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Damarious Randall traded to the Browns for DeShone Kizer

marky mark

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1 minute ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Randall got benched and publically blasted by coaches worse than any player that's played for the Packers in the Thompson/McCarthy era, I have no idea how you think he got a pass from coaches.

If a player isn't communicating and isn't tackling that's a reflection of them as a player, it's factored in to the evaluation. If you think that the defense is going to perform better with Josh Hawkins in the game than Damarious Randall, that's your perogative. Not the hill I'd chose to plant my flag, but you do you. 

They keep playing him... reports are after Chicago team mates where requesting they release him, by player standards he was babied. I’m sure they all didn’t care he got bench.

And never planted my flag in Hawkins... I’m sure they are going to sign a guy or two and now draft one high.

Ill plant my flag with a Ward/James/Jackson at this point then a Randall that won’t resign with this club for obvious reasons.

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3 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

1. Disagree, Rodgers has never in his career shown the propensity for turnovers that Kizer did. 

2. Aaron Rodgers is an incredible outlier and not the trajectory you bet that a player will take. Generally a player who is COMPLETELY awful as a rookie, stays completely awful. 

Dude, Hollywood Higgins, Ricardo Louis, those were his freaking WRs.

Also your point 2 is totally wrong at QB. Just look at Goff this year, Rodgers looked bad, Alex Smith was awful at times, Peyton Manning had a garbage rookie year.

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3 minutes ago, skibrett15 said:

I liked Randall.  I thought he was one of the bright spots of the 2017 defense as well as the 2015 defense.  I expected him to be a major contributor for the 2018 defense.

I loved the rims and I loved the tires and I feel like there was some mandatory recall.  That's why I'm complaining.

He flashed bright spots. He also pulled some turd moves. I wish he was consistently the former. I'm ok cutting ties with someone who is not.

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3 minutes ago, SpeightTheVillain said:

No-one is arguing that Kizer was anything but awful last year.

His physical abilities are much better then Hundley's.

They were trading Randall regardless - which is fine to be upset about but they were not going to get a better deal then this. I'd rather have Kizer then a 4th. Period.


Which physical abilities? Kizer is an inch taller and seven pounds heavier. Other than that Hundley tests better athletically than Kizer in every measure. Neither Hundley nor Kizer are lacking anything in the physical skillset.

Neither one are very accurate and neither one have processing speed worth a damn. 

I'd much rather have a 4th than Kizer. 

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3 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

This is like the equivalent of selling the tires and rims on your truck for 25% of their value when you're on a fixed income and don't have money to be waving around on buying new rims and tires.

Yeah if you're some kind of eternal pessimist. We have plenty of avenues to create cap space. 

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16 minutes ago, Green19 said:

And was almost out of the league until Andy Reid said come to KC.

Lets not act like he had team banging down his door.

Kizer was a rookie... hard to be THAT critical of his resume at this point.

Hard not to be when you throw 22 picks. Foles at least has experience and played well at points in his career. Its a big risk here, Kizer isn't gonna help right now, unless god help us all if Rodgers goes down again. Kizer is still development QB right now. Our roster is sorely lacking in so many different areas and we get Kizer, it just doesn't look good.

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36 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Agree on this.  

A mid round QB is only 1 year younger than Kizer.  GB would have that for 4 years vs 3 years with Kizer.  If Kizer never sees meaningful regular season snaps in the next few years, why would another NFL team trade for someone whose only action looked like trash?

But the Packers may have decided that this would be their final season of Randall.

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1 minute ago, Packerraymond said:

Dude, Hollywood Higgins, Ricardo Louis, those were his freaking WRs.

Also your point 2 is totally wrong at QB. Just look at Goff this year, Rodgers looked bad, Alex Smith was awful at times, Peyton Manning had a garbage rookie year.

Absolutely garbage receivers, true.

None of those guys with the exception of Smith looked anywhere near as bad as Kizer. All of them stayed around the 1:1 ratio that you need to at least be somewhat competitive. 

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2 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

Yeah if you're some kind of eternal pessimist. We have plenty of avenues to create cap space. 

And all of those avenues come with opening a different hole. We didn't need to create this hole unless the locker room situation truly was untennable.

In which case I think we got crap value for opening the hole that we did. 

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7 minutes ago, Green19 said:

They keep playing him... reports are after Chicago team mates where requesting they release him, by player standards he was babied. I’m sure they all didn’t care he got bench.

And never planted my flag in Hawkins... I’m sure they are going to sign a guy or two and now draft one high.

Ill plant my flag with a Ward/James/Jackson at this point then a Randall that won’t resign with this club for obvious reasons.

If nothing else Randall is effective depth. Even if you bring in your Denzel Ward and your Trumaine Johnson, you still want a 4th CB. Randall was fine for that role.

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4 minutes ago, Gopackgonerd said:

Hard not to be when you throw 22 picks. Foles at least has experience and played well at points in his career. Its a big risk here, Kizer isn't gonna help right now, unless god help us all if Rodgers goes down again. Our roster is sorely lacking in so many different areas and we get Kizer, it just doesn't look good.

Is the season starting tomorrow? Give the dude a chance to build his roster first.

what if they sign Or trade for some big name CB? We don’t know how lacking it will be.

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3 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Absolutely garbage receivers, true.

None of those guys with the exception of Smith looked anywhere near as bad as Kizer. All of them stayed around the 1:1 ratio that you need to at least be somewhat competitive. 

Yeah Rodgers would've taken 80 sacks instead of throwing the picks. Really you end up in the same boat, drives that result in no points.

He was a rookie, had no WRs and lost the only good thing the Browns have had for the last decade, Joe Thomas.

No QB in the league succeeds under the circumstances he had. Let alone a raw rookie. Why do you think that entire FO got canned?

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14 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

We traded a guy who very clearly was a 1 year rental for us, for a guy who was sought by our FO at the most valuable position. A position where of he shows off in preseason the next two years could net us far more value than Damarious Randall.

And if Randall walks we get a comp pick.

If we cut Randall we get more salary cap space. 

Kizer has a lot of NFL game tape of looking terrible to think we're going to be conning people out of picks for him. 

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47 minutes ago, deltarich87 said:

Ok and what's the plan? Develop him to trade him 2 yrs from now? The only way this makes sense is if they legit are grooming him to become the successor to Rodgers in a few years or something, which just sounds crazy to me.

Or ARod extensions hit a wall and they need a new starter in 19 when they trade #12 for a Hershel Walker/Ricky Williams haul.

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