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30 minutes ago, Troy Brown said:

I've also stood next to Brian Cage (and Keith Lee for that matter after a match in Providence when they were selling merch next to the ring) and Cage was not much taller than I am... Sure, he's about 6 of me across but the days of needing to be the size of a power forward are clearly over and thankfully

Oh no doubt.  I stood next to Kurt at a fan event when Summer Slam was in LA last year, and he's noticeably shorter than I am now (and even I've shrunk a shade from the heavy 6'1" I was in college).

PARROTHEAD has one very valid point, it wouldn't be as noticeable when the shorter guys across the board are the trend.  I mean, from the in-ring comparison, Aleister being 6'0" and Dream being 6'3"-6'4" don't look out of place going against one another.  And from the stands they look just fine size wise.  I think this is a case of where the UFC has actually benefited pro wrestling, because it's become more acceptable that sub-6'0", sub-200-pound guys can still be killers (you know, like actual wrestlers...).  I mean, Ace Romero is basically my height (from a distance he looks shorter because I've got longer legs, he's got a longer torso), but the dude can move!  And he looks no less impressive going against a guy like Cage.  I mean, dude, Sami Callihan (5'8") is genuinely 4 inches shorter than Sami Zayne (6'1") and Rusev (6'0").

Also, Finn's 190 pounds, he's put on some solid, quality weight since coming back from the shoulder injury (no doubt to help protect against future injuries).

Unless they're born into the industry, the sport just isn't drawing the "big men" away from football (and rugby, though they've made some headway there of late) the way it used to, and if they're getting hold of these type of guys to start training them, it's not until they've gone all the way through college and failed to stick on an NFL roster.  So unless they're collecting some lifelong fans where were in MMA and then decided to transition over (Riddle, for instance, is right now the same size that Shawn was in his prime - there's a reason Shawn wore the moon boots, he had skinny calves), they're not able to get guys trained in all aspects (ring work, promos, etc) until they're in their mid-30's or later.  Moose is kind of an anomaly because he crapped out of the NFL after his rookie deal and went right into the ROH dojo at the time.  Even the ROH dojo isn't getting hold of bigger guys like it used to.  These guys just aren't reporting to the schools anymore.

The biggest guy at Monster Factory is 6'4".  Biggest non-10-year-vet at House of Hardcore is 6'4".  I've stood next to Brody King, he's closer to 6'3" than his listed 6'5".  Given WWE's relationship with EVOLVE, they're probably the odds-on favorite to sign Austin Theory (considering he's got a physique that's Vince's wet dream and he's like 21 and can work already), but he's only 6'1".  Walter looks mammoth on TV, but he's basically the same size as Brody King (that 6'3" and change, light 6'4" range) and wears the weight better.  I'm genuinely hopeful that they'll sign Jeff Cobb this year, but he's KO's height if not a shade shorter.  

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1 hour ago, Troy Brown said:

but jericho talks about how he used to juice all the time 

Thats the key though. Use too. And he was considered a Cruiserweight at one time.  Hes pushing 50, has shrunken. And looks the size of any wrestler brought in the past 5 years or so. Because across the board, theyve sized down to where even hes looking like a good sized fellow in comparison.

Like I was a big Pyscosis fan back in the day. And he was a cruiserweight that theyd of never allowed in the ranks of Goldberg, Hall, Nash, Norton, Hogan, Sting and those heavyweights. If he wrestled today. Hed be a international Superstar in WWEs current Heavyweight division.


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2 hours ago, Troy Brown said:

I've also stood next to Brian Cage (and Keith Lee for that matter after a match in Providence when they were selling merch next to the ring) and Cage was not much taller than I am... Sure, he's about 6 of me across but the days of needing to be the size of a power forward are clearly over and thankfully

I dont get why you say "thankfully". I liked the variety in classes. You had the Cruiserweight Championship for a reason, and a Heavyweight title for a reason. 2 varieties of wrestling being provided, along with great storytelling set for each.

Youd give up Sting, Lugar, Nash, Hall, Hogan, Booker, Rock, Undertaker, Lesnar and all those guys in preference of a complete Cruiser Division roster?  I think both are needed in the same way it is for boxing and UFC. Mayweather, Dela-Hoya would have never been a name against Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Tyson and the likes. But each division important and sold mad PPVs all the same.

