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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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Just now, EliteTexan80 said:

Totally like that one movie with John Travolta, when he wore that one guys' face and killed all of those doves...

.... Pulp Fiction, right?

Wild Hogs, I believe.

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Dome1 DR



I suppose I should start taking this diary thing seriously. Meant to start it on vacation and totally spaced it, didn’t cross my mind again until HZ brought it up 

Dear Diary pt 1

I’ve voted to evict ET and FJ in back to back votes and it’s giving me ulcers. Mathman has successfully created a game that tears me apart from the insides. I’m a lover not a fighter. I hope the good Lord can forgive me.

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Dome mooving on to his 2nd DR


Dairy submission 2. 

I believe i've gone the entire game w/out lying so far. I've not been SUPER active, but I've had regular communication with a couple guys. Someone will call me out on the claim that I didn't lie, I'll refute it if need be.

I just professed my undying love to Mission and LTBF. via PM I want one of the three of us to win. I honestly don't care who. 


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Just now, MathMan said:

Dome1 DR



I suppose I should start taking this diary thing seriously. Meant to start it on vacation and totally spaced it, didn’t cross my mind again until HZ brought it up 

Dear Diary pt 1

I’ve voted to evict ET and FJ in back to back votes and it’s giving me ulcers. Mathman has successfully created a game that tears me apart from the insides. I’m a lover not a fighter. I hope the good Lord can forgive me.

I stayed up for this, @domepatrol91?

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1 minute ago, gopherwrestler said:

Honestly my shift would have went to you if you would have been more open to your plans with me. I got too many unanswered questions that made it hard to completely be attached to you guys.


I stuck to my original alliance and wasn’t going to back out of it. LTBF honestly could have won this if he wouldn’t of tried turning on me and telling everyone he was trying to get me evicted. It truely was the end of his reign.

I mean, I was most open with you and JBURGE about my plans and mindset throughout the game.

Like pwn I was working pretty crazy hours at the beginning of the year so maybe that is why it seemed like I wasn't?

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Domes last DR: He knew he was gone


Diary Entry 3.

The day before my eviction.

Im sad I didn’t take the diary entries more seriously. I tried, but couldn’t get into it until I was in deep and didn’t just want to start 2/3rds I’d the way through. I regret that and I’ll be better next game.

I had a blast this game even though I was pretty slow to get started. I was kind of blindsided when we reached the first jury evictions and I don’t know how I stumbled that far into the game.

@MathMan this game as a whole, and specifically for me the last few weeks have been the most fun I’ve had on FF. Thank you for hosting.

@gopherwrestler, well played. I knew you were coming after me and had stronger allies. I saw a shot to get you out and mission played it better. Good game buddy.

@Whicker I hope you were able to use any info I gave you. Told you everything I knew and was honest with you the whole game. 

@HorizontoZenith honestly man you were the thorn in my side all game but you also pushed me and jump started me in the middle of this game. Thank you for providing strong competition all.... well, most of the game. ;) I am looking forward to a strong rivalry in the future. 

@EliteTexan80 thanks for including me early in your group of allies. Hearing later in the game that you and gopher were two people floating my name for eviction was just as much as a kick start as HZ gave me.

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1 minute ago, Shady Slim said:

ya know after seeing how strategic and thorough all you guys were in your sessions and rereading my ones i kinda feel bad lol

Reading yours gave me brain pain.

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Just now, MathMan said:

EliteTexan80 thanks for including me early in your group of allies. Hearing later in the game that you and gopher were two people floating my name for eviction was just as much as a kick start as HZ gave me

You're welcome.

More DR sessions next time or so help me, I'll banhammer you.

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1 minute ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

I mean, I was most open with you and JBURGE about my plans and mindset throughout the game.

Like pwn I was working pretty crazy hours at the beginning of the year so maybe that is why it seemed like I wasn't?

It’s possible. I did work with you as long as I could. But you took so much damn heat from the big group, so I just started sharing every little bit of knowledge I was getting from you and utley to the group. 

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@mission27's only DR session on 2/27


Diary Session #1:

This is a very tough decision, especially given my current mental faculties tbh.  TLO and I went out on the town last night and I haven't been this hungover in years.  Apparently I wandered off alone into the streets of Manhattan and woke up 8 hours later in a hotel I'd never heard of on the other side of the city with no memory of what happened.  

