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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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Just now, domepatrol91 said:

I don't want to be an afterthought. If I'm not at the forefront of your mind I don't want to be there at all.

I feel like a real dickweed for how highly I spoke of you in my DR sessions.

I hope malf really lost them

Speak up next time, my good chum...

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3 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Telling others we were working together after we specifically said to keep it a secret. First thing you do.... bring it up to ET.... only mutual we were going to have was utley after I asked you if I could trust him and you said yes and we both acknowledged we were going to work with him. 

I don’t remember telling anybody we were working together .....

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@HorizontoZenith's first novel (GRRM who?)


Last Big Brother, I relied on honesty and loyalty.  For the most part.  I managed to cover all my dishonest and disloyal actions through excuses, but I feel I created a good enough case to be trusted this go around.  That’s good, because I’m going to rely on my loyalty and honesty this time around, too.  Not because I’m particularly loyal or honest, but because a liar needs a good memory, and I don’t have a good memory.  I want to rely again on building allies and alliances based on what people don’t expect.  Keeping my friends close, but my enemies closer is the best strategy for these games, and I’m going to do that again.  

I am not working with Jason.  He is incendiary and dangerous, unreliable and he cannot be trusted.  At all.  Only because he has the temper of a tantrum.  I will NOT be trusting Nazgul.  At all.  I am going to act like I trust him, maybe even work with him, but I am going to count one hundred percent on him stabbing me in the back.  

I feel I will have a target on my back due to last season.  People know that I am very active and that I have a very social game, and that puts a large target on my back.  There’s not much I can do about that.  It is my ticket to winning if I get that far, and it is my biggest challenge.  I have to overcome that through building solid alliances and building trust.  The only active thing I can do differently is try harder in HOH competitions.  The last game I got so impatient and anxious that I rushed through all of the competitions, and that hurt me.  If I take my time, I feel I can perform better in all competitions.  

The one risk I might take is I might manufacture “enemies.”  It would be risky because it is what I did last Big Brother with Touch, and I feel like touch would see right through it because I explained the entire strategy to him in the last game.  If I do decide to do this, it will be extremely early in the game, probably the first HOH.  I don’t plan on losing the first HOH and I plan on winning it just because there is an easy target (Jason) that will galvanize the house.  However, if I lose, which is a distinct possibility given the number of players this year, I very well might tell the HOH winner to nominate me.  If he does, in the thread I will play it cool and say that I understand the move and that there are no hard feelings, bold move, etc.  I will low key it because the last time I used this strategy, I made a big rant in the thread to convince people Touch and I were enemies.  

Other than those tidbits, the key to winning this game is fluidity.  Don’t be too rigid in your alliances, don’t build definite, absolute alliances.  Be open to working with anybody.  Anybody except Jason.  Open mind, humble attitude, and don’t make real enemies.  Making real enemies makes you an easy target for anybody, not just your enemies. 

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Next entry by @HorizontoZenith


First, did I actually send that first diary entry?  The messenger is saying I never sent it. 

Second, here's my second entry:

I was planning on laying low this time as far as alliances just like I did early in the last game.  I don't like alliances early in the game because they rarely last.  However, the first game-related PM I received was from ET.  He was asking what I planned to do about Jason, saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  Something about the message just seemed rehearsed, fake, phony, staged... In short, it made me suspicious.  I told ET that I am NOT going to target Jason, and that the only way I would even put him up would be a back door scenario if I was guaranteed the votes.  I didn't want to be suspicious, but I also didn't want to make him think that Jason was a target of mine.  It just seemed so phony that I assumed he was working directly with Jason.  Then Jason asked in thread, "Who wants to wrestle?"  That added to my paranoia.  No way Jason says that.  He does not have that kind of self-deprecating humor.  The only way he ever acts like that is when he's confident and in an alliance.  I saw it in abundance during Survivor.  I am 99% POSITIVE that Jason, Gmen and ET are working together.  Once I made that conclusion, I realized it was time to build my stable of allies, and to do it quickly.

1. I contacted Dwight early.  I had him confused with Lucky based on what happened last year.  Told him we should be friends, not enemies.  I am working with Dwight. 

2. I told Nazgul we should work together, not apart.  That nobody would suspect us working together, and that we should maintain an EXTREMELY low profile alliance.  He agreed.  He and Dwight are brothers, I remember this from Survivor.  It's good to be in both their good graces.

3. Sent Touch a PM regarding my paranoia about ET, Gmen and ET.  He is the only one I trusted with this information early. 

4. Reminded BBF how loyal I was to him last BB.  We're working together.

5. BBF/Lucky communicated, found out we're all mutual allies.  We pulled in touch, we started an alliance.  Touch and I discussed suggesting to others we aren't as close as people think we are, but we are.  I have a final three alliance with touch and utley, although I haven't confirmed that with utley himself yet.  As of now, BBF, Lucky, Touch and I are in an alliance.  I suggested that each of us back a newbie horse in the HoH competition since a newbie is most likely to win it.  Touch has Gopher.  I have LetTheBallFly.  Lucky has Shady Slim.  I told BBF to go after Raves. 

6. Contacted jburge and jfin.  Told them Packer fans should stay united.  Both agreed.  However, I'm nervous about jburge.  Has given me reason to suspect he is working with the Gmen/ET alliance.  I'm kicking myself for bringing it up because I didn't want ET/Gmen to know I know they're working with Jason.  Very upset with that action of mine.  Hope I can trust jburge.

7. Reached out to Mission.  Asked him where TLO and his heads are at this year.  He said he hasn't talked much with TLO, but that he's willing to work with me.  I will work with him, but take his words with a grain of salt. 

With all of these alliances and open lines of communication, I suspect they're all dishonest with me except for MAYBE touch, and MAYBE BBF.  It's not whether or not they're dishonest with me, it's about how long I can expect them to maintain my trust. 

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2 minutes ago, MathMan said:

I will NOT be trusting Nazgul.  At all.  I am going to act like I trust him, maybe even work with him, but I am going to count one hundred percent on him stabbing me in the back.  

Whoa, wtf, HZ.

I thought we were buds.

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