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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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Shady DRs


haha so when that big alliance dissolves mission and i have a special side thing going down that's us and gopher/rags/whicker/

we also have a special side thing that's us LTBF/FJ/ for when it dissolves

now unless we're getting fiddled hard

can't wait to see how this blows up in my face but until then

4D chess is so back baby 




trust mission to not sell me out bc he's a g but if he does he's totally a hoe




 mission and i effectively are the george soros of the big brother house




pfffffff imagine not making the jury couldn't be me lmao

mission and i still going final 2 



jks i'm no filthy libertarian 



mission and i tried to grease the wheels to flip whicker and be real BIG BALLERS but it didn't look likely so as much as i hate this vote, mission and i agreed it's best for us moving forward

sorry hz



there's about to be a big ol power shift :P 



dome ruined what was going to be the great power shift™ by taking away whicker, and because of this, he is the world's biggest knob slobber today

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Shady aint done spitting it:


operation tank is a-go

i'm going to throw this challenge and hope to heck dome loses, that way the alliance of the bdl's can flip dome, and then in the hoh after it'll be me and mission up against two bdl's as opposed to mission v three of them if i win this hoh




now unless the poker pro is bluffing - which now i think about it is a distinct possibility - whicker has just tipped his hand 

fwiw nothing against you whicker you're an awesome bloke and i've enjoyed working with you it's just given you masterminded flipping ET i reckon you've probably got the most compelling of the jury arguments for the title




can't wait to win bb without ever winning a hoh **** me sideways with a rusty spork lmao




i thought that we played whicker, but in all actuality images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzVY7T3J40xpI5PJGb6gQ


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1 minute ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Totally a waste of time. I even said as much when you were in the game for a whole 20 minutes.

It is what it is now. I'm glad you've came to your senses. 

Until you get your double-ultimate revenge next game and I am sent home first again.

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Shady stood up and said this:


hoo boy it's scrambling szn



it's nothing too juicy just a case of trying to get mission and gopher on the same page, which should in the now save gopher and in the future put the dangerous whicker in a 3 on 1 situation in the next round to ideally assure safe passage to the f3 for me and mission and gopher



i am the teensiest bit worried gopher could side with whicker but i'm doing my best to just dissuade that



whicker is a very smart man, smartest in the game, and he is a real chance of running the table in this veto 


fortunately however i've run the table too; i said in the thread i made some **** ups so whicker doesn't look at my timestamps and answers for the pattern needed for a perfect game because #4Dchess is very much real and is very much in play

in saying this however i still think he'll play a perfect game too, and my and his future in the house is gonna come down to a game seven 

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2 minutes ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

What I got out of the gopher DR sessions is that we could have been Whicker and Rags, but he WASN'T playing.

The vote out all your allies strategy was a bold strategy, Cotton.

Honestly my shift would have went to you if you would have been more open to your plans with me. I got too many unanswered questions that made it hard to completely be attached to you guys.


I stuck to my original alliance and wasn’t going to back out of it. LTBF honestly could have won this if he wouldn’t of tried turning on me and telling everyone he was trying to get me evicted. It truely was the end of his reign.

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3 minutes ago, SovereignNazgul said:

It is what it is now. I'm glad you've came to your senses. 

Until you get your double-ultimate revenge next game and I am sent home first again.

I'll have another pack of rookies at my disposal. I'll be a bit more heavy handed with them next time, just threaten them with punishment of banhammer...

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Shady back for more DRs:

if 1 to 100 is what i think it is i'm happy bc whicker is a super skilled and cluey dude, and if the game is what i think it is there's a large element of randomness which kind of cancels the skill advantage haha why didn't i pick 50 i'm such a ****in idiot here's your lesson kiddos don't do vetos when you wake up straight up

he can still win and do so handily but i reckon this gives me the best chance, and i don't feel safe rn so i want the best chance 



haha why didn't i pick 50 i'm such a ****in idiot here's your lesson kiddos don't do vetos when you wake up straight up


i suppose i succeeded in picking the most random one possible but boy howdy i've screwed the pooch lmao



i swapped with either whicker or mission apparently

here’s hoping it’s whicker bc if it’s mission then whicker’s on the doorstep!!



i bet you're sitting there knowing i swapped with mission thinking haha shady's an idiot and whicker's gonna win veto and shady's going home what a big idiot??



yeah look i swapped with whicker gambit came off never in doubt?

i played my ace to rags, whicker told me that dome and LTBF said they were gonna vote for him no matter what and i happened to pass on that info... surely he's got to boot whicker now surely he can't  save him with this info out in the open surely 


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Just now, EliteTexan80 said:

I'll have another pack of rookies at my disposal. I'll be a bit more heavy handed with them next time, just threaten them with punishment of banhammer...

This will work out well with my secret burner account too.

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Just now, SovereignNazgul said:

This will work out well with my secret burner account too.

Totally like that one movie with John Travolta, when he wore that one guys' face and killed all of those doves...

.... Pulp Fiction, right?

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Shady finishing off those DRs (pretty much when hes evicted)


oh dear it's big league scrambling szn now, i think my timbers are shivered, but either way it's been a heckuva lotta fun



the king has lost his crown :P 

lets hope that mission pulls through eh


And the decisive vote

rags has a good argument and his clutch winning streak is admirable but i think whicker played a more consistently holistic strong game - told him that if he made it to the F2 i think that he's guaranteed the W, and i can't not stand but that 


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