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7 hours ago, Buckrock101 said:

Kinda funny how Cejudo called out all the bantamweight division except the guys who actually have a case for a title shot.

Think he missed Renan Barao and Takeya Mizugaki as well, he must of forgot them

Yea 2 guys who are pretty much retired and Cody lol

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8 hours ago, 11sanchez11 said:

yes, I should say rose would murk valentina as my argument (but the opposite) as you have instead of saying she is more exaggerated in her bouncing back and forth, she feints way more and more pronounced, and she changes angles more often. And then giving you two videos that helps explain it. I should just define footwork as simple and pretend I have said something like you did. 

yes, and no person have ever won a fight before where their opponent punched harder than them.

I could tell 

your point is that VS would beat Rose because she is more powerful. I gave you a relevant example why it doesn't matter that much if she is. Rose has enough 'power' to do something that Valentina couldn't against a common opponent. 

no, I was looking for footwork. you do move with your feet. 

a lot of that was leg kicks. also the point of this was that rose might be able to get to VS unlike any other female fighter, not that she would never get hit.


the point of it was to point out that you called me out for not explaining her footwork (even tho I briefly did and provided you more info if you wanted a better explanation) but then proceed to define footwork as being balanced and having quick feet lol like that is saying anything.


can we agree that rose has different footwork than basically every other female fighter?
can we agree that I never said Rose would beat Valentina?
can we agree that we should stop this back and forth for the sake of others who are reading this thread?

last post and ill leave it at this.... 


no, rose doesnt have different footwork than every other female fighter. Heck, one of the most well known (thats in the same divison) also uses a very movement heavy style. I dont even know if i said you said rose could win, but sure, we can agree. I think you said itd be interesting and it just wouldnt be though. ANd yes, itd be nice if this ended here. 


you keep on introducing strawman arguments to try and get away from youre talking out of your you know what. either there a serious comprehension issue going on or your being deceitful, i never defined footwork as quick feet... simply that that and balance is what makes great footwork. As i already said, pretty clearly i might add, great footwork is simple in theory but difficult in practice. but its simple regardless if youre good at it or not. Also, please show me where i said no one has ever won a fight where the opponenet had more power, or is that another strawman?

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12 hours ago, GSUeagles14 said:

simply that that and balance is what makes great footwork

out of the all the stuff we wrote I think this is where we differ the most. you are comfortable saying being quick and balanced is what makes great footwork. if you quickly and on balanced move your feet to the wrong spot you are going to get hit. there is so much that goes into it (and a lot of it I don't know). there are pivots, angle changes, switching stances, outside foot battle, feints, whether your feet are perpendicular or parallel to your opponent, whether you step forward and backwards or to the side, etc. Like if you got a soccer player they would have quick feet and be extremely balanced but they would have no idea where to move their feet. If you are comfortable saying because someone moves a lot they have similar footwork to Rose, their isn't really anywhere to go from here. Dominik Cruz and clay Guida both move a lot, they don't have similar footwork. 


12 hours ago, GSUeagles14 said:

Also, please show me where i said no one has ever won a fight where the opponenet had more power, or is that another strawman?

this could be like a continuous, circular strawman party we have going here. Tell me where I said you said no one has ever won a fight where the opponent had more power. Or is this a strawman?  Tho I don't think either is really a strawman lol. Just cause you didn't understand my initial point doesn't mean I was strawmanning. 

Edited by 11sanchez11
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I feel like the ending of Ferguson v Cerrone while disappointing for it to end that way doesnt shut the door on Cerrone and his near future title aspirations. If he ever gets that fight with Conor, all it takes is that W and Ferguson to bow out and he will get his shot.

Also, we all know Ferguson threw a late punch but you're telling me he would have been DQ'd if he hit Cerrone's right side despite Donald basically blowing his eye shut? That would have been an even more disappointing than the finish we got. I love both of these guys so it was tough to see it go down this way

I know Ferguson is the supposed biggest threat to Khabib and his striking is very tough to defend against but I worry all those spinning attacks will open him up to a very easy TD and ginormous slam in Team Khabib's corner

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On 6/10/2019 at 12:21 AM, 11sanchez11 said:

out of the all the stuff we wrote I think this is where we differ the most. you are comfortable saying being quick and balanced is what makes great footwork. if you quickly and on balanced move your feet to the wrong spot you are going to get hit. there is so much that goes into it (and a lot of it I don't know). there are pivots, angle changes, switching stances, outside foot battle, feints, whether your feet are perpendicular or parallel to your opponent, whether you step forward and backwards or to the side, etc. Like if you got a soccer player they would have quick feet and be extremely balanced but they would have no idea where to move their feet. If you are comfortable saying because someone moves a lot they have similar footwork to Rose, their isn't really anywhere to go from here. Dominik Cruz and clay Guida both move a lot, they don't have similar footwork. 


this could be like a continuous, circular strawman party we have going here. Tell me where I said you said no one has ever won a fight where the opponent had more power. Or is this a strawman?  Tho I don't think either is really a strawman lol. Just cause you didn't understand my initial point doesn't mean I was strawmanning. 



yes, and no person have ever won a fight before where their opponent punched harder than them.

do you actually believe that or were you just being sarcastic. If its the latter as i suspect it is, why would you be sarcastic about it?


More importantly, do you know why quick feet is important? Its so you can win the foot battle you mentioned and get to your spot. almost all the other things you mentioned have little to do with footwork (i mean, whether you step forward or backward... really?). kinda seems like youre trying to fold reads, distance management, defense and a couple other things into an all encompassing "footwork". I mean, you so aptly pointed out you need your feet to move earlier so why not, right?

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17 hours ago, BleedTheClock said:

Soooo anyone else train MMA? I started in April and freaking love it. I am a teacher so I have the entire summer off and have infinite time to get better.


What are some workouts I could do to get better?

Any suggested videos or strategies to improve?

I've trained BJJ for about 4 years, MMA on/off for 2-3 years. it's pretty great.

Idk about specific workouts, but my advice would just be to drill a lot. Sparring and rolling is the most fun, I know, but drilling is where you really get good. You need a lot of repetition. like the Bruce Lee quote about the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

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5 hours ago, Buckrock101 said:

I've trained BJJ for about 4 years, MMA on/off for 2-3 years. it's pretty great.

Idk about specific workouts, but my advice would just be to drill a lot. Sparring and rolling is the most fun, I know, but drilling is where you really get good. You need a lot of repetition. like the Bruce Lee quote about the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

I have frustratingly short legs and suck at triangles. I have become a wizard at getting kimura locks, americana locks, and armbars from top positions. My bottom game sucks nuts despite being flexible enough to pull rubber guard effectively. I just have freaking stumpy legs and can't finish any triangles from my guard. Sucks!

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10 hours ago, BleedTheClock said:

I have frustratingly short legs and suck at triangles. I have become a wizard at getting kimura locks, americana locks, and armbars from top positions. My bottom game sucks nuts despite being flexible enough to pull rubber guard effectively. I just have freaking stumpy legs and can't finish any triangles from my guard. Sucks!

Funny that, triangles are my specialty, easily my #1 submission.

You can still get triangles if you have short legs. In fact once you lock it up, shorter legs can make you triangle even tighter.

Just need to focus on getting the angle right. If you're straight-on, you'll have a hard time locking it up. You need to angle off to the opposite side of the arm that's inside the triangle, so you're looking at your opponent's ear.

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