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Jets trade up to 3


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8 minutes ago, Harris Smith said:

Aside from using poor judgment in expressing his political views, his father is a renowned physician, he comes from big money. Bart  Scott made a good point about how his family will react should he suffer another head injury. In other words, how committed is he to football? 

Unless there is an injury that causes some thinking alternative in life of Rosen he will be all in for NFL.  He interests in making money. If playing football successful will make him a filthy rich punk then he will go for it.


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Just now, SDotNova said:

For the Jets, it is better for Trump to win again. Keep Woody away from this team. If we can get some traction before he gets back, we might be able to build something. 

Oh, it is definitely a thing although he can quit and return back to Jets any time.

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30 minutes ago, ekill08x said:

No its not. Woody, Chris, and their mother all have equal shares. Woody is simply the face. As per Bart Scott on the FAN about a week ago. Assuming he would know since he was employed by them. 

EDIT: Not sure how true this is since their was no way to look it up, but that was absolutely what he said when they were talking about Woody being in England and Chris running the team. Bart specified that the ownership of the team was always all 3, Woody being the face and being the most involved and the mother and brother being silent partners. Just thought it was interesting and curious if anyone else heard this.

Never heard this and couldn’t find anything about it. Hope he’s right.

Still doubt it makes a difference. If Woody said “absolutely not” I doubt he’s going to be overruled.

Absolutely should not be a factor but interesting.

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I don't know about J&J but Woody is the powerful figure in the family. He has been involving heavily with GOP. He had been in charge of Jets until Chris stepped in for him.  In other J&J businesses, they have CEO for that.   Thats all.  Silent familial partners? I don't buy it.


It could get interesting if Woody returns.  Co partners?  Thank you, bro but get a hitch?  dunno.

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1 hour ago, jetskid007 said:

The wonderlic is meaningless, but it's not. There are a lot more successful QBs that have scored with high marks (above 30) than there are busts (players who went into the NFL with high expectations that didn't pan out). There also seems to be a correlation between players who scored low (19 or below) that were good, but needed more time to hit their stride (Jeff George, Kordell Stewart, Donovan McNabb, Steve McNair, Jim Kelly, Vinny Testaverde, Daunte Culpepper). What makes it tough is that a lot of the older players didn't prepare for it like sone do today - nor was their education as good - which makes it hard to incorporate as accurate data. 

The best stat I've seen is this: 

Also, for your viewing pleasure... every 1st round QB since 2000, red being the clear busts: 


Name Position Score YEAR
Blaine Gabbert Quarterback 42 2011
Alex Smith Quarterback 40 2005
Carson Wentz Quarterback 40 2016
Eli Manning Quarterback 39 2004
Matthew Stafford Quarterback 38 2009
Andrew Luck Quarterback 37 2012
Jared Goff Quarterback 36 2016
Aaron Rodgers Quarterback 35 2005
Christian Ponder Quarterback 35 2011
Matt Leinart Quarterback 35 2006
Ryan Tannehill Quarterback 34 2012
Marcus Mariota Quarterback 33 2015
Joey Harrington Quarterback 32 2002
Johnny Manziel Quarterback 32 2015
Matt Ryan Quarterback 32 2008
Patrick Ramsey Quarterback 32 2002
JP Losman Quarterback 31 2004
Philip Rivers Quarterback 30 2004
Brady Quinn Quarterback 29 2007
Rex Grossman Quarterback 29 2003
Blake Bortles Quarterback 28 2014
Mark Sanchez Quarterback 28 2009
Brandon Weeden Quarterback 27 2012
Jameis Winston Quarterback 27 2015
Joe Flacco Quarterback 27 2008
Josh Freeman Quarterback 27 2009
Kyle Boller Quarterback 27 2003
Carson Palmer Quarterback 26 2003
Jay Cutler Quarterback 26 2006
Ben Roethlisberger Quarterback 25 2004
Byron Leftwich Quarterback 25 2003
Chad Pennington Quarterback 25 2000
David Carr Quarterback 24 2002
JaMarcus Russell Quarterback 24 2007
Robert Griffin III Quarterback 24 2012
Jason Campbell Quarterback 23 2005
Tim Tebow Quarterback 22 2010
Cam Newton Quarterback 21 2012
Jake Locker Quarterback 20 2012
Michael Vick Quarterback 20 2001
Teddy Bridgewater Quarterback 20 2014
Vince Young Quarterback 6 2006


Ponder had a weak arm (so outside qualifier issue)

Leinart always played super safe also not a strong arm  (chicken about attacking)

i just never like Blaine “blame” Gabbert but other than a gut feeling can’t remember what I disliked a about him

harrington no idea so 

Manziel already obvious why off the field disqualifies ...