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I get all the wanting to push Kofi thats happening. And theres nothing Id like more. Except like shown earlier, hes with New Day.  That branch with pancakes stuck all over it is a prime example of why id rather not see him with the title until that group is gone. Then you have Xavier carrying E like a baby standing behind him. I find it embarrassing to be a wrestling fan and associated with such. He wants the title, let him act like a veteran pro and go after it seriously.

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57 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

I dont get why you say "thankfully". I liked the variety in classes. You had the Cruiserweight Championship for a reason, and a Heavyweight title for a reason. 2 varieties of wrestling being provided, along with great storytelling set for each.

Youd give up Sting, Lugar, Nash, Hall, Hogan, Booker, Rock, Undertaker, Lesnar and all those guys in preference of a complete Cruiser Division roster?  I think both are needed in the same way it is for boxing and UFC. Mayweather, Dela-Hoya would have never been a name against Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Tyson and the likes. But each division important and sold mad PPVs all the same.

You're the only one talking in absolutes, I said thankfully because it's no longer a requisite to be huge to be get an unnecessary push

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Why is it bad that in a fake story, that a smaller fighter will often fight a larger one?

Isn’t it a good thing that this generation’s equivalent of Jericho, Mysterio, and Benoit don’t need to abuse steroids to get a main event push and main event money?

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Thinking about heading up to Seattle early next month to see DEFY... billing Tajiri vs Super Crazy, an Ultimo Dragon appearance and Shane Strickland vs Darby Allin (I thought Strickland was WWE bound?) but only GA standing room is available... given most of the shows I've been to in new england have looked like this: maxresdefault.jpg

do you think it'd be worth the 3 hour drive, @The LBC? this is your coast, gimme advice

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13 hours ago, Troy Brown said:

Thinking about heading up to Seattle early next month to see DEFY... billing Tajiri vs Super Crazy, an Ultimo Dragon appearance and Shane Strickland vs Darby Allin (I thought Strickland was WWE bound?) but only GA standing room is available... given most of the shows I've been to in new england have looked like this: maxresdefault.jpg

do you think it'd be worth the 3 hour drive, @The LBC? this is your coast, gimme advice

DEFY puts on some great shows.  I went to one that just happened to line up with an education conference I was up in Seattle for ("by lined up" I mean I stayed out way past when I was expected to and was basically running on Saturday morning and most of the first day of the conference on like 3 hours sleep).  Closest thing to a PWG show I've been to other than PWG.  my buddy and I are going to Wrestle Summit at the end of next month in Wilmington, where the regular local promotion that I've kicked some story stuffs to (PCW Ultra) is hosting them.  Isn't Ultimo Dragon on that Seattle card too?

If you don't go to that one, I'd definitely get tickets to the April show in Portland if I were you.

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22 hours ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Tye asked for his release tonight.

Didnt he just get engaged to Peyton?

Well, yeah he did, but can you even remember the last time you saw him on TV?  He wasn't even used in the Rumble.  More than likely, since it looks (or at least they're trying to make it look like) like they hit the reset button, he was likely in that small group of guys on the main roster who were tabbed to be put back in NXT for a second run there (and it's been pretty well known for a while that Tye was someone that Vince flatly didn't understand why he was so popular).  And given that he just got engaged and wouldn't be traveling with the Smackdown folks any longer, if he was going to be "away from Peyton" he might as well do it where he could stand to make more money (as I don't anticipate that the folks being sent back to NXT are goign to be in any position to expect raises any time soon).  Just my guess.

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19 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Well, yeah he did, but can you even remember the last time you saw him on TV? 

Well he had a hand injury in October and was only able to return this month, so that’s part of why.

He’s been off TV in an actual wrestling capacity since winning (by DQ) against Nak on September 25th. Prior to that, July 17, and May 29th.

So yeah, I get him wanting out to somewhere else. 

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On 2/20/2019 at 7:22 PM, Troy Brown said:

Thinking about heading up to Seattle early next month to see DEFY... billing Tajiri vs Super Crazy, an Ultimo Dragon appearance and Shane Strickland vs Darby Allin (I thought Strickland was WWE bound?) but only GA standing room is available... given most of the shows I've been to in new england have looked like this: maxresdefault.jpg

do you think it'd be worth the 3 hour drive, @The LBC? this is your coast, gimme advice

How insanely small is that ring?

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