end (if necessary).

No hurry for movie description contestants. 

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I’ll reveal the first four.

1. Pepperonci

2. Catastrophe

3. Survivor

4. A panda bear.

6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The rest I’ll leave secret. I think one tribe got one other one wrong.

I know both tribes got the first three correct, neither tribe got 4 correct, one tribe got #5 wrong so I’ll keep that one a secret. Since it’s over, tribes can share what they guessed if they’d like.

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