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2 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

I was decidedly not threatening.  I was suggesting an impending threat at some point.  Like I said, I want to give you enough time, just don't take this to Thursday or something like that.  I'm cool with waiting, especially if it means Malf can get back for the Final Tribal Council. 


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Well. I've waited long enough for a response PM that never came, that said I'm not sure what I'm effecting from the response or if it would even help my decision.

@theuntouchable you were a great ally in the latter stages of this game and I hope this decision didn't lose your vote but I'm sticking with the original deal of bringing @Malfatron with me to the final two. I'll bet on tomorrow morning to give my last comments and make my case to be the survivor champion.

I know it's been said but it hasn't been said enough, thanks @Outpost31 for an amazing hosting job.

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@theuntouchable, the tribe has spoken.  Thank you for playing.

@Hockey5djh, @Malfatron, congratulations on Outwitting, Outlasting and Outplaying 26 other players.

I will wait until tomorrow to tag the members of our jury.  It is up to the members of the jury as to whether or not they want to wait for Malf to finish with his cruise.  How long do cruises last anyway?  A week?  Two weeks?

Either way, I will read the votes once all jury members vote.  

Jury members can communicate publicly, ask questions, etc.  Hockey and Malf cannot communicate privately with members of the jury.  They will have to do their campaigning IN THREAD.

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4 hours ago, Hockey5djh said:

Well. I've waited long enough for a response PM that never came, that said I'm not sure what I'm effecting from the response or if it would even help my decision.

@theuntouchable you were a great ally in the latter stages of this game and I hope this decision didn't lose your vote but I'm sticking with the original deal of bringing @Malfatron with me to the final two. I'll bet on tomorrow morning to give my last comments and make my case to be the survivor champion.

I know it's been said but it hasn't been said enough, thanks @Outpost31 for an amazing hosting job.


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@Hockey5djh congrats on making it to the final 2. As you will see in the confessionals I wrote I didn't always agree with you strategy wise, but you've been super loyal to me and to your allies in general. The fact that you chose to bring Malf in the final 2 proves that. 

@Malfatron I really enjoyed playing alongside you. It was a bumpy ride but, whether it was at my expense or to my advantage, you've played fantastic. I only regret not making it further to challenge you in some comps.

Either way, Survivor will have a deserving champion. Long live the Funky Bunch

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5 hours ago, Hockey5djh said:

Well. I've waited long enough for a response PM that never came, that said I'm not sure what I'm effecting from the response or if it would even help my decision.

@theuntouchable you were a great ally in the latter stages of this game and I hope this decision didn't lose your vote but I'm sticking with the original deal of bringing @Malfatron with me to the final two. I'll bet on tomorrow morning to give my last comments and make my case to be the survivor champion.

I know it's been said but it hasn't been said enough, thanks @Outpost31 for an amazing hosting job.

thank you, hockey. i really appreciate it. 

im sorry that i couldnt get on the internet for the comp. this is the first post i am reading coming back.

@theuntouchable i had a lot of fun playing with you, and im sad it had to end like this.


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5 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

will wait until tomorrow to tag the members of our jury.  It is up to the members of the jury as to whether or not they want to wait for Malf to finish with his cruise.  How long do cruises last anyway?  A week?  Two weeks

I should be online from here on out everyday until the end of the game, although there will be big streches in the day where i wont be able to post.

mostly, at night will be the best time

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On 8/13/2018 at 10:46 AM, ET80 said:

@Malfatron - it was a pleasure working with you. Going into it, you were a wildcard to me. Most of the players left were holdovers from BB, so I was able to figure out the best way to play against them. You were busy hosting and I initially figured you to be a threat, but you turned into one of my most reliable allies in this game. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you, and glad to see you make the final three

thanks, et80! it was excellent working with you as well! I loved our pseudo rivarly when we were on opposite tribes as well! Helped make the game a lot of fun

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6 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

@theuntouchable, the tribe has spoken.  Thank you for playing.

