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The Massacre at Father Anthony's Chapel - D3 starts Sunday @ 10am EST


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At 6:29 PM

16 hours ago, Darth Pees said:

formulating my vote based on who didn't have Lamar Jackson as a top 5 QB in 5 years. brb.


At 7:22 PM

15 hours ago, Woz said:

Okay is it me, or is it suspicious that Darth Pees says he's going to formulate his vote and "brb" ... and doesn't return? Checking the larder to see if the flesh is ripe yet?

At 7:30 PM (next post in thread)

15 hours ago, Darth Pees said:

Ha, I went to check and then my GF reminded me we had to take our dog to the vet for a check up.

Anyways, since none of you have posted in that thread, I'm going to need everyone to tell me their thoughts on Lamar Jackson in 5 years and if he's a top 5 QB. Whicker is already on thin ice with his comparison to Josh "I'm not even good in the Mountain West" Allen.


He just happened to go to the vet and get back 8 minutes after me questioning? Riiiiiiiiiight ...

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10:59 AM

1 hour ago, bcb1213 said:


11:02 AM

1 hour ago, MookieMonster said:

I check in to start reading up and this is what I see. Shame.

Likewise ... suspect.

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Just now, Woz said:

10:59 AM

1 hour ago, bcb1213 said:


11:02 AM

1 hour ago, MookieMonster said:

I check in to start reading up and this is what I see. Shame.

Likewise ... suspect.

Further suspect-ness:

dome opens the game at 11:55 AM yesterday, Mookie enters within 10 minutes ... but then doesn't show at all for a full day, until called out? SUS-PECT.

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10 minutes ago, Woz said:

At 6:29 PM


At 7:22 PM

At 7:30 PM (next post in thread)


He just happened to go to the vet and get back 8 minutes after me questioning? Riiiiiiiiiight ...

I know it's hard to believe someone can go to the vet and be back in an hour, but....



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11 minutes ago, Woz said:

Further suspect-ness:

dome opens the game at 11:55 AM yesterday, Mookie enters within 10 minutes ... but then doesn't show at all for a full day, until called out? SUS-PECT.

Had a Track meet yesterday, simply a coincidence which is why I posted. 

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Some people that need to explain their actions to date:

  • Smoke Screen candidates (posting A LOT but not contributing much if at all to finding the cannibals)
    • EliteTexan80 - (18 posts in the thread since game start, only 4 related to the game) -- you're the only one who is less than 50% on game
  • Stealth candidates ("active" in the sense that they've voted ... but that's it)
    • LetTheBallFly (1 post, 1 vote; zero further useful information)
    • Tk3 (2 posts, 2 votes; literally nothing in his posts beyond voting for people)
    • theuntouchable (1 post, 1 vote; at least gave a rationale for his vote)


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