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With the 5th pick in the NFL draft the Broncos select....


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28 minutes ago, DiehardBronxFan said:

It’s lying season, so no idea what is real and what is diversion at this point.  But I do have a thought that all of Elway’s public pronouncements that he’s open to trading down are trying to send the (misleading) signal that he’s not interested in QB.  Why?  Keep Buffalo from jumping him to 4.  I strongly believe Elway doesn’t want to have to spend the capital to move up, even to 4.  If he can sell others (Buffalo primarily) that he’s not taking a QB at 5, and is even open to trading out, then there is less (no) need for anyone to jump ahead of us to get their QB.  They can save a little, plan on trading with us or Indy or....

Then he snaps up Rosen at 5 and he gets his guy without having to trade up.

One possible interpretation, at least.

But all buffalo has to is call and inquire to see through the smoke lol. He can't hold him off for 6 more days

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16 minutes ago, thebestever6 said:

So at that point Buffalo simply calls our bluff. 

At what point, exactly? We say we want to stay at 5 to see if, for example, Barkley or Chubb will still be there for us.  Since BOTH of those guys won’t be gone until after Cleveland picks at 4, then we wait until after 4.  After that, it’s too late. 

Now, they may well decide they don’t want to risk that we’re bluffing and go to 4 anyway, but there is no risk of Buffalo “calling our bluff”.

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On 4/19/2018 at 2:41 PM, broncosfan07 said:


WTH kind of insight is this? In other news Broncos plan to show up to draft, may select a few players. 

This Thursday, the Broncos plan to draft a male of the species, who played football in college, and is between the ages of 20 and 25. #YouHeardItHereFirst. 

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On 4/19/2018 at 1:50 PM, paul-mac said:

Reason I have Jackson above Allen, if I’m gonna gamble on a raw second round talent I would rather take the guy that you can change your offense to suit him and he can contribute straight away, rather than Allen who is a total project like Paxton Lynch. 

See I hear this all the time in Denver media and it annoys the hell out of me as it's the epitome of lazy analysis, no offense to you Paul or anything. 

Josh and Paxton are both tall QBs with big arms and plus-athleticism. That's where the comparisons end. Josh comes from a pro-style offense and he grades very highly on his intangibles - leadership, work ethic, commitment, love for the game - whereas Paxton was lacking in all of those areas. A number of teams took Paxton completely off their board after interviewing him. Not because he's a bad guy, by all accounts he's a good teammate and good citizen, but because he was lacking in those aforementioned intangibles. Paxton was considered a late first/early second round pick. Allen is being considered for the top pick and almost assuredly won't make it out of the top 10 and those intangibles are a big reason why. 

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59 minutes ago, AnAngryAmerican said:

This Thursday, the Broncos plan to draft a male of species, who played football in college, and is between the ages of 20 and 25. #YouHeardItHereFirst. 

I guess this rules out Tremaine Edmunds then...

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On 4/19/2018 at 1:12 PM, Broncofan said:

I get that's the argument made - just that Elway's said he's not afraid to swing for the fences.    Given our cap situation, not putting us in a cap-committed hole to Keenum and going with Teddy B or McCown or even (ugh) AJ McCarron would have been a far bolder move.  Of course, the counter argument is that teams could have leveraged our transparent need for QB trade-wise to force our hand.   We just ended up paying either way hard, just in different ways - in this case, the one resource we lack the most - cap room.   

Now, if Elway gets his rookie, he's good enough to get Keenum traded before the season starts, then we ended up only paying 10M.  It's just if it's 18M, or higher...man, every dollar hurts, with our 2019 cap hell we're facing (still going to be 30th out of 32, and even if we cut 5+ vets, we'll be a bottom 10 team...unless we can clear Keenum, and even better if we can clear not just 2019, but if he's not our answer, 2018 too).    Given the above, it would be good enough just to clear the space, anything better than an early Day 3 pick would be a bonus.   

My concern is that if we get a QB - we will be hard-pressed to trade Keenum early this year.  So we lose 18M total (instead of 10M if we can trade him before week 1).   My 2nd biggest concern is that we don't get the QB - and Keenum's JAG.   Who succeeded because MIN was the perfect place for an average talent to succeed, and we're not.   I'd take curtain #1 every day lol.  

So what team would be a trade partner for Keenum?

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52 minutes ago, BaldyBronco said:

So what team would be a trade partner for Keenum?

Next offseason I think we’d see at least 2-3 teams who want a stopgap QB.   While I see 5-6 guys from the draft filling that role of QBOTF it doesn’t mean they are all year 2 starters.  As we found out ourselves with Lynch.  

This year it’s harder to see right away.  Why I’m not so sure he gets dealt this year even if a rookie can win the job early.   We’d need to get a rookie, he’d have to win the job early....and a team would have to have a need.   A lot to bank on now.  I’d setttle with step 1&2 first lol.  

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With really no news to report but interest in the team high, reporters and columnists are forced to churn out copy that says a lot while really saying nothing at all. 

For what it's worth, Klis's projection is that we have three options in the draft. 

1. Stay at No. 5 and take Sam Darnold, Bradley Chubb or Saquon Barkley

2. Trade back from No. 5 and take Denzel Ward, Quenton Nelson, Roquan Smith, Minkah Fitzpatrick, Tremaine Edmunds or Vita Vea

3. Take Baker Mayfield, Josh Allen or Josh Rosen

I think it is a given that if somehow one of Darnold, Chubb or Barkley is on the board at No. 5 we will take them. No one could quibble with any of those players at No. 5. What seems interesting here is that Klis only thinks we will take Ward, Nelson or one of the others with a trade down, no Nelson or Ward at No. 5. Interesting. He doesn't mention if we will take one of the other QBs at No. 5 or if that is after a trade back. 

If the first four picks end up being Darnold, Barkley, Mayfield, Chubb, it seems like the preference is to trade down. If we really wanted one of the other three QBs (any but Darnold) at No. 5 we wouldn't be putting out the "For Sale" signs Elway put on the front lawn at Dove Valley the other day. Maybe can we conclude that if the aforementioned four are off the board and we don't get a compelling trade down offer that we will take Rosen or Allen at No. 5?  It doesn't sound like Nelson is an option there. 

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