On the one hand, BBF is one of the closest guys to TLO and I in the house.  We have been very tight with him for a few years.  Really ever since I photoshopped some fake PMs to try to frame him for cheating and get him kicked out of the house.  Since then we have bonded and he has given us great advice, we given him great advice and saved his life practically, and now here we are.  My biggest concerns with BBF are, in order:

1. He's incredibly popular, any time you are up against him its going to be a very tough vote, and he would win hands down in any final 2

2. I'm not sure how into this game he is really going to be, he seems distant 

3. He can work with anyone in the house, only a few people can say that, mission for one, which makes him a huge threat always

4. He's never won in all the years he's been playing this game.  I'm sure he wants to win this time

The pros for BBF, if you will, are numerous:

1. He's probably the only guy in the house I trust other than TLO

2. He's a very powerful ally 

3. Everyone else knows the cons above so he will always be a target and we can probably get rid of him further down the road once we've gotten some use out of him

4. TLO loves him and I don't want to see his heart broken again after Amdoze, he turns into such a little *****

5. I feel for BBF given some of his struggles and wouldn't want to hurt him either

6. He's good in [spam] 

On the other hand, you've got ET.  I've never been a big fan of ET mostly because I know how jealous he is of us for taking his title as the coolest cats and most popular people in TAST.  He's always seemed like a fake smug kind of guy who acts more mature than he should and his attempt to **** on me in the Ivan Nova thread back in the day was really in poor taste.  It showed his severe lack of a sense of humor when it comes to other people's jokes.  That would seem to be a lot of criticism but the truth is I really like ET.  He's a good guy and we get along.  We've also worked pretty closely with him so far in this game and I think we have a good working relationship.  

If BBF survives, we can continue the foursome with someone else, maybe Lucky or Slim Shade.  If ET survives, I'm not sure who would join.  Lucky says he doesn't trust him, which is interesting because Lucky is a ******* snake and one of the most untrustworthy people I've ever met, as much as I love him, so its hard. 

ET says he wants to go scorched earth on these guys no matter who survives.  Not sure who 'these guys' are other than Dwight.  Who by the way I really appreciate the smugness and cojones of what he has done here, but wow.  Talk about a stupid move.  The guy went nuclear and nominated some of the most popular people in the house basically day 1.  It is kind of a classic Dwight move... honestly more of a naz move tbh but still... but I could also see someone behind the scenes pulling some strings.  My first guess was JBURGE but then I remembered iPwn is playing, he's a horrible person, and he has the potential to manipulate people.  Oh and ET and BBF are two big threats to iPwn's status.  So my thinking is probably him.  

jfin, who I haven't spoken to in a while, not sure what his deal is, but I'm sure he had nothing to do with this.  He and BBF are tight af.  Like jfin would like to have BBFs babies if you could get pregnant through the holes where your ear gauges are. 

Then there's the whole angle of what if this is just a shot across the bow at the MoL?  I mean these were probably our two closest allies so far based on total volume ofPM.  I'm not sure how that would've got around.  Its not like I really told anyone.  But it could be.  Everyone knows we run this game, we are this game, we are the most popular and successful players in this game and everyone loves us.  But that means everyone hates us and that can be a problem.  Who knows.  I don't want to sound like a complete egomaniac but we all know the game revolves around the MoL and that everything that happens ultimately comes down to us, what we do, what people are thinking about us, what people think we are thinking about them, and on and on and on and on.  My guess is this was an attack on the MoL by proxy.  Kind of like when Putin attacked us by invading Georgia.  Like, it could be the real Georgia next.  Dwight is a one horse country, stupid.

All this I guess is to say I will reluctantly be voting to evict ET. The good news is he is a threat, he is popular, and it'll be good to get rid of him.  The bad news is we are losing an ally.  But that's ok, we have a lot of those, arguably too many, and we will persevere.  And in the words of Steve Perry...

Oh, I want to let go
You'll go on hurtin' me
You'd be better off alone
If I'm not who you thought I'd be

Foreshadowing my next Diary Session?  I think so...

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