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LeBron James to the Lakers 4 Years/$154M

brownie man

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26 minutes ago, Raves said:

Philly should ignore LeBron and look to at trying to acquire Leonard + PG.  Be a much better fit for them than LeBron.

I don't see PG coming here. I think he goes to LA unless a team gets LeBrong and has room for him. 

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12 minutes ago, mm6492 said:

I don't see PG coming here. I think he goes to LA unless a team gets LeBrong and has room for him. 

If PG didnt' want to go to a team that featured Simmons/Leonard/Embiid then he just doesn't care about winning.

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17 minutes ago, Raves said:

If PG didnt' want to go to a team that featured Simmons/Leonard/Embiid then he just doesn't care about winning.

Not saying you're wrong or i disagree, just don't see it happening. Would be a fun team, especially defensively. 

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If the Lakers just sign Lebron and George (and trade Lonzo) they’d have a pretty good starting lineup.  The following year it would be easier to stretch Deng and go after Klay.  If Klay doesn’t make all-NBA next year his max would be reasonable.

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11 hours ago, Kip Smithers said:

It’s not just about scoring though, it’s about having the ball in your hands. You got two ball dominant guys who like to control the offense and a big man who likes to iso in the post. That balance is gonna be hard to find. 

But it’s not a given where he plays. Everywhere he’s gone, he’s had everything catered to his abilities directly or indirectly. I don’t imagine that being the same. You say you’d see LeBron in the corner more (which would be completely new to him), whose to say that LeBron won’t scratch that mid way through the year and have everything run through him per usual? 

Listen, if LeBron is on your team then your team as a whole is better. I’m moreso talking the individual parts. Like how’s Embiid gonna feel with a much lesser role?  Defensively they’ll be great I have no doubt about that. And that’s not what I’m questioning.

He's also never gone to a team at the age of 34 or in year 16. LeBron is going to have to adjust his game some wherever he goes. He can't continue playing with the ball in his hands so much and running so many high pick and rolls. It's going to get to a point where he starts operating more out of the post or the elbow area. 

You like many others tend to look at this in all the negative ways but ignore just how lethal this team could be. There are some legit questions but not the ones you are referring too. Like, if Fultz still doesn't develop a jumper then will he ever be able to play alongside LeBron and Simmons? Will they be able to sign enough shooters with Belineli/Redick/Illyasova all being FAs? But I don't doubt LeBron could tweak his game where he has the ball less in his hands and starts killing it in the post. By doing that, it will preserve his career and save him a lot of energy that he wastes with his current playing style. 

As for Embiid, less iso post ups isn't a bad thing. They offense tends to get stagnant at times and it leads to a lot of turnovers and inefficient shooting nights. And you could stagger his minutes with LeBron and go exclusively to Embiid for good three to four minute stretches. I bet he will be a lot more efficient playing next to LeBron. 

And the biggest thing you ignore is LeBron will be able to close a lot of these games the 76ers lost in the playoffs. They have no legit shot creator for end of games and there was no better finisher than LeBron this season. 

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8 hours ago, DirtyDez said:

If the Lakers just sign Lebron and George (and trade Lonzo) they’d have a pretty good starting lineup.  The following year it would be easier to stretch Deng and go after Klay.  If Klay doesn’t make all-NBA next year his max would be reasonable.

Klay isn’t leaving, especially to be 3rd fiddle on Lebrons team 

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28 minutes ago, Pastor Dillon said:

Klay isn’t leaving, especially to be 3rd fiddle on Lebrons team 

I could potentially see him leaving, but if he does it's because he wants to have a go at being the man. Don't understand why he'd go from being 3rd on the Warriors to 3rd on the Lakers, unless he's developed a habit and really needs a bigger payday

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18 hours ago, seminoles1 said:

You can't.  Randle can't really be a part of this deal unless it's faked and there's 2 separate deals.  Like Randle for Leonard and then Lonzo, Kuzma, and draft picks for a 2nd rounder.

