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2 minutes ago, lancerman said:

It's because scholars were intelligent enough to realize sometimes words can incite hostile emotions that can lead to danger. This isn't a new concept. 


1 minute ago, jrry32 said:

I don't think it is.

Again, this is a slippery slope fallacy. Yes, anything offensive can technically get you killed. But there are obviously things are extremely likely to incite violence and things that aren't likely to incite violence.

Slipper slope fallacy is a thing, but that doesn't mean slippery slopes don't exist.. surely you understand that.


So put your balls on the table, my two honorable friends. Yes or no.

Should there be a limit on trash talk in the UFC? What topics do you both think should not be allowed, if that's what you believe?

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5 minutes ago, RavensDefense3 said:

after all the crap conor was talking, he knew what was coming if he lost.

Not sure how many times I must type this but...

Conor created a character that everyone loves or hates. He straight up marketed himself from four figures in his bank account like most people, to $150M. By marketing an entertaining character and winning majority of his fights. The guy is a genius that most people are jealous of and most people are hypocrities of. Any of you would portray that character for $150M. Conor's real life personality isn't that what so ever. He's selling fights. You watched it. By far the most bought UFC PPV ever. That's all due to McGregor, not UFC, Dana, or Khabib. People who do not see through McGregors character are 1) Either not very intelligent 2) Very sensitive 3) probably both.

Sorry but Conors a legit genius. And everyone mad at him are all 100% hypocrites because they would all do the same exact thing if knew it would of made them so much money.

Edited by BayRaider
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1 minute ago, cddolphin said:


Slipper slope fallacy is a thing, but that doesn't mean slippery slopes don't exist.. surely you understand that.


So put your balls on the table, my two honorable friends. Yes or no.

Should there be a limit on trash talk in the UFC? What topics do you both think should not be allowed, if that's what you believe?

Yes, the UFC should tell its fighters to stay away from family, race/ethnicity, religion, and nationality. 

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9 minutes ago, lancerman said:

Trash talk in fight promotion is always a blurred line. So it's really hard to say. There was legit animosity between Tito Ortiz and the Lion's Den back in the day and the trash talk mattered to them. We've seen in boxing promotion get so bad that it spilled out into real life wars. We've seen things that Ali said to Joe Fraizer basically effect the rest of his life and make him a villain in his own community. 

When it rests on an implicit understanding that a guy doesn't mean what he says because it's about self promotion, you are resting on that understanding coming through. And honestly considering Conor just endangered a bunch of people not long ago with his actions, it's hard to say everything about this was mere self promotion.

But it’s Conor McGregor....Khabib had to know some serious trash talk was coming.


again, not saying it’s right....but acting completely surprised by deep insults during a promotional period against McGregor doesn’t make much sense.


McGregor and Diaz legit almost fought several times during their promotion, but as soon as the fights ended McGregor praised him and gave him a hug.

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2 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

Not sure how many times I must type this but...

Conor created a character that everyone loves or hates. He straight up marketed himself from four figures in his bank account like most people, to $150M. By marketing an entertaining character and winning majority of his fights. The guy is a genius that most people are jealous of and most people are hypocrities of. Any of you would portray that character for $150M. Conor's real life personality isn't that what so ever. He's selling fights. You watched it. By far the most bought UFC PPV ever. That's all due to McGregor, not UFC, Dana, or Khabib. People who do not see through McGregors character are 1) Either not very intelligent 2) Very sensitive 3) probably both.

Sorry but Conors a legit genius. And everyone mad at him are all 100% hypocrites because they would all do the same exact thing if knew it would of made them so much money.

i'm not mad at him, just have a hard time understanding your "no respect" thing. obviously it's all a character, but when you try to attack the guy out outside of the cage with a dangerous object that could've seriously hurt him, and trash his family, and culture? where was this "no respect" then?

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11 minutes ago, RavensDefense3 said:

after all the crap conor was talking, he knew what was coming if he lost.

This is what I don’t get....people are ragging on Conor for how he promotes a fight (and that’s understandable), but at the same time are brushing off the crap Khabib did that was just as bad imo, and in this case worse than Conor’s trash talking during the promotion.


Khabib is an unreal fighter....but his “I’m all about respect” charade is a complete farce.

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1 minute ago, Pats#1 said:

This is what I don’t get....people are ragging on Conor for how he promotes a fight (and that’s understandable), but at the same time are brushing off the crap Khabib did that was just as bad imo, and in this case worse than Conor’s trash talking during the promotion.


Khabib is an unreal fighter....but his “I’m all about respect” charade is a complete farce.

i'm not ragging on conor for how he promotes the fight. i think it's brilliant. conor was one of the reasons that made me follow UFC. just understand that the way he promotes the fights, there are going to be consequences. just understand , not everyone is going to be happy about having huge metals thrown at them in the bus, and getting told how your family are horrible people.

and sorry khabib jumping off a cage is not even comparable to what conor has done

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