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8 hours ago, The LBC said:

Impact airs their Super Cards on free TV, they're not really a valid comparison here.  I never said NJPW was the indies, however I did point out that NJPW hasn't booked the top 3 guys in the company in singles matches on non-Super-Cards outside of the G1 Climax tournament.  It hasn't happened; you're welcome to go back and look at their match histories since Omega established himself as one of the top 3 guys in the company, it's backed up in the data.

I think you need to go back and actually read (or re-read because it doesn't seem to have actually processed) what I wrote, because you're personalizing this to be about you when I was speaking in a much broader sense, particularly with regard to the sour grapes bit.

Yes, I outright said Vince has his likes and dislikes and is gonna book things his way.  Contrary to what people like to tell themselves, Vince doesn't completely ignore the fans - it just takes longer to sink in with some guys and others, if he flat out doesn't see it, they literally have to kick the door down several times over.

What you've still yet to illustrate is where there's any evidence outside of what seems to be some belief that Vince doesn't like them (which, furthermore, isn't evidenced) that Joe/Bryan is going to be written off and never touched again.  If Vince didn't see money in Bryan he would have just let his contract run out and not let him back in the ring (he's done that before, even when guys weren't injured).  You don't get put in a match with a McMahon at Wrestlemania if Vince doesn't see anything in you.  Does Vince see that Bryan is the biggest (in terms of most over) star in the company right now?  No.  I don't know if he sees Bryan as "the guy," and I also don't think that the current run that Rollins is having (which is borderline HBK main eventer breakout) is helping that either because Rollins is younger and has a better physique than Bryan - and Rollins also has Hunter in his corner.  Not being seen as "the guy" doesn't equate to him suddenly being on the same level in Vince's mind as a Rusev or Cesaro, not even close.  And Joe wouldn't be being given the freedom he's been given with his promos (those are Joe promos, not Vince's scripting crap) if Vince didn't think very highly of him.

You’re not even bringing up my argument. This was never an a indictment on how I felt about Joe and DB.

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The idiots with DirecTV cut out ElRey last year during LU season. They brought it back and have been catching up..

It is so far and beyond any other wrestling program. Caught up all the way to the Marty/Phoenix hair-mask match, which was a tremendous match and storytelling saga. Couple more shows to go. And then the new season fires up on the 13th of this month.

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8 hours ago, pollino14 said:

You’re not even bringing up my argument. This was never an a indictment on how I felt about Joe and DB.

How am I not?  You said 


They do it all too often. The whole ‘you dint use that match on TV’ is so played out. The roster top to bottom is the most we’ve ever seen, so naturally there’s gonna be ppv caliber matches on tv. And while the talent is there, wrestling isn’t as popular as it was and while there’s a lot of great matches and feuds to be had there are very few that can compare with ‘the matches that you save for ppv’ in the past.

Bryan versus Joe - or any singles match-up any 2 of your of your top 3 most popular male talents - is exactly the rare sort of feud that you refer to in the final sentence though.  Not just for the sake of the draw for also for, and this is where I'd contend Vince may be inadvertently looking out for the fans (and others with a bit more sense than him are just not upsetting the apple cart because they actually realize this), it's a match that fans will insist on being lengthy (25+ minutes) and that's simply not going to happen on a 2-hour television program - at least not while Vince is booking because he needs to find ways to shoehorn as much of the talent into each show as possible.  This match, Ronda vs Charlotte (I would have said Ronda vs Asuka too, but they need to re-fire Asuka because she's legit been booked/treated since Mania like just another woman on the roster - the special-ness just hasn't felt there).  I'm not saying that Bryan and Joe (or Seth) are Rock and Austin or Hogan and Andre, but they need to still be treated that way (by the bookers) because they're the closest thing they've got right now.  Brock's been allowed to appear maybe 3 months out of the year all added up and while there's mystique there, that's special attraction not headliners (he might be a headliner one the few events he appears on, but he only sporadically helps your business model, he's not consistently doing it anymore; pretty much same with Cena - effectively, they're Triple H... or what Vince - or Foley - was during the Ruthless Aggression era).