@Hockey5djh, @Malfatron, congratulations on Outwitting, Outlasting and Outplaying 26 other players.

I will wait until tomorrow to tag the members of our jury.  It is up to the members of the jury as to whether or not they want to wait for Malf to finish with his cruise.  How long do cruises last anyway?  A week?  Two weeks?

Either way, I will read the votes once all jury members vote.  

Jury members can communicate publicly, ask questions, etc.  Hockey and Malf cannot communicate privately with members of the jury.  They will have to do their campaigning IN THREAD.

Thanks @Outpost31 for the excellent hosting job. It’s truly been a fun time. 

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Hello jury,

First, Id like to give props to hockey for making it to the final 2. hockey was a very loyal tribemate, and i had the honor to work with him in all 3 tribes.

jury, if you choose me to win the game of survivor, you will choose me because of my challenge play, social play, ratings, and overall hard work.

challenge play: won 3 individual challenges postmerge down the stretch when i needed to, and a couple reward challenges earlier on. Also, found an immunity idol. was very helpful in team immunity challenges. Also, remained very positive in team challenges. i couldnt compete in the last comp because of this cruise, but i would have went all out.

social play: I had a lot of fun getting to know everyone, and working with you. I feel like i had a lot of comrades, and i wasnt close to being voted out at any tribal council (as far as the votes go anyway), despite being a big target. i really thank everyone for working with me and for your friendship. there were several decisions that i had to agonize over, and there were some times in this game where i felt really bad. i love playing with you guys (not just talking to jury folks here).

ratings: I think I helped on the in-thread fun (my confessionals are pretty good too, lol). I felt like i helped make a lot of moves this game, and didnt play it safe. i had a lot of fun!

Obviously, i couldnt have done it alone. Everyone in the jury has helped me to get to the end. Even people who werent in the jury. I worked with most of the people in the game in some way, shape, or form. 

Im not big on speeches or trying to sell myself. but i believe that i had more agency than hockey this game in both challenge and social game.

No matter which player you select to win, I will understand. But I do hope you consider voting me to win :)

I must have about 200 diary room sessions chronicling everything, lol. This game makes you run through a lot of emotions, and it starts with the players.

also, thank you very much @Outpost31 for running a clean and intense game 


@TedLavie it was my pleasure getting to know you this game. You are awesome in comps, and a key member of the funky bunch. You stood up for what you believed was right this game.

@Shady Slim  It was so fun working and scheming up plans with you. When our brains get scheming together, theres nobody to keep this craziness in check, lol 

@Pickle Rick It was super awesome working with you. You are a comp beast. I hope that you wont hold your eviction against me, but i understand if you do.

@Adrenaline_Flux I loved working with you. I love the fact that you were super willing to help make a big move with reckless abandon. You got screwed near the end in that comp, or you might have been sitting at the end as well.

@The Orca I loved working with you this game and getting to know you better. You are a very trustworthy person and great at comps! You had a great social game too.

@ET80 the man, the myth. Great work battling back from evictions, and making the F4! It was a pleasure working with you!

and finally, last but certainly not least....

@theuntouchable When the tribes merged to one(or whenever we were allowed to talk) we did a lot of endgame planning. You are very deserving of the Survivor title.



Edited by Malfatron
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firstly congrats to @Malfatron and @Hockey5djh

long live the funky four!! @TedLavie and i were the first two members of the jury before the remaining memebers of our alliance decided that not getting voted out was a better idea, kinda funny how that works out!!

congrats to all other jury members on going as far as we did

its been a blast playing with all of you, again, and i’ll take an open mind in to the vote. thanks again to jeff for hosting and i look real forward to both his critiques and the entries

special mention to @ET80; heck me was it fun going toe to toe with you man, you got the better of me here but i like to think given i’m me and you’re you i gave it a red hot go?, you were a more than worthy adversary and ngl probably would’ve had my vote if u made it

good luck to malf and hockey!!

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