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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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This is the DR session where HZ puts his tongue in your respective cheeks


Diary Entry #11

Julie, it really is amazing how well I consistently do in these challenges when I know nothing about the sports they're based on.  Everybody, at the end of the game... You really don't understand how to play these games.  Julie even kinda low key suggested this when she said it's not really a pick em game because the strategy elements in the games are just as important if not more so than who you pick.  I am basically running circles around all of you, and if I knew anything about hockey, NCAA, baseball or basketball, none of you would stand a chance in any of these challenges.  I am 76% serious. 

Anyway, enough talking crap.  You're probably watching this replay right now and laughing because I'm probably evicted before the Jury portion, but I stand by my decisions and my social game so far.  I am playing the lovable idiot role to a T, and nobody wants to nominate me because the house would be so boring without me.  It's not all about the challenges. 

Okay, now I'm really done talking crap.  On to my HoH.  For a long time, I've wanted to go after Sax.  I can be honest here and say it has a lot to do with how slow he is.  Like I said, it's a social game, and when people wait on you and you're among the last to turn in your moves every time, that bothers some people.  I'm not the only one who wants to get rid of him for this reason alone.  Several players have approached me about getting rid of undesirable players, players who aren't into the game, players who take too long, etc.  That's not the only reason I'm going after Sax here though.  Sax is a good player.  A really good player.  He is very contemplative (and that's probably why he takes so long).  He is contemplative, cold and calculated.  The things he does in this game are for a reason, and he is not afraid to make a bold move or attack a strong player.  Additionally, he's impossible to read.  I talked with him briefly and repeatedly asked for some sort of assurance that I wasn't on his target list or anything.  He did exactly what I do in this game: He remained vague, and he told me what I wanted to hear, both at the same time.  Sax, if you're watching this, consider me going after you the highest compliment. 

In this game, the quickest way to get on an enemy list is to say something somebody doesn't want to hear, or lie to them.  How do you counter this fact of the game?  You remain vague, as vague as possible, and you tell players what they want to hear.  If an HoH asks you about nominations and they mention names, you say, "Yeah, that would be good."  You don't question it.  If they ask you to vote for someone, you say you'll vote for that someone.  It's that simple. 

So yeah, Sax is the scariest player in this game at this point.  Therefore, he's got to go. 

I've already talked to Famous, LTBF and Jburge about using the PoV if they win it.  LTBF and FJ are in.  Jburge said he's open to it.  That makes it strong odds one of iPwn or Dome will be taken off the block.  If they're off the block, Sax is on it, and Sax is possibly going home. 

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Just now, HorizontoZenith said:

This one I actually agree with you on.  Overthinking and impatience are my biggest weaknesses in games like this. 

For the record. I was never intending to eliminate you or anything. I think you and I could have done well together. :/

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HZ gives thoughts on ALL the HG's (notice, Whicker is UTR, kinda of like ET ranking him 11/12 in his PR)


Diary Entry # 11

Alright, Julie, let me give you a little bit of a rundown on what I think of the remaining houseguests.  

ET.  He and I made a deal early in the game in which we would not go after each other until at least the jury portion.  I’m usually honest and upfront with people in the game, based on last year and how well that worked for me, so I kept up with that honesty early in this game.  Then it nearly bit me in the butt when I told Dwight about that.  Dwight was too stupid to get what I was telling him, so I had to backtrack on that deal and tell people it was just not to NOMINATE each other.  It was more than that though, and I have been working with ET low key since the beginning of the game.  I feel I can trust him completely.  Still, I would not be upset if somebody else managed to nominate him and get rid of him.  He’s gonna be a pain to get rid of late in the game.  Thankfully, he suggested a final four alliance.  Me, Ragnarok, Flux and him.  After that suggestion, I counter-suggested the four of us get a guy we individually trust, don’t let them know about the final four alliance, and treat them like an untouchable.  That way, we’re 8 strong in a game with 14 players.  Ragnarok’s guy is Whicker, my guy is Gopher, ET’s guy is Ruskie, and Flux’s guy is iPwn.  We haven’t officially brought Flux in yet though, pending this current nomination cycle.  We just assume he will bring iPwn into the fold.  

Domepatrol.  I’m nervous about him.  I nominated him, and he told somebody I was bullying him after that, and I wasn’t trying to, but upon reflection, it looked that way when I was really just trying to give him advice.  Thankfully, I don’t think too much about his ability in competitions.  

Lucky.  I just don’t trust him.  He’s the type of player who will stab you in the back just because he likes a bit of chaos.  He’s a bold move player, and those players  scare me.  I talked with him in the beginning and had a thing with him, BBF, touch and Utley, but those players fell like flies, so I don’t even know.  He wants to get rid of ET, which helps me, but after ET, it may be me.  Think it’s best if he goes for this cycle unless Flux is replaced.  

