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Eagles vs Patriots SBLII GDT


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2 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

How did Philly not have Rocky involved?  Ultimate underdog story?  Against a big bad?

I mean...come on.

Bruh, I've had enough of Rocky to last a damn lifetime after the last two weeks! Sly Stallone was in EVERY Eagles hype video so I saw him on my newsfeed all damn week. One of the best things about an Eagles Super Bowl berth is that this team will forever be referenced as the bar or Philadelphia Sports teams.

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Just now, BlaqOptic said:

Bruh, I've had enough of Rocky to last a damn lifetime after the last two weeks! Sly Stallone was in EVERY Eagles hype video so I saw him on my newsfeed all damn week. One of the best things about an Eagles Super Bowl berth is that this team will forever be referenced as the bar or Philadelphia Sports teams.

Oh really?

Nevermind then.  

Also, the new Jurassic World looks awful.

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