At the top there is some correlation but obviously wouldn’t bank on that alone if you don’t like the guy going into seeing this it’s not gonna make u love him. Contrary tho if you love a guy or like a guy and he does below par or terrible I think it gives u pause.

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None of the top QBs scored bad. So I already thought the wonderlic was pointless. But this year it means even less being they all scored rather similar. I'm not moving my rankings bc Allen scored the best and Mayfield scored the worst of the top 4 guys.

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7 hours ago, Bobby816 said:

None of the top QBs scored bad. So I already thought the wonderlic was pointless. But this year it means even less being they all scored rather similar. I'm not moving my rankings bc Allen scored the best and Mayfield scored the worst of the top 4 guys.

You are correct, remember Terry Bradshaw they said he was to dumb to be a NFL QB. After winning four SB and ended up  doing some acting on TV shows and got a great gig on Fox Pregame NFL shows. I wish I was that dumb. 

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Is anyone sold on Sam Darnold? Took some time to watch more of him last night and I have to say, I don't know. He has a lot of Allen's negative traits but less upside. He has bad feet, hero throws, and has the fumbling issues which Allen does not have. Some times he makes hero throws with his feet paralleled like he is shooting a basketball and those usually don't end well.  He doesn't have Allen's arm to bail him. He also has an odd throwing motion which is not too big a deal because he does get the ball out pretty fast. But even the slightest signal to DB's that you are throwing the ball is an advantage to the defense.

He does have Allen's "pocket escapability! magic" which is good. 

Not really understanding why he is the consensus number 1 QB.

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15 minutes ago, SDotNova said:

Is anyone sold on Sam Darnold? Took some time to watch more of him last night and I have to say, I don't know. He has a lot of Allen's negative traits but less upside. He has bad feet, hero throws, and has the fumbling issues which Allen does not have. Some times he makes hero throws with his feet paralleled like he is shooting a basketball and those usually don't end well.  He doesn't have Allen's arm to bail him. He also has an odd throwing motion which is not too big a deal because he does get the ball out pretty fast. But even the slightest signal to DB's that you are throwing the ball is an advantage to the defense.

He does have Allen's "pocket escapability! magic" which is good. 

Not really understanding why he is the consensus number 1 QB.

I still prefer Rosen to Darnold. Mainly bc I think Rosen is the most NFL ready. And I don’t think we are a franchise that can keep a guy on the bench for 1.5 seasons. Allen is actually growing on me. I think out in the right situation he will be a very good QB, I just don’t think we are that situation right now for him. I think one of the biggest underrated parts to developing a QB is the surroundings. OL, RB, WR and all. I can go down countless QBs that would have failed if they didn’t have some of this around them. Bc we don’t have great WRs, OL or RB I think we need a guy more polished (Rosen). Darnold is rather polished from a skill set standpoint. His issues were him trying to do too much. I’ve used this example before... if you put Darnold on OU he’s hands down the #1 pick and we’d all say he’s a cant miss prospect. And this is bc he has the talent and at USC just tried putting the team on his shoulders at times. Allen did this as well. Allen for sure has the highest ceiling of the bunch... but the lowest floor as well.

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I'm starting to like Allen more too. Right now my order is this.

1A. Mayfield 

1B. Allen

2. Darnald

3. Rosen

I know I'm pretty far off compared to everyone else on here but these are my thoughts.

Mayfield has the "IT" factor. I don't care what system he was in. The guy walks on at Texas Tech does great and then gets bumped down because of Pat Mahome. Then leaves walks on at OU and does even better. The guy is just a plain winner and will do everything he can to win. This is who you want leading the team. This is why he is my number 1 guy.

Allen has a lot of great things going like size arm strength and that Favre attitude on the field that I love. I don't care about the low completion % because a lot of QB came in and had low completion % and did well. 

Darnald should have stayed in school one more year. I think it would have made a HUGE difference for him. I don't think he is ready for the NFL on and off the field. He had a lot of turn overs that scare me because he was on a pretty good team and there was no need for that high of turnovers. I also did not like how he did worse his second year than his first year. He should have at least been equal or a little better.

Rosen is a guy that just rub me the wrong way. I don't like how he stated I would rather get drafted later to a better team than high to a bad team. I don't see him as a real leader you want on the field. He does not have the it factor and it scares me when people say he is the most ready for the NFL. I look at that as he will come in and play but never really improve just be an average QB because I just don't see him as 100% committed to football. I want a leader to eat and breath football every day of his life. This is not the guy to lead our troops.

OK guys those are my thoughts go ahead and tear it apart.

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43 minutes ago, barnaby8787 said:

People are liking Allen for all the wrong reasons. Look at his body of work, not his off-season. 

I’m by no means saying I’m a fan of him but I think valuable to look at his 2016 highlights more so than his 2017. Competition oercentage still not good, but very successful with not awful talent around him.

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