You said it yourself, the roster is deeper than it's been in memory, that's precisely WHY you can save Bryan/Joe for a major PPV and put it on a slow-burn, because there are a number of other match-ups you can give the two in the interim while you continue to build the anticipation.  Part of what has been a real drag to a lot of these PPV matches is because by the time we hit the PPV, we've seen the damn match 3 or 4 different times already in the build-up because they've been booked against each other in tag matches, threeways, fourways, so when they finally touch and start throwing blows in the middle of the ring at the PPV it's nothing new.

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On 6/1/2018 at 10:51 AM, PARROTHEAD said:

The idiots with DirecTV cut out ElRey last year during LU season. They brought it back and have been catching up..

It is so far and beyond any other wrestling program. Caught up all the way to the Marty/Phoenix hair-mask match, which was a tremendous match and storytelling saga. Couple more shows to go. And then the new season fires up on the 13th of this month.

Wait until you see Ultimat Lucha Tres. Fox vs Killshot was insane 

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7 hours ago, pollino14 said:

Wait until you see Ultimat Lucha Tres. Fox vs Killshot was insane 

Im on the last hour of that.

I had to zip through parts of that match. While insane. What they were willing to do to themselves was sheer stupidity.  Their following match, when they teamed up with Mack for the 6man titles. Their backs still looked like ground hamburger.  

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8 hours ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Im on the last hour of that.

I had to zip through parts of that match. While insane. What they were willing to do to themselves was sheer stupidity.  Their following match, when they teamed up with Mack for the 6man titles. Their backs still looked like ground hamburger.  

Both were freaking nuts. My favorite hardcore match I believe 

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8 hours ago, steelcurtain29 said:

I hate when people hate on a wrestling just because of their time in the WWE. 


People need to realize how stale and generic the WWE product is and realize it's not the superstar that's the issue.

I agree 100%. These performers are handcuffed in all respects, in ring, their character, promos etc. Most of these guys have little say in their character. When people fail, I blame most of it on creative. 


For those who don't know Mike Kanellis' work; in ROH, Impact, the Indies, he worked as Mike Bennett and he was phenomenal. Absolute total package, great in the ring, character and promos. This guy could easily have a Miz-like career being the man of the mid card, zero question about it. He's been healthy for quite some time now, and have done nothing with him. 

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5 hours ago, pollino14 said:

I agree 100%. These performers are handcuffed in all respects, in ring, their character, promos etc. Most of these guys have little say in their character. When people fail, I blame most of it on creative. 


For those who don't know Mike Kanellis' work; in ROH, Impact, the Indies, he worked as Mike Bennett and he was phenomenal. Absolute total package, great in the ring, character and promos. This guy could easily have a Miz-like career being the man of the mid card, zero question about it. He's been healthy for quite some time now, and have done nothing with him. 

Its a shame what theyve done to him. He was thought of enough in TNA to end EC3s win streak. And had a great gimmick going in dueling with EC on the mic. Hes as good a heel mic worker as Owens with all the facial expressions and vocal fluctuations. To me, hes Seth, but with those mic skills. My biggest knock on Seth is he cant fluctuate vocally, everything is monotone and comes off as sounding the same all the time. Id like to of seen him in Dolphs role with Drew.

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3 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Its a shame what theyve done to him. He was thought of enough in TNA to end EC3s win streak. And had a great gimmick going in dueling with EC on the mic. Hes as good a heel mic worker as Owens with all the facial expressions and vocal fluctuations. To me, hes Seth, but with those mic skills. My biggest knock on Seth is he cant fluctuate vocally, everything is monotone and comes off as sounding the same all the time. Id like to of seen him in Dolphs role with Drew.

That’s a perfect way to describe Seth too. He does sound exactly the same. 

Ive said this for awhile, the WWE has too much talent. There’s simply not enough time to fit everyone in, but Mike Bennett isn’t a guy who should suffer. And going back to the original point he was given a character that would be hard for anyone to succeed with .

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