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Civilization Mafia - GAME OVER - Barbarians win!


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5 hours ago, gopherwrestler said:

Hey sorry y’all, got in a pretty bad accident yesterday in the semi at work and got put in the hospital. Lost my phone so I don’t have anything last night to get on. 

My ole lady brought me her iPad to play games and such on, so I’ll catch up in a little while and throw some input on things.

Hope you get better real soon man.

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On 2/12/2018 at 8:18 PM, Whicker said:

1. gopherwrestler - Active. Called me out this phase. Was called out by another participant earlier this phase as well.

2. Ragnarok - He posted something that hinted he could exit the game or at least was my interpretation. I primarily voted day one following his sentiment. 
3. RuskieTitan - Impressively trying to kill himself, more impressively still alive. Perhaps town

4. theuntouchable - First guy since Rags I feel like has been a quality contributor. Doing a good job testing players and keeping discussion active. Mostly town lean.

5. mission27 - Also active. Can't hint as to his most noteworthy contribution but the activity has been there.

6. Famous Jameis - They're calling him out a little bit. I consider his recent experience in games to attribute to confidence levels in thread. Called me out, pushed a bit, and essentially relented. Maybe there's reason to be skeptical but awareness > action here.

7. LetTheBallFly - First possible legit scum guy. Another one who has gotten some good experience but hasn't been hot/cold as my first couple interactions. Nice to see others have said the same. 

8. kingseanjohn - Quiet contributor. Has posted and even threw a vote on a player. Just paying attention to him more than anything.

9. Tk3 - Somewhat similar to the scum he was in our last game. I just tend to be skeptical of Tk3, but I haven't thrown the vote in. 

10. Ua - Another not active enough guy. He's  someone I should look at a bit more. 

11. domepatrol91 - Active. Seemingly always playing to his typical consistent behavior. I should rewatch his activity as he is currently null.


Will revisit before going for the final four.
14. Raves 
16. bcb1213
17. bucsfan333
18. EliteTexan80

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40 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Oh no big deal then ..... 

how did it happen?

Dumping wet mud out of the side dump and the mud stuck in the tub and the truck tipped and rolled into the ditch. Usually doesn’t happen, but I got loaded heavy. Dumped with the door open so I could see my tub a little better, leg ended up getting caught in the step

36 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

You need surgery on it? Why are you here?

Broken leg, they went in yesterday afternoon to work on it and they are going back in on it today. 

All my family lives in Alaska and I’m in Minnesota. Mom is flying in today, the ole lady went to work for this afternoon. I’m stuck here by myself besides a couple friends/co-workers that stopped by to visit. Hospital rooms by yourself aren’t very entertaining. Pain meds help a bit.

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47 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

It could go either way. I’m leaning towards nay because I don’t like giving them the option of getting another wonder but I dislike giving them free reign of whatever wonder they want.

To me it seems like both options play towards the mafia. But a heavy amount of others favored more wonders for civs, it doesn’t seems smart to give mafia more wonders.

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On 2/13/2018 at 9:03 PM, EliteTexan80 said:

I'm debating on my next theme. Was thinking of ending every post with "THAT'S THE WAAAAAAAY THE NEWS GOES..."

But, um...not feeling it.

Et has been another person that has stood out to me in my reading.   

On 2/13/2018 at 9:08 PM, EliteTexan80 said:

I am groot

More gimmicks

On 2/13/2018 at 9:08 PM, EliteTexan80 said:

Nah, that don't work...

Just looking for gimmicks and not scum hunting

On 2/14/2018 at 6:30 AM, EliteTexan80 said:




Start of a big push on mookie

On 2/14/2018 at 7:33 AM, EliteTexan80 said:

The eyes and soul of Justice knows a lie when it hears it! There is no such game as baaketball in these United States of America!

Do not attempt to struggle as the warm blanket of Justice envelopes you into a guilty nap!




On 2/14/2018 at 10:45 AM, EliteTexan80 said:

Lemmie tell ya somethin brother! There is not a single game where I'm not super cereal! I'm doing this for the Red, White and Blue, brother! Me and all my ETmaniacs gonna run wild all over the Mafia, and my 24 inch pythons gonna smack those scum back to where they came from! 

So whaaaaacha gonna doooo, when ET and these pythons come running down on youuuuuuuu!?




On 2/14/2018 at 10:46 AM, EliteTexan80 said:

...ok, found my gimmick.

Found his gimmick I guess 

On 2/14/2018 at 11:01 AM, EliteTexan80 said:

Lemmie tell ya something brother!

The gimmick is a false flag! You see, me and my ETmaniacs take note of what each reaction is to my gimmick, brother! It's what led me to investigate and press on who I investigated and pressed, and gives me insight on who might be who, brother!

All you need to do for the gimmick is to say your prayers and take your vitamins, brother! 


Probably scum just wanting a gimmick to stay active enough to not draw suspicion

On 2/15/2018 at 4:19 PM, EliteTexan80 said:

Lemmie tell ya something brother!

Mookie is the vote you need to make! So make it, before the 24 inch pythons and the ETMANIACS run wiiiillllld on yoooooooou!!!


One of the leaders on the push for mookie. Could be scum pushing a known civ to them.  

Gopher and ET are the most likely ppl to be mafia from my reads.  I was right about 2 mafia last game pretty early and I feel about the same with gopher and et has jumped to 2nd on my list 

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1 hour ago, gopherwrestler said:

Dumping wet mud out of the side dump and the mud stuck in the tub and the truck tipped and rolled into the ditch. Usually doesn’t happen, but I got loaded heavy. Dumped with the door open so I could see my tub a little better, leg ended up getting caught in the step

Broken leg, they went in yesterday afternoon to work on it and they are going back in on it today. 

All my family lives in Alaska and I’m in Minnesota. Mom is flying in today, the ole lady went to work for this afternoon. I’m stuck here by myself besides a couple friends/co-workers that stopped by to visit. Hospital rooms by yourself aren’t very entertaining. Pain meds help a bit.

That could have turned very bad, very quickly. Glad you’re ok tho

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