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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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@HorizontoZenith #3


Diary entry #3

Julie, the house is fed up with Gmen more than it is with Jason.  I have received four individual PMs about Gmen and whether or not I would be okay with removing him from the game.  The answer to their questions is a resounding YES.  Wanting to keep ET close, I threw him a bone and told him that if he is working with Gmen and if he wants to continue working with Gmen, he will get Gmen to tone it down significantly because people are sick of his repetitive jokes.

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@HorizontoZenith after he got put up early


Diary Entry #4

Well, this sucks.  I went to sleep confident in the HoH.  Dwight was the first person I contacted about an alliance.  I thought worst case scenario, it starts over again.  Best case scenario, someone I trust is going to be HoH.  So much for that.  Dwight is pulling some BS crap about how I need to trust him, how I'm not the target... It's all BS.  I'm saying all the right things, that I trust him, that I don't like it, but I trust him... He is absolutely on my **** list.  I no longer trust him whatsoever, at all, not a bit.  Also, I want this to be played and I want him to read it...

Dwight, you're a moron.  Like brother, like brother, if you think you can win this game by crapping on your allies and backstabbing your way to the end... AND STARTING IT IN THE SECOND WEEK... You're a moron.  I might be the second to go, but I'll rest assured knowing that at least you won't win. 

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1 minute ago, MathMan said:

Something about the message just seemed rehearsed, fake, phony, staged... In short, it made me suspicious


Truth? Was trying to get a Survivor-esque blow-up going between you two. Your intuition was correct, but I was just trying to instigate some fireworks.

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HZ talking Strat


Diary Entry #5

Do not want to win this one, Julie.  Trust Utley beyond a shadow of doubt, and I trust ET to keep his no nomination until jury promise.  If I win, my alliance will want him out, and I'll want to take him off the block.  Hoping ET wins it.  Jason and Gmen would be the perfect duo to put up on the block.  I would vote Jason out faster than... Faster than... Something really fast.  Faster than a cheetah.  Or a peregrine falcon in free fall. 

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1 minute ago, MathMan said:

Dwight, you're a moron.  Like brother, like brother, if you think you can win this game by crapping on your allies and backstabbing your way to the end... AND STARTING IT IN THE SECOND WEEK... You're a moron.  I might be the second to go, but I'll rest assured knowing that at least you won't win. 

But Dwight has won...

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HZ DR: A new development??


Diary Entry #6

I don't believe it.  Touch turned on Utley.  I thought I was going to catch heat because I voted to evict Jason over ET even though I told Utley I'd vote out ET, but touch?  TOUCH?  Where's that Gif of Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan shouting, "You were the Chosen One!" 

After the vote, Utley told me he knows Gopher is lying to him because Gopher said that Touch turned on him.  Gopher was telling the truth.  ET confirmed it.  Touch is working with ET.  I've been working with ET a lot more than just that jury deal.  We've been giving each other votes, heads up and talking strategy, etc.  ET just confided in me that Touch is working with him.  Now Utley doesn't trust Gopher, when it's touch he shouldn't trust. 

This brings a lot of questions my way, too.  Do I confide in Utley?  Do I let Touch know I know?  Do I keep this knowledge between ET and myself? 

It's getting close to the time where I have to make my bed in this house and stick with that decision until the end.  At this point, Utley and ET are the only ones I feel I can completely trust, and they're enemies with each other.  I'm going to sit on this information for a while.  See what touch says.  See if he's honest with me. 

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11 minutes ago, MathMan said:

It was ipwn last DR session, but contrary to his wishes, the house voted out gmen.....ipwn went on to eliminate ruskie in a H2H challenge and make jury.



hoh 7: lucky

nominated: ipwn and gmen

veto winner: lucky (didnt use it)

evicted: Gmen 4-3

And got Lucky out for doing this. Win-win.

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2 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Basically. I can’t open my mouth, but how can I trust someone that opens their mouth about me!?

Well, like I said I don’t ever remember actually telling anybody you and I were working together. HZ and Utley were the two I trusted in the game and I remember talking with them about hurrying up to one of the newbs and I chose you. So they knew you and I were talking but I didn’t give up info.

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HZ's addendum:



Quick Addendum to Entry #6:

At some point in this game, I am going to pull Operation Idiot's No Idiot. 

Operation Idiot's No Idiot is going to be me "accidentally" send a diary entry to someone.  The diary entry will start off with, "Well, Julie..." and I will go into long, convoluted thoughts on the person that shows I trust them completely, while also being critical of them.  The player will have to be smart enough to figure out what I want them to think happened.  Haven't picked my target yet.

Also, Utley now trusts Gopher.  He told me he believes Gopher.  This has forced my hand.  I will tell Utley what I know about ET and Touch, but before I tell him, I am going to tell him that I need to know that he won't confront Touch on it. 

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HZ is still plotting. Here is his DR


Diary Entry #6

Well hello, Julie.  I'm having second thoughts about Operation Idiot's No Idiot, at least this early in the game, but I still think it's a good strategy.  As far as the game, I'm at a bit of a crossroads.  I think this is the year of the alliance, and I only have one, and it's a broken alliance.  Haven't heard from Lucky in forever, BBF is gone, Touch has proven we can't trust him, and Utley seems crestfallen and despondent.  It feels like he's resigning himself to his fate.  I've suggested strategies, he hasn't shown much enthusiasm.  I'm talking to Flux after he went against what ET wanted.  Feel like I'm going to have to build some relationships here.  I'll probably reach out to Shady, LTBF, Gopher and maybe a couple others.  Dislike Sax, so I won't work with him.  He seems WAY too arrogant about this game when the reality of this game is that it's 60% luck, 80% how others see you and 20% skill, but I'm bad at math. 

Also, Gmen isn't invited to the Island.  Neither is Jburge. 

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