I mean, that's done multiple times before.  It's possible.

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3 hours ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

He's also never gone to a team at the age of 34 or in year 16. LeBron is going to have to adjust his game some wherever he goes. He can't continue playing with the ball in his hands so much and running so many high pick and rolls. It's going to get to a point where he starts operating more out of the post or the elbow area. 

You like many others tend to look at this in all the negative ways but ignore just how lethal this team could be. There are some legit questions but not the ones you are referring too. Like, if Fultz still doesn't develop a jumper then will he ever be able to play alongside LeBron and Simmons? Will they be able to sign enough shooters with Belineli/Redick/Illyasova all being FAs? But I don't doubt LeBron could tweak his game where he has the ball less in his hands and starts killing it in the post. By doing that, it will preserve his career and save him a lot of energy that he wastes with his current playing style. 

As for Embiid, less iso post ups isn't a bad thing. They offense tends to get stagnant at times and it leads to a lot of turnovers and inefficient shooting nights. And you could stagger his minutes with LeBron and go exclusively to Embiid for good three to four minute stretches. I bet he will be a lot more efficient playing next to LeBron. 

And the biggest thing you ignore is LeBron will be able to close a lot of these games the 76ers lost in the playoffs. They have no legit shot creator for end of games and there was no better finisher than LeBron this season. 

LeBron is still considered by most the best player in the league. He has an ego, he may be like “why should I as the best player adjust?” I’ll believe it when I see it. Kobe never adjusted his game at this age. LeBron has never been committed to the post. People have clamored for him to go the post for yearsss and he’s been so so in his commitment. 

If Fultz develops a jumper or not it’s still 3 ball dominant guys. Can it be lethal if it all clicks? Sure. But i feel it’ll be more of the same where these young players growth are stagnated. LeBron has never really gelled with young players. I think these are legit questions because of style play that is trying to be meshed. Those of their issues you mentioned are clear and I didn’t feel the need to bring that up. 

My whole issue is with Bron and how he will play because he’s gonna be doing something new. I think the best way it works is if Simmons is the primary ballhandler. Integrating Fultz is gonna be a challenge too.

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He is the best player in the league, but he is also entering his 16th season. Do you really believe he could continue to play this same style for the next three or four years? Either he adjusts his game or his body falls apart. And Kobe did adjust his game. He was more on the perimeter earlier in his career and then started operating in the post during the latter part of his career. And that was a big reason he was so dominant 17 seasons in which is unheard of for a perimeter player. 

Simmons will still be able to handle the ball plenty. That's not going to change. What is going to change is the 76ers will go from averaging the most passes in the league to average at best with LeBron. That's not exactly a bad thing either as it leads to less turnovers. And LeBron doesn't have to operate primarily off the post, just more than he did this past season. In Miami by year two and three, he was in the post a lot more than any part of his career. So he could certainly could do it even though he doesn't prefer it. He's still super human but his athleticism is only going to dip from here on out. LeBron is a smart guy and will tweak his game accordingly to continue being elite for as long as he could. 

Just imagine LeBron running a pick and roll with Simmons and Simmons catching it on the roll with Redick/Saric/or any other shooter in the corner. The offense will have so much potential, but it will take all three guys sacrificing some part of their game. Or a LeBron/Embiid pick and roll/pop which he could do both of them. A guy like Love is strictly a pick and pop guy, and a damn good one, but Embiid would be able to do both. Simmons also is a great cutter and has a high BBIQ and will be able to be effective even if LeBron has the ball at the top of the key. 

This would work, but they will need to sign some shooters, preferably Redick. 

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7 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

This would work, but they will need to sign some shooters, preferably Redick. 

The problem is if they sign LeBron, the most the Sixers could offer Redick is the Miami Heat exception.  And I believe that's projected around $4.4M.  Redick should easily get double that, if not triple that on a long-term deal.

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