Whicker.  Wary of him.  Don’t really know otherwise other than the fact that Ragnarok claims to have him in his pocket, and so does ET at a lesser extent.  

Ruskie.  Dislike him.  I’ve been wanting to get rid of him for a while.  He’s noncommittal on things that I discuss with him, and he keeps things vague, just like me.  He gets the game I think, and that’s the reason I went after Sax.  That and they’re both slow, and I dislike that aspect.  I can’t go after him anymore though, so, for better or worse, I’m stuck with him until the final 8 it seems.  

Ragnarok.  Trust him, in a final four alliance with him, but I haven’t really talked to him much.  

iPwn.  Exact same feelings as Ruskie.  A little bit open to the idea of Flux leaving so that we can go after iPwn.  I tried four times to talk to iPwn.  Once his inbox wasn’t working, three times he read and ignored me.  I’ve been told he doesn’t like me as a person.  How could anybody possibly dislike me, Julie?  How?  

FJ and LTBF.  The twins.  I believe they are keeping me closer than their friends if you know what I mean.  I think they’re both planning on getting rid of me, but pretending like they’re working with me.  Gopher and I were both working with them for a brief stint, but then they attacked both of us in the HoH competition with guns.  What sense does that make?  None, that’s how much sense.  LTBF reached out and told me it was just their strategy to go after who they thought would have the best chance at not getting shot, but that makes no sense.  I post more often than anybody else in this game, so I’m an obvious target in that type of game.  I told him no worries and that I totally understand and we’re still good, but that’s not true.  I have to consider them a threat at this point.  You don’t go after people you trust or want to work with in an HoH of that style, you just don’t.  It makes no logical sense.  You go after the people you don’t trust and/or want to get rid of.  

Gopher.  Really trust him.  I reached out to him after Ruskie took 37 hours to get one of his moves in and we both wanted to go after the slower players.  That was way back when I went after Sax though, so going after slow players doesn’t make much strategic sense anymore, and it’s getting to the point of the game where you have to start thinking strategy instead of personal things.  

Mission.  What even is Mission doing in this game, and how is he still in it?  

Shady.  I like Shady.  I’ve been low key working with him for a while now.  

Flux.  I also like Flux.  He and I made a deal a looooooooong time ago similar to the one ET and I made.  I just forget what the deal was.  

Horizon.  Dude’s winning it this year.  America’s favorite player. 

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

@gopherwrestlerwhat the heck did you tell them? Lol

Haha it was from some of the messages you sent me. I deleted some words and other stuff out of it to make it seem worse.  It thru everybody in a nutshell when I convinced them you went against utley and I thought he was going to cry. I wish I didn’t delete the messages and I’d share them.

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2 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

This one I actually agree with you on.  Overthinking and impatience are my biggest weaknesses in games like this. 


I think my biggest weakness is just being better than everyone else. They can't help but but want to be me. It's tough to overcome.

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HZ's post on the Et/Lucky eviction


Diary Entry # I already screwed up numbers, so diary entry next one:

Soooooooooooo tempted to get rid of ET here, but dude has the biggest target in the game, and nobody is going to want to take him to the final two.  Have to vote out Lucky here.  Or do I?  I'm actually going to have to consider this one before voting this time.  Eff.

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1 hour ago, MathMan said:

Jason's only DR session:


I’m afraid I won’t have much to say this season bc I’m trying to keep quiet. There are so many dumb ***** in the house it is hard to do. GMen4ev is more retarded than Eli Manning. I thought he might be clever but no- it’s just non stop useless dribble begging for attention.


(i only very recently got home i was out playing sport so i'm here now hence my late messages, fwiw it was cool as i was the decider, i knew i would ultimately have the most power in the house one day and @Whicker today was the beneficiary :P)

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Just now, SovereignNazgul said:

For the record. I was never intending to eliminate you or anything. I think you and I could have done well together. :/

For the record, I was fully prepared to work with you while expecting to be stabbed in the back at some point.  I really wanted to work with you because I like working with people who give you that healthy fear.  That's why I was so happy to work with ET.  I prefer working with people I see as my biggest threats.  I changed that in the middle of the game, and it screwed me.  ET getting evicted was the point the game changed for me, and I couldn't recover. 

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Looks like I got what I kinda wanted even though I managed to stay loyal.  Julie, please let the record show that I did, in fact, vote to evict Lucky in spite of my last diary entry, and that I made the vote LITERALLY less than five minutes after I made that last diary entry.

ET, I trusted you, but you flew too close to the sun.  Pretty sure I said it in my diary entries already, but you can't act that powerful and make that much noise and that many alliances and talk with that many people so early in the game.  Talk to them all yes, but don't work with them all, and keep things vague, act subservient while trying your best to manipulate players without looking like you're manipulating them, be on cordial terms with everyone, don't make any threats, don't flaunt your power...

Just a little advice to last longer than me for once next year

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