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15 minutes ago, big_palooka said:

This experience has taught me that draft social media is too emotional (my self included). Fact is, we don't evaluate talent for a living. We soak up what the media says, "research" draft twitter and youtube and mostly form our assumption based somewhere in there.

Easy to hate the Miller pick because he wasn't highly touted in social media circles. But he fills one of the biggest needs for 2018 and beyond. Maybe he flops or maybe he's like the C Dallas "reached" on in 2013 who is now a 4 time pro bowl player and all-pro.

One things for sure. Gruden zero'd in on fixing the right side of the Oline and traded for a deep threat. He's going to open this offense up and throw the ball around the yard.

Trust the process is all we can do.


Freaking thank you

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17 minutes ago, SimonGruber said:

According to Vic Tafur the Rm side and his team wanted Derwin James and Gruden “ faction “ if you will wanted and took Miller

This is why I don't expect Reggie sticks around much longer. Gruden is 100% in control and running the draft. That whole "working together" thing they keep trying to feed fans is nonsense. Also, RM would never trade a 3rd round pick for a 2 strike WR on the last year of his contract.

McKenzies people will start being let go after the draft, watch. 

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40 minutes ago, big_palooka said:

This experience has taught me that draft social media is too emotional (my self included). Fact is, we don't evaluate talent for a living. We soak up what the media says, "research" draft twitter and youtube and mostly form our assumption based somewhere in there.

Easy to hate the Miller pick because he wasn't highly touted in social media circles. But he fills one of the biggest needs for 2018 and beyond. Maybe he flops or maybe he's like the C Dallas "reached" on in 2013 who is now a 4 time pro bowl player and all-pro.

One things for sure. Gruden zero'd in on fixing the right side of the Oline and traded for a deep threat. He's going to open this offense up and throw the ball around the yard.

Trust the process is all we can do.


Hey BP, agree ,trust the process. And to be honest i don't see it at such a massive reach. Apparently Gruden wanted to upgrade the OT's, which makes a lot of sense. I would have loved to see us trade down to 20-22 and then pick Milller, however i can also understand why our FO didn't want to be to cute trying to get a 3rd round pick with the risk of losing out on the OT.

This is what i wrote about it in the miller thread.


Just trying to be the devil's advocate here:

It is a nice soundbit to call the guy not a first rounder, but every mock draft from the 11 media 'experts' on nfl.com had Miller in the 1st round, ranging from 17 to 31 with an average of 23rd


People are acting like this pick doesn't make sense, and we reached for a 2nd-3rd round guy. I don't see it that way, i can see the logic to want to protect your franchise QB and he clearly was considered a 1st round guy. We have a franchise QB, but no RT and a 35 year old LT coming of a foot injury, and we just drafted an OT 15th overall who was unanimiously expected to go in the first around ~23. I can also see why protecting your QB is considered a priority/premium compared to alternative positions of need. That doesn't seem that strange to me.

That doesn't mean i'm happy with the pick, both the value of the trade down as well as the spot where we picked Miller were not optimal. But apparently there wasnt much competition for Arizona (i mean with competition you should be able to land a 2nd round pick), and our management apparently felt it was to much of a risk to trade down again in the 20's and might see Miller gone.



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18 minutes ago, big_palooka said:

This is why I don't expect Reggie sticks around much longer. Gruden is 100% in control and running the draft. That whole "working together" thing they keep trying to feed fans is nonsense. Also, RM would never trade a 3rd round pick for a 2 strike WR on the last year of his contract.

McKenzies people will start being let go after the draft, watch. 

Hmmm not sure.

Miller imo is a pick comparable to some picks in an area of need RM made before where we believed to see upside that we can coach up. For example Menelik Watson.

Same with the free agent signings. Yes they are older and not spectacular. But RM also signed guys like Brisel and Nate Allen to massive contracts, or older guys like Gurode, Lofton, Porter,  etc.

Bryant is the first time he spend a higher draft pick on such a risky guy on the last year of his contract. Looks like a Gruden trade, but maybe RM feels Bryant is 1st round pick talent?

I guess we have to wait and see how things play out.

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Gesicki is a possibility.

In reply to the "we're not getting a good comp pick for Bryant because he won't get a high end contract" - then we can sign him. No prob as long as the money is year to year. I agree it's too high of a pick for the guy, but it's probably because he is young and can actually play. Junk players get traded for 6ths. 

Not that I know anything, but a list of guys I would be happy with in the 2nd:

Gesicki, Sutton, Landry, M. Hurst, Guice, Kirk

I personally have no problem picking for offense. We've got to face we're not overloading defensive picks again, James is gone, and we'll have to hope we just stack up defenders in the late rounds hoping for a few actual players. 


Wow, we are going to see some sort of cut fest soon. We have next to 0 spots open for UDFAs.  

On an unrelated note, I would have no problem with Gabe Jackson somehow being traded for a 3rd today. And Feliciano strolling into that spot. Not that there's any indication whatsoever it will happen. But Feliciano next to Miller might actually make our right side good at run blocking. 

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2nd round tiered wants -

First tier
RB Guice
DE Green
DL Hurst
CB - Jackson Davis Oliver Alexander

2nd tier
DT BJ Hill
DE Hubbard
DT Settle
DT Phillips


TE Gesicki, TE Goedart, RB Jones

Top 5 WR - Ridley, Sutton, Kirk, Miller, Washington (less likely after the Bryant trade)

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I don't know much about Miller but I will say I didn't see him making it past the Pats at 23.  He was their main target as he would have been the prefect fit to replace Soldier.  Pure assumption on my part but if I am right and the Pats wanted him he must not be terrible as many on here are projecting.  There must have been a major drop off in talent after Miller according to the Raiders board.  I will say I would rather have Miller and Bryant than Mcglinchy.  

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2 hours ago, big_palooka said:

This experience has taught me that draft social media is too emotional (my self included). Fact is, we don't evaluate talent for a living. We soak up what the media says, "research" draft twitter and youtube and mostly form our assumption based somewhere in there.

Easy to hate the Miller pick because he wasn't highly touted in social media circles. But he fills one of the biggest needs for 2018 and beyond. Maybe he flops or maybe he's like the C Dallas "reached" on in 2013 who is now a 4 time pro bowl player and all-pro.

One things for sure. Gruden zero'd in on fixing the right side of the Oline and traded for a deep threat. He's going to open this offense up and throw the ball around the yard.

Trust the process is all we can do.


Glad to see you step back from the ledge. Patience is a virtue.  I know it's tough for us Raider fans.

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5 minutes ago, holyghost said:

Wow, we are going to see some sort of cut fest soon. We have next to 0 spots open for UDFAs. 

Understatement of the year. With Miller, we have 92 guys on the roster with 12 remaining picks. After the draft we have to cut 14 guys just to get into camp.

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13 minutes ago, NightTrainLane said:

Where did Tafur say this?

I know you will probably disagree with me but if you read between the lines he said the debate was Derwin James and Miller we know there is two draft boards. It came out Gruden has final say 

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5 minutes ago, NightTrainLane said:

Understatement of the year. With Miller, we have 92 guys on the roster with 12 remaining picks. After the draft we have to cut 14 guys just to get into camp.

I count 79 right now which includes K. Miller and M. Bryant.

Which puts us at 91 after the draft. Gotta cut someone just to sign the draft class. And cut a whole crop of guys to sign a UDFA class. Good news is that there are plenty of cuttable names. 

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