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2018 Free Agency - Prospects for GB


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19 minutes ago, Sasquatch said:

That’s because he was picked by Cleveland ahead of the Packers, who did put in a claim, along with the Vikings and one other team.


Correct… What does that fact have to do with cheech’s claim?

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3 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

This is why Twitter sucks. Nobody can deduce anything from that tweet. It's spin from a frickin clickbait journalist.

If I chopped quotes and ended them with ellipses I can make anything sound like anything too...



You gotta give Demosvky some props here- his click bait worked... Just feed the hate when you want hits.

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49 minutes ago, Cheech said:


Yeah, I saw Demovsky’s tweets… Did Domovsky ask Mathews and Perry if they had anything positive to say about Fackrell and they refused to say anything? Or, are you spinning it to hype your Fackrell hate?

For Demosky’s remark about Fackrell, (as pointed out by incognito man) it was just a throw away comment to appeal to bottom feeders hating on Fackrell to generate clicks & hits…  And, it worked.

Again, I asked you to backup a bunch of your Fackrell hate and for  comparison for Fackrell’s play the in the last 7 games in 2017... You threw up a couple tweets that didn't prove a thing- is that gonna be it?

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24 minutes ago, Donzo said:


How’s that an “lol”?... What am I missing?

Because it sounds like, oh and yeah, we have Kyler too. Like it's, IDK how to explain it, he's basically saying "Kyler has a pulse and is on our team."

EDIT: I'm not saying that's what he meant, I just laughed at how it was phrased, but incog points out, **** heads like Demov would def pull crap like this to make it sound worse.

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14 minutes ago, Norm said:


Well, yeah... This fact the Packers put in a claim is well established.

I'm asking for info that Gute made the claim to replace Fackrell or for info to confirm cheech's  remark (below) about the claim.

cheech: "Are there free agents at OLB that can do the job better than Kyler Fackrell? The answer in at least one case, is yes."  

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20 minutes ago, Norm said:

Because it sounds like, oh and yeah, we have Kyler too. Like it's, IDK how to explain it, he's basically saying "Kyler has a pulse and is on our team."

EDIT: I'm not saying that's what he meant, I just laughed at how it was phrased, but incog points out, **** heads like Demov would def pull crap like this to make it sound worse.


Really... I thought it was pathetic click bait the second I read them... I thought it was, like, the opposite of "lol".

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 Nah.  Demovsky is about as straight as they come.  Actions speak louder than words.  Putting in a waiver claim 2 days ago for an edge player proves that the front office isn't settled on the edge depth.

I've been down these rabbit holes before.  I've entertained it long enough.

Pretty hilarious 2+ minutes here from Nagler, though.  See 38:00. 

I've said my peace.  I'm done.  


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3 minutes ago, Donzo said:


Well, yeah... This fact the Packers put in a claim is well established.

I'm asking for info that Gute made the claim to replace Fackrell or for info to confirm cheech's  remark (below) about the claim.

cheech: "Are there free agents at OLB that can do the job better than Kyler Fackrell? The answer in at least one case, is yes."  

I'm dumb, sorry.

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Just now, Donzo said:


Really... I thought it was pathetic click bait the second I read them... I thought it was, like, the opposite of "lol".

I don't want to get caught up in what it was. I just think it was hilarious. It doesn't mean I think it's true. Just the thought of someone saying that about him the way I heard in it my head was funny. If you're too serious that, that's fine too lol

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2 minutes ago, Sasquatch said:

Not a damn thing.  I was responding to your cluelessness about GB putting in a claim on Zettel, which you were asking about.


Odd, there's no confusion about Zettel's claim... I don't know how you could miss that?!?

Here's a link for ya: https://www.education.com/magazine/article/fifth-grade-reading-comprehension/

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